List of short stories by Alice Munro

This is a list of short stories written by Alice Munro. It includes stories that were published in single-author collections (books), the first story ever published, "The Dimensions of a Shadow" (1950), and other stories having appeared elsewhere.

Short Stories by title (sortable)

Some of the data in the list below are still needed in this spreadsheet, e.g., which journal a story was published in.


  • s96 = Selected Stories – 1996
  • s03 = No Love Lost – 2003
  • s04 = Vintage Munro – 2004
  • s06 = Alice Munro's Best: A Selection of Stories – Toronto 2006/ Carried Away: A Selection of Stories – New York 2006; both with an introduction by Margaret Atwood
  • s11 = New Selected Stories – 2011, published in 2014 as Lying under the Apple Tree. Selected Stories (Vintage, London)

a = in an anthology at about this time
f = first published in a collection (most likely a journal publication came later)
s = selected again for the compilation of the year given

Title See also Journal
A Basket of Strawberries 1953-11
A Queer Streak x
A Real Life 1992-02-10 x
A Trip to the Coast x
A Wilderness Station 1992-04-27 x s s
Accident 1977-11 x
Age of Faith x
Ally and Lizzy x
Amundsen (short story)de; 2012-08-27 Web x
An Ounce of Cure x
At the Other Place 1955-09
Axis 2011-01-31
Baptizing x
Bardon Bus x x
Before the Change 1998-08-24 x
Boys and Girls (Web)de; 1964[1] x
Carried Away (short story) de; 1991-10-21 x s s s s
Chaddeleys and Flemings I: The Connection 1979[2] x s
Chaddeleys and Flemings II: The Stone in the Field 1979-04 x s
Chance 2004-06-14 x s
Changes and Ceremonies x
Characters 1978
Child's Play x
Circle of Prayer 1986 x
Comfort x
Connection 1978-11
Corrie (short story) de; 2010-10-11 Web x
Cortes Island 1998-10-12 x
Dance of the Happy Shades 1961[2]x s
Day of the Butterfly 1956[3] x
Dear Life (short story) de; 2011-09-19 Web x
Deep-Holes 2008-06-30 Web x s
Differently (short story) 1989-01-02 x s s s
Dimensions (short story)de; 2006-06-05 Web x s
Dolly 2012-05-29 x
Dulse 1980-07-21 x a s
Epilogue: The Photographer x
Eskimo 1985-12 x
Executioners x
Face (short story) 2008-09-08 Web x
Family Furnishings x s
Fathers x
Fiction (short story) de; 2007-08 x
Fits 1986[2] x s
Five Points 1988-03-14 x
Floating Bridge 2000-07-31 x
Forgiveness in Families x s
Free Radicals (short story) de; 2008-02-11 Web x s
Friend of My Youth (short story)de;1990-01-22 x s s
Goodbye Myra 1956-07
Goodness and Mercy 1989-03-20 x
Gravel (short story)de; 2011-06-27 Web x
Half a Grapefruit 1978-05 x
Hard-Luck Stories x
Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage (short story) de; x s s s s
Haven 2012-03-05 x
Heirs of the Living Body x
Hired Girl 1994-04-11 x s
Hold Me Fast, Don't Let Me Pass 1988-12 x
Home Web, 2006 de; 1974 x
How Could I Do That? 1956-03
How I Met My Husband 1974-02 x
Illinois x
Images x s
In Sight of the Lake de; 2012-02-22[4] x
Jakarta de; x
Jesse and Meribeth x
Labor Day Dinner 1981-09-28 x s
Leaving Maverley de; 2011-11-28 x
Lichen 1985-07-15 x s
Lives of Girls and Women x
Lying Under the Apple Tree 2002-06-17 x s
Marrakesh x
Material 1973-11 x s
Memorial x
Meneseteung de; 1988-01-11 x s s
Messenger x
Miles City, Montana 1985-01-14 x s s
Mischief 1978-04 x s
Monsieur les Deux Chapeaux x
Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Kidd x
My Mother's Dream x s
Nettles 2000-02-21 x
Night (short story) de; 2012-Spring[5] x
No Advantages x
Oh, What Avails 1987-11-16 x
Open Secrets 1993-02-08 x
Oranges and Apples 1988-10-24 x
Passion (short story) de; 2004-03-22 Web x
Pictures of the Ice 1990-01 x
Post and Beam 2000-12-11 x
Postcard 1968[2] x s
Powers x
Pride 2011-04 x
Princess Ida x
Privilege x
Providence 1977-08 x
Prue 1981-03-30 x
Queenie (short story) 1998-07-30 Web x
Red Dress1946 /The Red Dress -1973-03 f
Rich as Stink x
Royal Beatings 1977-03-14 x s
Runaway (short story)de; 2003-08-11 Web x s
Save the Reaperde; 1998-06-22 x s
Silence 2004-06-14 x s
Simon's Luck 1978[6] x s s
Some Women 2008-12-22 x
Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You 1974[2] x s
Soon 2005-06-14 x s
Spaceships Have Landed x
Spelling 1978-06-17 x
Story for Sunday 1950-12
Sunday Afternoon x
Tell Me Yes or No 1974-03 x
Thanks for the Ride x
The Albanian Virgin de;1994-06-27 /07-04 x s s s
The Bear Came Over the Mountain de; 1999-12-27 /2000-01-03 Web x s s s
The Beggar Maid 1977-06-27 x s
The Children Stay 1997-12-22 x s s
The Dangerous One 1957-07
The Dimensions of a Shadow 1950-04
The Edge of Town 1955-08
The Eye (short story) de; x
The Ferguson Girls Must Never Marry 1982
The Flats Road x
The Found Boat x
The Idyllic Summer 1954-08
The Jack Randa Hotel 1993-07-19 x
The Love of a Good Woman (short story) de; 1996-12-23 x s s
The Moon in the Orange Street Skating Rink 1986-03-31 x
The Moons of Jupiter (short story) de; 1978-05-22 x s s s
The Office x
The Ottawa Valley 1974[2] x s
The Peace of Utrecht x
The Progress of Love (short story) de; 1985-10-07 x s s s
The Shining Houses x
The Spanish Lady x
The Ticket x
The Time of Death x
The Turkey Season 1980-12-29 x s s
The View from Castle Rock de; 2005-08-29 x s
The Widower 1951-04
The Wilds of Morris Township x
To Reach Japan de; x
Too Much Happiness 2009-08 x
Train (short story) de; 2012-04 Web x
Trespasses x
Tricks x
Vandals 1993-10-04 x s s
Visitors 1982-04 x
Voices (short story) de; x
Walker Brothers Cowboy 1968[2] x s
Walking on Water x
Wenlock Edge (short story) de; 2005-12-05 Web x
What Do You Want to Know For? 1994[7] a x
What is Remembered 2001-01-19 x
White Dump 1986-07-28 x s
Who Do You Think You Are? x
Wigtime 1989-09-04 x
Wild Swans 1978-04 x s
Winter Wind x
Wood (short story) (Web, 2009) de; 1980-11-24 x
Working for a Living 1981-08 x

Short stories by title

This list contains some extra information compared with the table above.

Short stories in anthologies

Works by Munro that appeared in anthologies may be more difficult to locate than those that were published in journals or in Munro's original collections but they are likely to be numerous. Please add.

Alice Munro's short-story collections

Short stories by short-story compilation

Selected Stories (1996)

No Love Lost (2003)

Selected and with an afterword by Jane Urquhart

Vintage Munro (2004)

according to this Table of Contents

Alice Munro's Best: A Selection of Stories, XVIII, 509 p. (Toronto 2006/2008)/ Carried Away: A Selection of Stories, XXXV, 559 p. (New York 2006)

With an introduction by Margaret Atwood

New Selected Stories (2011)

From The Love of a Good Woman (1998)

From Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage (2001)

From Runaway (2004)

From The View from Castle Rock (2006)

From Too much happiness (2009)

Vintage Munro (2014)

According to the Buffalo & Erie County Library [20]


  1. see title of study by Reingard M. Nischick, (Un-)Doing Gender: Alice Munro, 'Boys and Girls' (1964), in: The Canadian short story. Interpretations. Edited by Reingard M. Nischik, Rochester, NY: Camden House 2007, pp. 203–218. ISBN 978-1-57113-127-0
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Bibliographical Note, in: Alice Munro: Selected Stories. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1996, pp. 547–548.
  3. originally as "Goodbye Myra"
  4. 1 2
  5., beginning of the story
  6. originally as "Emily"
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Alice Munro/Walter Martin reference materials. Finding Aid : GA 85. Special Collections, University of Waterloo Library. Series 1.3 : Works by Alice Munro : Published : Short Stories Published Separately
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Allan Weiss (compiler), A comprehensive bibliography of English Canadian short stories, 1950–1983, Toronto: ECW Press, 1988, ISBN 0-920763-67-7
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Carol L. Beran, The Luxury of Excellence: Alice Munro in the New Yorker, in The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro, edited by Robert Thacker, ECW Press, Toronto 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5, pp. 204–231, footnote 1, p. 227–228.
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Alice Munro, Dance of the Happy Shades and other stories, Published by Vintage 2000, bibliographical notice, backside of the title page.
  11. Ian McGillis found that reading Alice Munro's latest short story Axis, in the January 31 issue of The New Yorker, completely distracted him from the world events (Egypt) that had so absorbed him
  12. Year also given in title of study by Reingard M. Nischick, (Un-)Doing Gender: Alice Munro, 'Boys and Girls' (1964), in The Canadian short story. Interpretations. Edited by Reingard M. Nischik, Rochester, NY: Camden House 2007, pp. 203–218. ISBN 978-1-57113-127-0
  13. 1 2 3 Alice Munro, Dear Life, first Vintage international open-market edition, July 2013, page on the left of the table of contents.
  14. Mentioned in the Editorial of Tin House Issue 29 May 2012
  15. Summary
  17. not even an abstract
  18. Reference found in ABELL
  19. Rita Charon, "The Novelization of the Body, or, How Medicine and Stories Need One Another", in: Narrative, Vol 19, No. 1 (January 2011), pp. 33–50.
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