List of shorthand systems

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

This is a list of shorthands, both modern and ancient. Currently, only one shorthand (Duployan) has been given an ISO code, in preparation for inclusion in the Unicode Standard, although the Tironian et has already been included in Unicode.

Script name ISO 15924 Year created Creator Primary languages Notes
Alpha Hand[1]
Dement's Aristography [3][4] 1896 Isaac Strange Dement
Bezenšek Shorthand [5] 1923 Anton Bezenšek German
Boyd's Syllabic Shorthand [6] 1903 Robert Boyd
Carissimi Shorthand[7] 1940 Juan Antonio Carissimi Spanish
Current Shorthand [8] 1892 Henry Sweet
Century 21 Shorthand[9]
Caton Scientific Shorthand [10][11] Thomas Jasper Caton
Dacomb Shorthand [12] 1934 B. E. Dacomb
Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift [13] 1924 used in Germany
Duployé Shorthand[14] Dupl 755 1868 Émile Duployé French, English, Chinook Jargon
Dutton Speedwords [15] 1922 Reginald J. G. Dutton intended as an International auxiliary language
EasyScript Speed Writing[16]
Eclectic Shorthand [17] 1878 J.G. Cross
Ford Improved Shorthand [18] Michael Ford
Forkner shorthand [19] 1952 Hamden L. Forkner
Gabelsberger shorthand [20] 1817 (approx.) Franz Xaver Gabelsberger
Gregg Shorthand [21] 1888 John Robert Gregg
Gregg Computer Shorthand /
Productivity Plus[22]
Groote [23] A.W. Groote Dutch
Handywrite [24] Eric Lee English Similar to Gregg.
Herout-Mikulík [25] Alois Herout and Svojmír Mikulík Czech used in the Czech parliament
Keyscript Shorthand [26] Janet Cheeseman English Alphabetical shorthand based on Pitman
Malone Shorthand[27]
Melin Shorthand [28] 1880 Olof Werling Melin Swedish dominant Shorthand system in Sweden
Merrill Shorthand[29][30] 1942 Albert Merrill English also called ABC shorthand
Munson Shorthand [31] 1867 James Eugene Munson
National Simplex Shorthand [32] 1919 Rev. Percival Hubert Chase
New Art of Real Shorthand [33] 1919 John Malham-Dembleby
New Rapid [34] 1890 C.E. McKee
Paragon Shorthand [35] 1895 A. Lichtentag
Personal Shorthand[36] Carl W. Salser, C. Theo Yerian, Mark R. Salser English originally called "Briefhand"
Pitman Shorthand [37] 1837 Isaac Pitman English
Polygraphy [38] 1747 Aulay Macaulay
Reformed Phonetic Short-Hand [39] 1868 Andrew J. Marsh
Simson Shorthand [40] James Simson
Speedwriting [41] 1924 Emma Dearborn English
Stiefografie[42] 1966 Helmut Stief German used in Germany
Teeline Shorthand [44] 1968 James Hill English
Thomas Natural Shorthand [45] 1935 Charles A. Thomas English
Bakerwrite 2004 Heather Baker English
Tironian notes [46] 63 BC Marcus Tullius Tiro Latin
Universal Stenography [47] 1786 Samuel Taylor
Universal English Shorthand [48] about 1740 John Byrom English
Wang-Krogdahl's system [49] 1936 Leif Wang and Olav Krogdahl used in the Norwegian parliament


  1. Rosen, Steve; Palmer, Rose (1980), Alpha hand, Dictation Disc Co, OCLC 6862153
  2. Gresham, Anne (2001), AgiliWriting : 21st century shorthand, AgiliTyping, ISBN 978-1-872968-02-5
  3. A system of shorthand writing combining the principles of straight joinable and insertable vowel strokes and curved consanant strokes, both being subject to similar rules of hooks and length
  4. Dement's Aristography 2nd edition 1906
  5. Bezenšek, Anton; Gabelsberger, Franz Xaver; International Association of Stenographers (1907), Stammbuch des Gabelsbergerschen Systems. Bezenšek, Übertragung auf die südslavischen Sprachen (in German), Wolfenbüttel, Heckner, OCLC 36477209
  6. Boyd, Robert (1903), Boyd's syllabic shorthand : an instructor and dictionary : a system of shorthand in which characters represent syllables, W.T. Moon, OCLC 36932375
  7. Carissimi, Juan Antonio; Juan Antonio Carissimi (1940), Taquigrafía Carissimi, Biblioteca Nacional (Uruguay) Missing |last2= in Authors list (help)
  8. Sweet, Henry (1892), A manual of current shorthand orthographic and phonetic by Henry Sweet, Clarendon, OCLC 250138117
  9. Christensen, Edward L (1974), Century 21 shorthand, Cincinnati, South-western Pub. Co, ISBN 978-0-538-18100-6
  10. Caton, Thomas Jasper (1918), Caton scientific shorthand, Minneapolis, Minn., The Scientific Pub. Co., OCLC 11954097
  11. Thomas Jasper Caton Scientific Shorthand 1915 edition
  12. Joy, J; Dacomb, B E; Dacomb, C T (1962), Dacomb, the Australian shorthand, Dacomb College, OCLC 220975936
  13. Czerny, Karl (1925), Umlernbuch auf die deutsche Einheitskurzschrift : Für Gabelsbergersche Stenographen (in German), Eigenverl, OCLC 72106122
  14. Perrault, Denis R; Duploye, Emile; Gueguen, Jean Pierre; Pilling, James Constantine, La sténographie Duployé adaptée aux langues des sauvages de la Baie d'Hudson, des Postes Moose Factory, de New Post, d'Albany, de Waswanipi & de Mékiskan, Amérique du Nord / [between 1889 and 1895] (in French), OCLC 35787900
  15. Dutton Speedwords dictionary : English-Speedwords and Speedwords-English, Dutton Publications, 1943, OCLC 36561079
  16. Levin, Linda (1985), Easy Script simplified, Write Protect Pub, OCLC 17474827
  17. Cross, J G (1879), Cross's eclectic short-hand: a new system, adapted both to general use and to verbatim reporting, Chicago, S.C. Griggs and Co. [1878], OCLC 2510784
  18. Ford, Michael (2011), Ford Improved Shorthand alphabet; an easy to learn and read system that is precise and uses alphabetic substitution, Elite Minds Inc,
  19. Forkner, Hamden Landon (1955), Forkner alphabet shorthand; the only system of shorthand that combinesthe best features of symbols systems with easily written longhand letters, New York, Forkner Pub. Co, OCLC 58756777
  20. Geiger, Alfred (1860), Stenography, or, Universal European shorthand on Gabelsberger's principles : as already introduced in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Greece, Italy &c, Dresden, OCLC 41010411
  21. Gregg, John Robert; Power, Pearl A (1901), Gregg shorthand dictionary, Gregg Pub. Co, OCLC 23108068
  22. Gregg computer shorthand for nonshorthand writers, New York: Gregg Division/McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1987, ISBN 978-0-07-022525-1
  23. Groote, A W (1922), Boekdrukgedeelte reporterschrift. Vervolg op Stenografie voor iedereen; een alfabetisch kortschrift (in Dutch), Amsterdam, S.L. van Looy, OCLC 38743867
  24. Lee, Erik, Missing or empty |title= (help)
  25. Mistrík, Jozef (1961), Stenografia : systém Herout-Mikulík : učebnica pre ekonomické školy a pre kurzy. 2 (in Czech), Bratislava, OCLC 320136077
  26. Cheeseman, Janet (1996), Keyscript Shorthand
  27. Script phonography, 4th edition, Script Phonography Co., Limited, 1888, OCLC 493051954
  28. Kökeritz, Helge (1929), Stenografi; Melins system (in Swedish), Hermods korrespondensinstitut, OCLC 19770187
  29. Principles of ABC shorthand, Landmark edition ; series II, Bobbs-Merrill, 1975, ISBN 978-0-672-26132-9
  30. Merrill, Albert H (1929), Merrill's business shorthand copyrighted, Los Angeles, A.H. Merrill, OCLC 28009717
  31. Munson, James Eugene (1880), Munson's system of phonography. The phrase-book of practical phonography, containing a list of useful phrases, printed in phonographic outlines; a complete and thorough treatise on the art of phraseography ... etc, New York, J.E. Munson, OCLC 51625624
  32. Chase, Percival Herbert (1919), The national simplex shorthand, Lincoln, Eng., Lincolnshire Chronicle, OCLC 45029671
  33. Malham-Dembleby, John (1919), New art of real shorthand, Eccleshill, Bradford, Eng, OCLC 7807489
  34. McKee, C E (1890), New rapid phonography : a complete connective-vowel system of short-hand, McKee Pub. House, OCLC 31366224
  35. Lichtentag, A (1895), Lichtentag's paragon shorthand, Lichtentag, OCLC 1968213
  36. Salser, Carl Walter; Yerian, C Theo (1968), Personal shorthand, National Book Co, OCLC 11720787
  37. Isaac Pitman (1937), Pitman shorthand, Toronto, OCLC 35119343
  38. Aulay Macaulay (1747), Polygraphy: or, Shorthand made easy to the meanest capacity (2 ed.), Printed for the author
  39. Marsh, Andrew J; Twain, Mark (1868), Marsh's manual of reformed phonetic short-hand: being a complete guide to the best system of phonography and verbatim reporting, San Francisco, H. H. Bancroft & Company, OCLC 6193473
  40. Simson, James (1881), Compend of syllabic shorthand: being a synopsis of the system, Ayr, Shorthand Institute, OCLC 45009130
  41. Dearborn, Emma B (1927), Speedwriting, the natural shorthand, Brief English systems, inc., OCLC 4791648
  42. Gunkel, Horst (1977), Stiefografie. Anleitung zum Selbststudium (in German), Verlag der Vereinigung Rationelle Stenografie Hanau, ISBN 3-921697-60-3
  43. Lemaster, A James; Hankin, Ellen G (1990), SuperWrite : alphabetic writing system. Brief course, South-Western Pub. Co, ISBN 978-0-538-60527-4
  44. Hill, James (1968), Teeline: a method of fast writing, London, Heinemann Educational, OCLC 112342
  45. Thomas, Charles A (1937), Thomas natural shorthand; a modern, progressive system of shorthand based on natural, already familiar writing lines, New York, Prentice-Hall, inc, OCLC 18220117
  46. Mitzschke, Paul Gottfried; Lipsius, Justus; Heffley, Norman P (1882), Biography of the father of stenography, Marcus Tullius Tiro. Together with the Latin letter, "De notis," concerning the origin of shorthand, Brooklyn, N.Y, OCLC 11943552
  47. Taylor, Samuel (1786), An essay intended to establish a standard for an universal system of stenography, London, Printed for the author, OCLC 13966685
  48. see: Ward's book of days: February 29th
  49. Wang, Leif; Flagstad, Michael; Krogdahl, Olav (1947), Stenografi, Norsk korrespondenceskole
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