List of supermarket chains in Slovenia

This is a list of supermarket chains in Slovenia.

Supermarket Market entry in Slovenia Headquartered- ownership Number of stores Slogan
Mercator 1949 Ljubljana - Agrokor (majority owner) Croatia 106 Najboljši sosed (The best neighbor)
Tuš 1989 Celje - Tuš Holding d.o.o. 107 Vedno boljši (Always better) and Vaš slovenski trgovec (Your Slovenian trader)
Lidl 2007 Neckarsulm - Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG 46 Več za vas (More for you)
Hofer 2005 Mülheim an der Ruhr - Aldi Süd 74 Več kot fer. Hofer. (More than fair. Hofer)
Spar 1991 Amsterdam - ASPIAG (Slovenia) 82 Dobro zame (Good for me)
E.Leclerc 2000 Ivry-sur-Seine 2 Pri meni doma (In my house)
EuroSpin 1993 San Martino Buon Albergo - Eurospin EKO d.o.o. (Slovenia) 45 Pametni nakup (Smart buy)
Trgovine Jager 1989 Rogaška Slatina - Jagros D.O.O. 35 Vedno poceni (Always cheap)
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