List of systems engineers
This is a list of notable systems engineers, people who were trained in or practice Systems Engineering, and made notable contributions to this field in theory or practice.
- Genrich Altshuller (1926–1998), Russian engineer and inventor of TRIZ, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving
- Arnaldo Maria Angelini (1909–1999), Italian engineer and Professor of Electrotechnics at the Sapienza University of Rome.[1]
- James S. Albus (1935–2011), American engineer, founder of NIST Intelligent Systems Division
- Fred Ascani (1917–2010), American Major General, father of Systems Engineering at Wright Field
- David G. Beshore: (born 1949) past president from 1998 to 2000 of the Los Angeles, CA Chapter of INCOSE. Senior Project Engineer for major aerospace companies in the fields of systems, software, Distributed control systems, LASERs, Energy Conversion, and the Atlas V Launch vehicle. Co-author of the CMMI. Author of several papers in Object-Oriented Systems Engineering, Software Engineering, Synchro-X Product Life Cycle Management Model, knowledge engineering, solar power, alternative fuels, and Chemical lasers. Five(5) U.S. patents.
- Benjamin Blanchard; Virginia Polytechnic Institute, SE educator, author of texts on Systems Engineering and related disciplines.[2]
- James Brill: past president in 1995 of INCOSE.
- Wernher von Braun (1912–1977), chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle.[3]
- Peter Checkland (born 1930) British management scientist and emeritus professor of Systems at Lancaster University. He is the developer of soft systems methodology (SSM): a methodology based on a way of systems thinking.
- Boris Chertok; Rocket Space Corporation "Energy", Moscow, Russia. 2004 Simon Ramo Medal winner for significant contributions to systems engineering and technical leadership of control systems design for the orbiting space station Mir.[1]
- Harold Chestnut (1918–2001) American electrical engineer and systems engineer, and the first president of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).
- John R. Clymer (born 1942) researcher, practitioner, and teacher in the field of systems engineering who was named INCOSE Fellow this year at IS 2008. He is a well-known expert in conceiving, engineering, and demonstrating computeraided design tools for context-sensitive, self-adaptive systems. He has been a member of INCOSE since the organizations origination.
- Donald A. Coggan (born ca 1945) American engineer and consultant in the field of value engineering. He developed the Intelligent Building Database in 1985, which identified the services that an intelligent building could offer, as well as the technology that would be required for these services. The database also identified which national and international markets were best suited for these services.
- Mary Cummings Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who was one of the United States Navy's first female fighter pilots.
- Kitaw Ejigu (1948–2006) Ethiopian-American NASA's chief Spacecraft and satellite Systems engineer and research scientist for Rockwell International and Boeing Company, a leading American aircraft and aerospace manufacturer. He collaborated with other scientists to create space shuttle and rockets that assisted in planetary science research and exploration. Among his greatest achievements while in NASA and Boeing are his innovative creations of the Global Positioning System or GPS and a revolutionary and dynamic flight simulator for Boeing Company.
- Wolt Fabrycky; Virginia Polytechnic Institute, SE Educator, author of texts on Systems Engineering and related disciplines.[2]
- Kevin Forsberg.[2]
- Jacque Fresco Project director at The Venus Project
- George Friedman (Systems engineer) Past president in 1994 of INCOSE
- Tom Gilb (born 1940) American systems engineer and inventor of Planguage and Evolutionary Project Management.
- Harry H. Goode (1909–1960) American computer engineer and systems engineer and was professor at University of Michigan. Until his death he was president of the National Joint Computer Committee (NJCC). With Robert Engel Machol he wrote the famous System Engineering Handbook.
- William Gosling (born ca. 1930) British electrical engineer, Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Bath, and pioneer of system design in electrical engineering
- Arthur David Hall III (1925–2006) was an American electrical engineer. He worked for years at Bell Labs. He was one of the founders of the IEEE and was among the first general systems theorists. He wrote A methodology of Systems Engineering from 1962.
- David Heebner; Consultant, McLean, VA. 2003 Simon Ramo Medal for leadership in introducing towed line array sonar systems for long range detection of submarines.[1]
- Derek Hitchins.[2] (born 1935) is a British systems engineer and was professor in engineering management, in command & control and in systems science at the Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, England.
- Eric Honour Past president in 1997 of INCOSE.
- Junichi Iijima (born August 28, 1954), Japanese computer scientist, and Professor of the Department of Industrial Management and Engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Gwilym Jenkins (1933–1982) British statistician and systems engineer. He was professor of Systems Engineering, Lancaster University, and best known for the Box–Jenkins methodology for fitting time series models.

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- Philip John (SE) PhD; Professor of Systems Engineering, Cranfield University. Formerly Head of Systems Engineering for major international company; President of INCOSE UK 2003-04.
- Clarence "Kelly" Johnson (1910–1990) American aircraft engineer and aeronautical innovator, who worked for Lockheed for more than four decades, playing a leading role in the design of over forty aircraft, and acquiring a reputation as one of the most talented and prolific aircraft design engineers of the 20th century.
- Rudolf Emil Kalman (born 1930) is an American-Hungarian mathematical system theorist, who is an electrical engineer by training.
- George Klir (born 1932) is a Czech-American computer scientist and professor of systems sciences at the Center for Intelligent Systems at the Binghamton University in New York. Author of several texts on systems, including Architecture of Systems Problem Solving.
- Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was the Russian rocket and space systems designer beating the Americans during the Cold War times "space race" by Sputnik and putting the first man in space (Gagarin). His rocket and capsule designs are in principle still in use for supplying the International Space Station (Proton, Soyuz).
- Kurt Kosanke (born ca. 1945) is a German engineer, retired IBM manager, director of the AMICE Consortium and consultant, known for his work in the field of enterprise engineering, Enterprise integration and CIMOSA
- Jerome Lake; First president in 1992 of INCOSE.
- Robert J. Lano, systems engineer at TRW corporation, and originator of the N2 chart.[4]
- Virginia Lentz; Past president in 1996 of INCOSE.
- Donald J. Leonard (b. 1933), American engineer, AT&T executive, received the 1996 IEEE Simon Ramo Medal
- Donald H. Liles (b. ca 1948) American systems engineer, Emeritus Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington
- Robert Engel Machol (1917–1998), Early American systems engineer
- Brian Mar; Professor emeritus of Civil and Systems Engineering at the University of Washington, and past president in 1993 of INCOSE.
- Richard J. Mayer (b. 1939), American engineer, developer of IDEF family of modeling languages
- John S. Mayo (b. 1930), American engineer, and seventh president of Bell Labs
- William H. McCumber; Fellow of INCOSE, President of EagleRidge Technologies, Professor of Practice at the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) Graduate School of Management and Engineering, retired from IBM Federal Systems and Loral/Lockheed; deceased 2003.
- Harold Mooz;[2] INCOSE Systems Engineering Pioneer (2001). Author of Visualizing Project Management (1996), Communicating Project Management (2003) and contributing author to The Wiley Guide to Managing Projects (2004). Recipient of the CIA Seal Medallion.
- James G. Nell (born 1938) is an American engineer, who was the principal investigator of the Manufacturing Enterprise Integration at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), known for his work on Enterprise integration.
- Hermann Oberth (1894–1989); Romanian/German space pioneer, derived basic rocket equations and described in principle all features of rockets and space stations still valid today (June 1923 he published his book "Die Rakete zu den Planetenraeumen", in 1929 "Wege zur Raumschiffahrt"). He was also mentor of Wernher von Braun.
- Tuncer Őren (born ca. 1935) is Turkish/Canadian systems engineer, professor emeritus of Computer Science at the School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) of the University of Ottawa,
- Bradford Parkinson American professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Stanford University. Simon Ramo Medal for leading the concept development and the reduction to practice the satellite-based, worldwide navigation system known as the global positioning system (GPS).[1]
- Philip M'Pherson; British systems engineer and founder of the Department of Systems Science at City University[2]
- Samuel C. Phillips (1921–1990), USAF general, and Director of NASA's Apollo Manned Lunar Landing Program.
- Ken Ptack; Jet pilot and systems engineer, and past president in 1999 of INCOSE.

- Simon Ramo (1913) is an American physicist, engineer, and business leader. He led development of microwave and missile technology and is sometimes known as the father of the Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).[2]
- Eberhardt Rechtin (1926–2006) was an American systems engineer and respected authority in aerospace systems and systems architecture .[2]
- Donna H. Rhodes; Researcher and senior lecturer in the Engineering Systems Division at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and past president in 2000 of INCOSE.
- Allen B. Rosenstein (born 1920), American systems engineers and Professor of Systems Engineering at the University of California at Los Angeles.
- Andrew P. Sage; School of Information Technology and Engineering, George Mason University. 2000 Simon Ramo Medal for outstanding contributions to the field of systems engineering.[1] Series Editor of a textbook series on Systems Engineering and Management for John Wiley & Son.[2]
- William Schoening (December 31, 1942–November 5, 2011) was a systems engineer and Technical Fellow at Boeing, and past president (1998) and Fellow of INCOSE.
- Robert Seamans was a NASA Deputy Administrator and MIT professor.
- Wade H. Shaw; Professor of Engineering of Systems at the Florida Institute of Technology and Editor of the Engineering Management Review. Fellow of the IEEE.
- Joseph Francis Shea, systems engineer on the Titan I ballistic missile, and head of the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office.[5]
- William W. Simmons (b. 1932), American physicist and development of electro-optical devices
- Nikolai Sheremetevsky; Advisor to Director, All Russia Institute for Electromechanics. 2004 Simon Ramo Medal for significant contributions to systems engineering and technical leadership of control systems design for the orbiting space station Mir.[1]
- Neil Siegel; Vice-President and Chief Engineer of the Northrop Grumman Corporation, and lead systems engineer for many US Army systems. Member of the US National Academy of Engineering. Fellow of the IEEE. Winner of the Simon Ramo Medal in 2011 for his work on the US Army's digital battlefield system.
- John Snoderly; past president of INCOSE from 2002-2004.
- Heinz Stoewer; Professor Systems Engineering and past president of INCOSE from 2004 to 2005.
- Edward Sussengeth (b. 1932), American engineer, developer of APL programming language and multiple IBM Computer systems.
- Alistair Sutcliffe (b. 1951), British engineer, and Professor at University of Manchester
- Arnold Tustin (1899–1994), British engineer, and Professor of Engineering at the University of Birmingham and at Imperial College London, who made important contributions to the development of control engineering and its application to electrical machines.
- A. Wayne Wymore (born 1927) American mathematician and systems engineer. He is founder and first Chairman of Systems and Industrial Engineering (SIE) Department at the University of Arizona.[2] He was also one of the first Fellows of International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE).
- John N. Warfield (born 1926) American electrical engineering and systems scientist, and member of the Academic Committee of the International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics
- Kevin Warwick (born 1954) Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at Coventry University. He was previously Professor of Cybernetics at the University of Reading. He is best known for his implant research linking humans and technology as a system.
- Brian Wilson (born 1933) British systems scientist and honorary professor at Cardiff University, known for his development of soft systems methodology (SSM) and enterprise modelling
See also
- List of engineers - for lists of engineers from other disciplines.
- List of systems scientists
- People in systems and control
- List of systems engineering at universities
- INCOSE Pioneer Award
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 IEEE. "IEEE Simon Ramo Medal Recipients". Retrieved 2007-05-08.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 INCOSE. "INCOSE - Pioneers". Retrieved 2007-05-09.
- ↑ NASA MSFC History Office. "Biography of Wernher Von Braun". Retrieved 2007-05-09.
- ↑ Hitchins, Derek (May 1993). Putting Systems To Work. John Wiley & Sons Inc. ISBN 0-471-93426-7.
- ↑ NASA Johnson Space Center Oral History Project. Biographical Data Sheet - Joseph Francis Shea. 16 July 1998.
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