List of tallest buildings in Milan

This list ranks Milan skyscrapers, buildings and free-standing towers that stand at least 328 feet (70 m) tall, based on standard height measurement. This includes spires and architectural details but does not include antenna masts. The "Year" column indicates the year in which a building was completed.

Rank Name Location Type Height (m) Floors Year Architect Notes
1 Unicredit Tower
Tower A
Zone 9 Office 231 35 2012 Cesar Pelli The tower is ranking as eighth in the Emporis 2012, that rewards skyscrapers for excellence in their aesthetic and functional design.[1] It's 162 m tall without the spire.
2 Il Dritto / Allianz Tower Zone 8 Office 207 50 2015 Arata Isozaki It's 247 m tall with the antenna.
3 Lo Storto / Generali Tower Zone 8 Office 185 44 2017 (U/C) Zaha Hadid
4 Il Curvo Zone 8 Mixed use 175 31 2018 (U/C) Daniel Libeskind
5 Palazzo Lombardia Zone 9 Government offices 161 39 2010 Pei Cobb Freed & Partners The building won the 2012 International Architecture Award for the best new global design.[2] Tallest building in Italy, 2009/2011.
6 Solaria Tower Zone 9 Residential 143 37 2013 Arquitectonica Tallest residential builng in Italy.
7 Diamond Tower Zone 9 Office 140 30 2012 Kohn Pederson Fox
8 Torre Rai Zone 8 Telecommunications 135 - 1952 As part of the Rai Production Centre in Milan.
9 Torre Mediaset Cologno Monzese Telecommunications 130 - 1994 As part of the Mediaset Production Centre in Cologno Monzese (Milan).
10 Pirelli Tower Zone 2 Office 127 32 1958 Giò Ponti Tallest building in EU, 1958/1966. Tallest building in Italy, 1958/1995. The building has been a model for MetLife Building in New York City and Alpha Tower in Birmingham. On the 18th of April 2002, a light airplane crashed into the 25th floor. Restoration work completed in 2005.
11 Torre Breda Zone 2 Office 117 30 1954 Luigi Mattioni Tallest building in Italy, 1954/1958. Restoration work completed in 2009.
12 Bosco Verticale
Tower E
Zone 9 Residential 111 27 2014 Stefano Boeri The building won the 2014 International Highrise Award.[3] The building is the first model of vertical densification of nature within a city. It hosts 900 trees and over 2,000 plants that are distributed on the facades. On flat land, each Vertical forest equals, in amount of trees, an area equal o 7000 sqm of forest.
13 Torre Galfa Zone 2 Mixed use 109 31 1959 Melchiorre Bega
14= Cathedral Zone 1 Religious 108 - 1386/1965 different architects It is the 3rd largest church in the world after St. Peter's Basilica and the Seville Cathedral.[4][5]
14= Torre Branca Zone 1 Observation, attraction 108 - 1933 Giò Ponti
15 Torre Velasca Zone 1 Mixed use 106 26 1958 BBPR The building is the BBPR's answer against the polemic of the International Style in 1954. The tower design is inspired by the Milan Cathedral and Sforza Castle.
16= Garibaldi Tower
Tower A
Zone 9 Office 100 25 1992 Laura Lazzari
16= Garibaldi Tower
Tower B
Zone 9 Office 100 25 1992 Laura Lazzari
16= Unicredit Tower
Tower B
Zone 9 Office 100 22 2012 Cesar Pelli
16= Aria Tower Zone 9 Residential 100 17 2013 Arquitectonica
16= Giax Tower Zone 9 Residential 100 25 2014 Renato Bazzoni, Luigi Fratino, Vittorio Gandolfi, Aldo Putelli
16= Gemini Center
Tower A
Zone 6 Office 100 21 2006 Rolando Gantes, Roberto Morisi
16= Gemini Center
Tower B
Zone 6 Office 100 21 2006 Rolando Gantes, Roberto Morisi
18 Barcelò Hotel Fiera Milano Zone 8 Hotel 94 25 2011 Studio Marzorati Architettura
19 Torre Uffici Tecnici Comunali Zone 9 Office 90 24 1966 Renato Bazzoni, Luigi Fratino, Vittorio Gandolfi, Aldo Putelli
20 Torre Porta Romana Zone 5 Residential 89 23 1963 Paolo Chiolini
21= World Join Center Zone 8 Office 87 18 2008 Urbam
21= Torri Bianche - Quercia Palace Vimercate Office 87 25 1996 Studio Dini-Capelli
21= Torri Bianche - Sequoia Palace Vimercate Office 87 25 1996 Studio Dini-Capelli
22 Daimler Tower Zone 8 Residential 85 24 2016 Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and Partners
23 Bell tower of the Church of San Carlo al Corso Zone 1 Religious 84 19th century
24 Torre Vespa Zone 8 Residential 82 18 1955 Luigi Vietti Previous design provided a tower height of 200 m. The project was commissioned by Piaggio.
25= Torre Baggio 1 Zone 6 Residential 81 21
25= Torre Baggio 2 Zone 6 Residential 81 21
25= Torre Baggio 3 Zone 6 Residential 81 21
25= Torre Baggio 4 Zone 6 Residential 81 21
26= RCS Headquarters Zone 3 Office 80 21 2007 Stefano Boeri, Barreca & La Varra
26= Torre al Parco Zone 1 Residential 80 20 1956 Ludovico Magistretti
26= Centro Svizzero Zone 1 Office 80 15 1952 Armin Meili, Giovanni Romano
27 Torre Solea Zone 9 Residential 79 14 2013 Caputo Partnership
28= Torre Mascagni Zone 1 Residential 78 18 1952 Alessandro Pasquali, C. Galimberti
28= Bosco Verticale
Tower D
Zone 9 Residential 78 18 2014 Stefano Boeri The building won the 2014 International Highrise Award.[3] It is the first example of vertical densification of nature within a city. It hosts 900 trees and over 2,000 plants that are distributed on the facades. On flat land, the same amount of trees would occupy an area of 7,000 sqm of forest.
29 Torre Dacia Zone 8 Residential 77 22 2007 Paolo Caputo
30= Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio Zone 1 Religious 75 16th century Pellegrino Tibaldi
30= Piazza della Repubblica 2 Zone 1 Mixed use 75 23 1968 Giovanni Muzio, Lorenzo Muzio
30= Piazza della Repubblica 7 Zone 1 Mixed use 75 23 1968 Giovanni Muzio, Lorenzo Muzio
31= Torre Torre Antalya Zone 8 Residential 72 23 2007 Valentino Benati
31= Settimo Cielo Zone 6 Residential 72 20 2004
31= NH Hotel Fiera Milano
Tower A
Rho Hotel 72 19 2009 Dominique Perrault
31= Torre Tecniche Nuove Zone 8 Office 72 18 2011 SPS srl
32 Torre Adriano Zone 2 Residential 71 21 2008 Michele Achilli, Guido Canella
33= Piazzatorre Zone 2 Residential 70 21 2003 Studio FYC
33= Torre del Filarete, Sforza Castle Zone 1 Castle 70
33= Torre Magnolia Vimercate Office 70 20 1996
33= Klima Hotel Fiera Milano Zone 8 Hotel 70 16 2014 Studio Bozzini
33= Unicredit Tower
Tower C
Zone 9 Office 70 12 2012 Cesar Pelli

Towers proposed or planned

Rank Name Location Type Height (m) Floors Year Architect Notes
UnipolSai Tower Zone 9 Office ??? ?? ???? ?
Melchiorre Gioia 22 Zone 9 Mixed Use ??? ?? ???? Cesar Pelli
Giardini d'Inverno Zone 9 Residential 70 16 ???? Paolo Caputo


  1. "Meet the world's new skyscraper".
  2. "NInternational Architecture Awards 2012". The Chicago Athenaeum. August 10, 2013. Retrieved 10 April 2014.
  3. 1 2
  4. And third largest after St. Peter and Cathedral of Seville. "Milano", Touring Club Italiano, Milano, 1985. ISBN 88-365-0004-8. Page 130.
  5. "Duomo". Frommer's. Retrieved 2009-06-01.
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