List of towns in Chile
This article contains a list of towns in Chile.
A town is defined by Chile's National Statistics Institute (INE) as an urban entity[1] possessing between 2,001 and 5,000 inhabitants—or between 1,001 and 2,000 inhabitants if 50% or more of its population is economically active in secondary and/or tertiary activities. This list is based on a June 2005 report by the INE based on the 2002 census, which registered 274 towns across the country, however only 269 of them are shown here. (Note: The higher number is based on the number given in the regional summary provided by the INE report. The lower number is based on a manual count of the report. The discrepancies are found in the ValparaÃso Region (report: 31 / manual count: 28), the O'Higgins Region (report: 39 / manual count: 38) and the Los RÃos and Los Lagos Region combined (report: 31 / manual count: 30).)[2]
List of towns by region (269)
Arica and Parinacota Region (1)
Tarapacá Region (3)
Antofagasta Region (4)
- Cerro Moreno
- Juan López
- Hornitos
- San Pedro de Atacama
Atacama Region (7)
- BahÃa Inglesa
- Loreto
- Puerto Viejo
- El Salado
- Flamenco
- Portal del Inca
- Freirina
Coquimbo Region (14)
- Las Tacas
- Tongoy
- Guanaqueros
- Puerto Velero
- La Higuera
- Canela Baja
- Pichidangui
- Quilimarà Alto
- ChillepÃn
- Guamalata
- La Chimba
- SotaquÃ
- Chañaral Alto
- Punitaqui
ValparaÃso Region (28)
- Laguna Verde
- Quintay
- San Juan Bautista
- Maitencillo
- PuchuncavÃ
- Hanga Roa
- San Rafael
- Placilla
- Valle Hermoso
- Los Quinquelles
- Pichicuy
- Los Molles
- Artificio
- Papudo
- Pullalli
- Chincolco
- Petorca
- Zapallar
- La Laguna de Zapallar
- Catapilco
- San Pedro
- El Yeco
- Mirasol
- Las Brisas
- Algarrobal-Punta El Olivo
- Curimón
- Panquehue
- El Llano
O'Higgins Region (38)
- La CompañÃa
- Coinco
- Coltauco
- Loreto-Molino
- Parral de Purén
- El Manzano
- Sewell
- Coya
- Pelequén
- Malloa
- Angostura
- La Punta
- Olivar Alto
- Pichidegua
- Rosario
- Esmeralda
- Los Lirios
- El Tambo
- Rastrojos
- Cáhuil
- La Estrella
- Costa de Sol
- Litueche
- Marchihue
- La Boca
- La Vega de Pupuya
- Paredones
- Bucalemu
- Angostura
- Chépica
- Auquinco
- Tinguiririca
- San Enrique de Romeral
- Lolol
- Cunaco
- Peralillo
- Población
- Placilla
Maule Region (35)
- Panguilemo
- Huilquilemu
- Santa Olga
- Los Pellines
- Curepto
- Empedrado
- Maule
- Chacarillas
- Pelarco
- Pencahue
- Cumpeo
- San Rafael
- Chanco
- Pelluhue
- Quilicura
- Sarmiento
- Villa Los Niches
- San Alberto
- Licantén
- Iloca
- Itahue Uno
- Rauco
- Romeral
- Sagrada Familia
- Villa Prat
- Lago Vichuquén
- Llico
- Vara Gruesa
- Las Obras
- Colbún
- Panimávida
- Retiro
- Copihue
- Bobadilla
- Yerbas Buenas
BiobÃo Region (46)
- Florida
- Talcamávida
- Caleta Tumbes
- Dichato
- Rafael
- Santa Rosa
- Laraquete
- Carampangue
- Contulmo
- Antiguala
- Tirúa
- San Carlos de Purén
- Millantú
- Santa Fé
- Villa Génesis
- Antuco
- Negrete
- Coihue
- Quilaco
- Quilleco
- Las Canteras
- Villa Mercedes
- Tucapel
- Estación Yumbel
- Ralco
- QuinchamalÃ
- Santa Clara
- Cobquecura
- El Carmen
- Ninhue
- San Gregorio
- Pemuco
- Pinto
- Recinto-Los Lleuques
- Portezuelo
- Villa Las Mercedes
- Ñipas
- Villa Illinois
- Cachapoal
- San Fabián de Alico
- San Ignacio
- Pueblo Seco
- San Nicolás
- Puente Ñuble
- Treguaco
- Campanario
AraucanÃa Region (31)
- Trovolhue
- Los Laureles
- Curarrehue
- Quepe
- Galvarino
- Lastarria
- Pillanlelbún
- Huiscapi
- Melipeuco
- Perquenco
- Playa Negra
- Puerto Saavedra
- Barros Arana
- Teodoro Schmidt
- GualpÃn
- Nueva Toltén
- Queule
- Vilcún
- Cherquenco
- Cajón
- Licán Ray
- Ñancul
- Cholchol
- Mininco
- Ercilla
- Pailahueque
- Lonquimay
- Los Sauces
- Lumaco
- Capitán Pastene
- Tijeral
Los RÃos Region (11)
Los Lagos Region (19)
- Alerce
- Los Pellines
- MaullÃn
- Carelmapu
- Nueva Braunau
- Chonchi
- Dalcahue
- Queilén
- Quemchi
- Achao
- Puerto Octay
- Las Cascadas
- Corte Alto
- Entre Lagos
- BahÃa Mansa-Muicolpue
- San Pablo
- Chaitén
- Futaleufú
- RÃo Negro
Aisén Region (6)
- Villa Mañiguales
- Puerto Chacabuco
- Puerto Cisnes
- Melinka
- Cochrane
- Chile Chico
Magallanes and Antártica Chilena Region (2)
Santiago Metropolitan Region (24)
- El Colorado
- La Parva
- El Maitén
- El Principal
- San Alfonso
- El Ingenio
- Santa Marta de Liray
- Chicureo
- Las Canteras
- Estación Colina
- Santa Sara
- Huertos Familiares
- Lo Herrera
- El Rulo
- Valdivia de Paine
- Viluco
- San Ignacio
- Huelquén
- Pintué-La Guachera
- Champa
- Bollenar
- Pomaire
- Villa Alhué
- MarÃa Pinto
See also
- ↑ An "urban entity" is defined by Chile's National Statistics Institute as a concentrated group of dwellings with over 2,000 inhabitants, or between 1,001 and 2,000 inhabitants if 50% or more of its population is economically active, dedicated to secondary and/or tertiary activities. Exceptionally, populated centers dedicated to tourism and recreation with over 250 concentrated dwellings and that do not meet the population requirement are considered urban.
- ↑ Chile: Ciudades, Pueblos, Aldeas y CaserÃos 2005, Instituto Nacional de EstadÃsticas - June 2005.
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