List of towns in Oklahoma
List of towns in Oklahoma, arranged in alphabetical order. Towns, in Oklahoma, are all those incorporated communities which have less than 1000 in population.
The round barn in Arcadia is a well known landmark on U.S. Route 66.
- Achille
- Adair
- Addington
- Afton
- Albion
- Alderson
- Alex
- Aline
- Allen
- Amber
- Ames
- Amorita
- Arapaho †
- Arcadia
- Arkoma
- Armstrong
- † Arnett
- Asher
- Ashland
- Atwood
- Avant
- Avard

Historic building in the commercial district of Blackburn, Oklahoma.
- Bearden
- † Beaver (Town board government; pop. 1,570.)
- Bennington
- Bernice
- Bessie
- Big Cabin
- Billings
- Binger
- Blackburn
- Blair
- Bluejacket
- Bokchito
- Bokoshe
- Boley
- Boswell
- Bowlegs
- Boynton
- Bradley
- Braggs
- Braman
- Bray
- Breckenridge
- Bridge Creek
- Bromide
- Brooksville
- Buffalo
- Burbank
- Burlington
- Burns Flat
- Butler
- Byars
- Byron
- Caddo
- Calera
- Calumet
- Calvin
- Camargo
- Cameron
- Canadian
- Caney
- Canton
- Canute
- Capron
- Cardin
- Carmen
- Carney
- Carrier
- Carter
- Cashion
- Castle
- Cement
- Central High
- Chattanooga
- Checotah
- Chelsea
- Cheyenne
- Cimarron City
- Clayton
- Clearview
- Cleo Springs
- Colbert
- Colcord
- Cole
- Colony
- Cooperton
- Copan
- Corn
- Cornish
- Council Hill
- Covington
- Cowlington
- Coyle
- Cromwell
- Crowder
- Custer City
- Cyril

In 1895 Deputy U.S. Marshals killed Tulsa Jack Blake near Dover, Oklahoma Territory during a shoot-out with the Doolin-Dalton Gang.
- Dacoma
- Davenport
- Davidson
- Deer Creek
- Delaware
- Depew
- Devol
- Dewar
- Dibble
- Dickson
- Dill City
- Disney
- Dougherty
- Douglas
- Dover
- Drummond
- Dustin
- Fair Oaks
- Fairfax
- Fairland
- Fairmont
- Fallis
- Fanshawe
- Fargo
- Faxon
- Fitzhugh
- Fletcher
- Foraker
- Forest Park
- Forgan
- Fort Cobb
- Fort Coffee
- Fort Gibson
- Fort Supply
- Fort Towson
- Foss
- Foster
- Foyil
- Francis
- Freedom
- Friendship
- Gage
- Gans
- Garvin
- Gate
- Gene Autry
- Geronimo
- Gerty
- Glencoe
- Goltry
- Goodwell
- Gore
- Gotebo
- Gould
- Gracemont
- Grainola
- Grand Lake Towne
- Grayson
- Greenfield
- Hallett
- Hall Park
- Hammon
- Hanna
- Hardesty
- Hastings
- Haskell
- Haworth
- Headrick
- Helena
- Hendrix
- Hennessey
- Hickory
- Hillsdale
- Hinton
- Hitchcock
- Hitchita
- Hoffman
- Hollister
- Hooker
- Hoot Owl
- Horntown
- Howe
- Hulbert
- Hunter
- Hydro
- Kansas
- Katie
- Kellyville
- Kemp
- Kendrick
- Kenefic
- Keota
- Ketchum
- Keyes
- Kildare
- Kingston
- Kinta
- Kiowa
- Knowles
- Kremlin
- Konowa
- Lahoma
- Lake Aluma
- Lamar
- Lambert
- Lamont
- Langley
- Langston
- Laverne
- Lawrence Creek
- Le Flore
- Leedey
- Lenapah
- Leon
- Liberty
- Lima
- Loco
- Locust Grove
- Lone Wolf
- Longdale
- Lookeba
- Lotsee
- Loveland
- Loyal
- Luther
- McCurtain
- McLoud
- Macomb
- Manchester
- Manitou
- Mannsville
- Maramec
- Marble City
- Marland
- Marshall
- Martha
- May
- Maysville
- Mead
- Medicine Park
- Meeker
- Meno
- Meridian
- Milburn
- Mill Creek
- Millerton
- Moffett
- Mooreland
- Morrison
- Mounds
- Mountain Park
- Mountain View
- Muldrow
- Mulhall
- Mutual
- Oak Grove
- Oakland
- Oaks
- Oakwood
- Ochelata
- Okarche
- Okay
- Okeene
- Oktaha
- Olustee
- Oologah
- Optima
- Orlando
- Osage
- Oklahoma
- Paden
- Panama
- Paoli
- Paradise Hill
- Pensacola
- Peoria
- Phillips
- Picher (ghost town)
- Pink
- Pittsburg
- Pocasset
- Pocola
- Pond Creek
- Porter
- Porum
- Prue
- Putnam
- Ralston
- Ramona
- Randlett
- Ratliff City
- Rattan
- Ravia
- Red Oak
- Red Rock
- Redbird
- Renfrow
- Rentiesville
- Reydon
- Ringling
- Ripley
- Rock Island
- Rocky
- Roff
- Roland
- Roosevelt
- Rosedale
- Rosston
- Rush Springs
- Ryan
- Saint Louis
- Salina
- Sasakwa
- Savanna
- Sawyer
- Schulter
- Seiling
- Sentinel
- Shady Grove, Pawnee County
- Shady Point
- Sharon
- Shattuck
- Shidler
- Silo
- Skedee
- Slaughterville
- Slick
- Smith Village
- Smithville
- Soper
- South Coffeyville
- Sparks
- Spaulding
- Spavinaw
- Sperry
- Spiro
- Sportsmen Acres
- Springer
- Sterling
- Stidham
- Stonewall
- Strang
- Stratford
- Stringtown
- Strong City
- Stuart
- Sugden
- Summit
- Sweetwater
- Taft
- Talala
- Talihina
- Taloga †
- Tamaha
- Tatums
- Temple
- Terlton
- Terral
- Texhoma
- Texola
- Thackerville
- Tipton
- Tribbey
- Tryon
- Tullahassee
- Tushka
- Tyrone
- Tupelo
- [[Wagoner,<ref></ref> Oklahoma]]
- Wainwright
- Wakita
- Wanette
- Wann
- Wapanucka
- Warner
- Warwick
- Washington
- Watonga
- Watts
- Waukomis
- Wayne
- Waynoka
- Webb City
- Webbers Falls
- Welch
- Weleetka
- Wellston
- Westport
- West Siloam Springs
- Westville
- Wetumka
- Whitefield
- Willow
- Wilson
- Winchester
- Wister
- Woodlawn Park
- Wright City
- Wyandotte
- Wynona
See also
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