List of towns in Western Australia
This is a list of Towns of Western Australia.
In Australia, towns are commonly understood to be centres of population not formally declared to be cities or not within the urban area surrounding a city.
- Abbotts - abandoned
- Acton Park
- Agnew
- Ajana
- Albany (city)
- Aldersyde
- Allanson
- Amelup
- Amery
- Ardath
- Arrino
- Arrowsmith
- Arthur River
- Augusta
- Austin - abandoned
- Australind
- Baandee
- Babakin
- Badgebup
- Badgingarra
- Badjaling
- Bailup
- Bakers Hill
- Baldivis
- Balgo
- Balingup
- Balkuling
- Balladonia
- Ballidu
- Banksiadale - abandoned
- Bardi
- Barragup
- Beacon
- Beermullah
- Bejoording
- Belka
- Bencubbin
- Bendering
- Benger
- Benjaberring
- Beverley
- Big Bell - abandoned
- Bilbarin
- Bindi Bindi
- Bindoon
- Binningup
- Binnu
- Bodallin
- Boddington
- Bolgart
- Bonnie Rock
- Bonnie Vale
- Boranup
- Borden
- Bornholm
- Boscabel
- Bow Bridge
- Boxwood Hill
- Boyanup
- Boyup Brook
- Bremer Bay
- Bridgetown
- Broad Arrow - abandoned
- Brookton
- Broome
- Broomehill
- Bruce Rock
- Brunswick Junction
- Bullabulling
- Bullaring
- Bullfinch
- Bullsbrook
- Bulong
- Bunbury (city)
- Bungulla
- Bunjil
- Buntine
- Burakin
- Burekup
- Burracoppin
- Busselton (city)
- Byford
- Cadoux
- Caiguna
- Calingiri
- Camballin
- Cape Burney
- Capel
- Carbunup River
- Carcoola
- Carnamah
- Carnarvon
- Carrabin
- Cataby
- Cervantes
- Chidlow
- Chittering
- Clackline
- Cocklebiddy
- Collie
- Condingup
- Congelin
- Cookernup
- Coolgardie
- Coolup
- Coomberdale
- Coorow
- Coral Bay
- Corrigin
- Cossack - abandoned
- Cowaramup
- Cowcowing
- Cranbrook
- Crossman
- Cuballing
- Cue
- Cunderdin
- Dalwallinu
- Dalyup
- Dampier
- Dandaragan
- Dangin
- Dardanup
- Darkan
- Davyhurst
- Day Dawn - abandoned
- Deanmill
- Denham
- Denmark
- Derby
- Dinninup
- Dongara
- Donnelly River
- Donnybrook
- Doodlakine
- Dowerin
- Drummond Cove
- Dudinin
- Dumbleyung
- Dunsborough
- Duranillin
- Dwarda
- Dwellingup
- Ferguson
- Fitzroy Crossing
- Forrest
- Frankland
- Gabbin
- Gairdner
- Gascoyne Junction
- Geraldton (city)
- Gibson
- Gidgegannup
- Gingin
- Gleneagle - abandoned
- Gnarabup
- Gnowangerup
- Goldsworthy - abandoned
- Goomalling
- Gracetown
- Grass Patch
- Grass Valley
- Green Head
- Greenbushes
- Greenhills
- Greenough
- Guilderton
- Gutha
- Gwalia - abandoned
- Halls Creek
- Hamel
- Hamelin Pool
- Harrismith
- Harvey
- Herron
- Hester
- Highbury
- Hines Hill
- Holt Rock
- Hopetoun
- Horrocks
- Howatharra
- Hyden
- Jardee
- Jarrahdale
- Jarrahwood
- Jennacubbine
- Jennapullin
- Jerdacuttup
- Jerramungup
- Jigalong Community
- Jitarning
- Jurien Bay
- Kalannie
- Kalbarri
- Kalgan
- Kalgoorlie (city)
- Kambalda
- Kanowna - abandoned
- Karlgarin
- Karratha
- Karridale
- Katanning
- Kellerberrin
- Kendenup
- Keysbrook
- King River
- Kirup
- Kiwirrkurra
- Kojarena
- Kojonup
- Kondinin
- Kondut
- Koojan
- Kookynie - abandoned
- Koolyanobbing
- Koorda
- Korrelocking
- Kukerin
- Kulin
- Kulja
- Kumarina
- Kunjin
- Kununoppin
- Kununurra
- Kweda
- Kwelkan
- Kwolyin
- Lake Brown
- Lake Clifton
- Lake Grace
- Lake King
- Lancelin
- Latham
- Laverton
- Learmonth
- Ledge Point
- Leeman
- Leinster
- Leonora
- Little Grove
- Loongana
- Lower King
- Lynton
- Madura
- Mandurah (city)
- Manjimup
- Manmanning
- Manypeaks
- Marble Bar
- Marchagee
- Margaret River
- Marradong
- Marvel Loch
- Maya
- Mayanup
- Meckering
- Meekatharra
- Menzies
- Merkanooka
- Merredin
- Miling
- Mingenew
- Minnenooka
- Mogumber
- Monkey Mia
- Mooliabeenie
- Moonyoonooka
- Moora
- Moorine Rock
- Morawa
- Moulyinning
- Mount Barker
- Mount Kokeby
- Mount Magnet
- Muchea
- Mukinbudin
- Mullalyup
- Mullewa
- Mundijong
- Mundrabilla
- Munglinup
- Muntadgin
- Muradup
- Myalup
- Nabawa
- Nanga Brook - abandoned
- Nangeenan
- Nangetty
- Nannine - abandoned
- Nannup
- Nanson
- Narembeen
- Narrikup
- Narrogin
- New Norcia
- Newdegate
- Newman
- Nornalup
- Norseman
- North Bannister
- North Dandalup
- North Yunderup
- Northam
- Northampton
- Northcliffe
- Nullagine
- Nungarin
- Nyabing
- Palgarup
- Pannawonica
- Pantapin
- Paraburdoo
- Paynes Find
- Paynesville - abandoned
- Peak Hill - abandoned
- Pemberton
- Perenjori
- Perth (Capital city of WA)
- Piawaning
- Piesseville
- Pindar
- Pingaring
- Pingelly
- Pingrup
- Pinjarra
- Pintharuka
- Pithara
- Point Samson
- Popanyinning
- Porlell - abandoned
- Porongurup
- Port Denison
- Port Gregory
- Port Hedland
- Preston Beach
- Prevelly
- Princess Royal - abandoned
- Ranford
- Ravensthorpe
- Ravenswood
- Rawlinna
- Redcliffe
- Redmond
- Reedy
- Regans Ford
- Rocky Gully
- Roebourne
- Roelands
- Rosa Brook
- Rothsay - abandoned
- Salmon Gums
- Sandstone
- Scaddan
- Seabird
- Serpentine
- Shackleton
- Shay Gap - abandoned
- Schotts
- Sir Samuel - abandoned
- South Hedland
- South Kumminin
- South Yunderup
- Southern Cross
- Stratham
- Tambellup
- Tammin
- Tampa - Abandoned
- Tardun
- Telfer
- Tenindewa
- Tenterden
- The Lakes
- Three Springs
- Tincurrin
- Tom Price
- Toodyay
- Torbay
- Trayning
- Tuckanarra
- Tunney
- Wagerup
- Wagin
- Walebing
- Walgoolan
- Walkaway
- Walpole
- Wandering
- Wannamal
- Warburton
- Warmun
- Waroona
- Waterloo
- Watheroo
- Wedge Island
- Welbungin
- Wellstead
- Westonia
- Wialki
- Wicherina
- Wickepin
- Wickham
- Widgiemooltha
- Wilga
- Williams
- Wiluna
- Windanya - Abandoned
- Windy Harbour
- Witchcliffe
- Wittenoom
- Wokalup
- Wongan Hills
- Wonnerup
- Woodanilling
- Woodarra
- Wooramel
- Wooroloo
- Worsley
- Wubin
- Wundowie
- Wyalkatchem
- Wyndham
- Yalgoo
- Yallingup
- Yanchep
- Yandanooka
- Yarloop
- Yarri
- Yealering
- Yelbeni
- Yellowdine
- Yerecoin
- Yerilla
- Yilliminning
- York
- Yorkrakine
- Yornaning
- Yornup
- Yoting
- Youanmi - abandoned
- Youndegin
- Yoweragabbie
- Yuna
- Yundamindera - abandoned
- Yunndaga - abandoned
- Higham, G. J. (Geoffrey J.) (2004). Where WAS That? : An Historical Gazetteer Of Western Australia / by Geoffrey Higham. Geoproject Solutions Pty Ltd: Winthrop, Western Australia. ISBN 0-9758024-0-2.
- Murray, Ian and Goodchild, Brian (2003). Araluen to Zanthus: A Gazetteer of Perth Suburbs and Western Australian Towns. Fremantle, Western Australia: Fremantle Arts Centre Press. ISBN 1-86368-319-4.
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