List of compositions by Modest Mussorgsky

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Note: The publication date is the first known date of publication, regardless of edition or fidelity to the composer's original score.
Category | Title | Translation | Start | End | Text Basis | Status | Pub. | Publisher |
Opera | Han d´Island | Han of Iceland | 1856 | 1856 | Hugo | Projected | — | — |
Opera | Эдип в Афинах | Oedipus in Athens | 1858 | 1861 | Ozerov | Unfinished | 1883 | |
Opera | Саламбо (or Ливиец) | Salammbô (or The Libyan) | 1863 | 1866-04-10 | Flaubert | Unfinished | 1939 | Muzgiz |
Opera | Женитьба | Marriage | 1868-06-11 | 1868-07-08 | Gogol | Unfinished | 1908 | Bessel |
Opera | Борис Годунов | Boris Godunov | 1868-10 | 1869-12-15 | Pushkin | initial ("1869") version (7 scenes) | 1928 | Muzsektor |
Opera | Бобыль | The Landless Peasant | 1870 | 1870 | Spielhagen | Projected | — | — |
Opera | Борис Годунов | Boris Godunov | 1871 | 1872-06-23 | Pushkin | revised ("1872") version (9 scenes: 3 added, 1 dropped) | 1874 | Bessel |
Opera-Ballet | Млада | Mlada | 1872 | 1872 | Krïlov | Unfinished | 1931 | Muzgiz |
Opera | Хованщина | Khovanshchina | 1872-06 | 1880 | Mussorgsky | Unfinished | 1883 | Bessel |
Opera | Сорочинская ярмарка | The Fair at Sorochyntsi | 1874 | 1880 | Gogol | Unfinished | 1916 | Bessel |
Opera | Пугачёвщина | Pugachovshchina | 1877 | 1877 | Pushkin | Projected | — | — |
Orchestra | Скерцо B-dur | Scherzo in B flat major | 1858 | 1858 | — | Orchestration | 1883 | Bessel |
Orchestra | Alla marcia notturna | Alla marcia notturna (like a nocturnal march) | 1861 | 1861 | — | — | ||
Orchestra | Симфония D-dur | Symphony in D major | 1861 | 1862 | — | Lost | — | — |
Orchestra | Иванова ночь на лысой горе | Night on Bald Mountain | 1866 | 1867 | — | 1968 | ||
Orchestra | Intermezzo symphonique in modo classico | Symphonic Intermezzo in the Classic Style | 1867 | 1867 | — | Revision | 1883 | Bessel |
Orchestra | Подибрад чешский | Podebrad of Bohemia | 1867 | 1867 | — | Projected | — | — |
Orchestra | Взятие Карса | The Capture of Kars | 1880 | 1880 | — | 1883 | Bessel | |
Orchestra | Большая сюита на среднеазиатские темы | Grand Suite on Central Asian Themes (Transcaucasian Suite) | 1880 | 1880 | — | Projected | — | — |
Piano | Porte-enseigne (Polka) | Porte-enseigne (Polka) | 1852 | 1852 | — | 1852 | Bernard | |
Piano | Souvenir d'Enfance | Souvenir of Childhood | 1857 | 1857 | — | 1911 | Bessel | |
Piano | Соната Es-dur | Sonata in E flat major | 1858 | 1858 | — | Lost | — | — |
Piano | Соната fis-moll | Sonata in F sharp minor | 1858 | 1858 | — | Lost | — | — |
Piano | Скерцо cis-moll | Scherzo in C sharp minor | 1858 | 1858 | — | Initial Version | 1911 | Bessel |
Piano | Скерцо cis-moll | Scherzo in C sharp minor | 1858 | 1858 | — | Revision | 1939 | Muzgiz |
Piano | Скерцо B-dur | Scherzo in B flat major | 1858 | 1858 | — | |||
Piano Duet | Персидский хор из оперы "Руслан и Людмила" | Persian Chorus from the Opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" | 1858 | 1858 | — | Arrangement (Glinka) | ||
Piano Duet | Souvenir d'une nuit d'été à Madrid | Souvenir of a Summer Night in Madrid | 1858 | 1858 | — | Arrangement (Glinka) | ||
Piano | Impromptu | Impromptu | 1859 | 1859 | — | Initial Version | 1939 | Muzgiz |
Piano | Impromptu passionné (Воспоминание о Бельтове и Любе) | Passionate Impromptu (Recollection of Beltov and Lyuba) | 1859 | 1859 | — | Revision | 1911 | Bessel |
Piano | Ein Kinderscherz | Children's Games | 1859 | 1859 | — | 1934 | Muzgiz | |
Piano Duet | Увертюра на темы трех русских песен | Overture on the Themes of Three Russian Songs | 1860 | 1860 | — | Arrangement (Balakirev) | ||
Piano Duet | Король Лир, музыка к трагедии Шекспира | King Lear, music to Shakespeare's Tragedy | 1860 | 1860 | — | Arrangement (Balakirev) | ||
Piano | Квартет для двух скрипок, альта и виолончели, Op. 59, No. 3 | Andante, from String Quartet in C major, Op. 59, No. 3 | 1859 | 1859 | — | Arrangement (Beethoven) | ||
Piano | Ein Kinderscherz | Children's Games | 1860 | 1860 | — | 1873 | Bitner | |
Piano Duet | Соната C-dur | Sonata in C major | 1860 | 1860 | — | Unfinished | ||
Piano | Preludium in modo classico | Prelude in the Classic Style | 1860 | 1860 | — | Lost | — | — |
Piano | Intermezzo in modo classico | Intermezzo in the Classic Style | 1860 | 1861 | — | Initial Version | 1873 | Bitner |
Piano | Intermezzo in modo classico | Intermezzo in the Classic Style | 1867 | 1867 | — | Revision | 1939 | Muzgiz |
Piano | Menuet monstre | Menuet monstre | 1861 | 1861 | — | Lost | — | — |
Piano Duet | Квартет для двух скрипок, альта и виолончели, Op. 130 | String Quartet in B flat major, Op. 130 | 1862 | 1862 | — | Arrangement (Beethoven) | ||
Piano | Грузинская песня | Georgian Song | 1862 | 1862 | — | Arrangement (Balakirev) | 1862 | Stellovsky |
Piano Duet | Ромео и Джульетта | Romeo and Juliet | 1862 | 1862 | — | Arrangement (Berlioz) | ||
Piano | Из воспоминаний детства | From Memories of Childhood | 1865 | 1865 | — | 1934 | Muzgiz | |
Piano | Дума | Rêverie | 1865 | 1865 | — | 1911 | Bessel | |
Piano | La Capricieuse | La Capricieuse | 1865 | 1865 | — | 1939 | Muzgiz | |
Piano | Квартет для двух скрипок, альта и виолончели, Op. 59, No. 2 | Allegretto, from String Quartet in e minor, Op. 59, No. 2 | 1867 | 1867 | — | Arrangement (Beethoven) | ||
Piano | Квартет для двух скрипок, альта и виолончели, Op. 131 | Presto, from String Quartet in c-sharp minor, Op. 131 | 1867 | 1867 | — | Arrangement (Beethoven) | ||
Piano | Квартет для двух скрипок, альта и виолончели, Op. 135 | Lento and Vivace, from String Quartet in F major, Op. 135 | 1867 | 1867 | — | Arrangement (Beethoven) | ||
Piano | Швея (скерцино) | The Seamstress (Scherzino) | 1871 | 1871 | — | 1872 | Bernard | |
Piano | Картинки с выставки | Pictures at an Exhibition | 1874-06-02 | 1874-06-22 | — | 1886 | Bessel | |
Piano | Буря на черном море | Storm on the Black Sea | 1879 | 1879 | — | Lost | — | — |
Piano | Близ южного берега Крыма (Байдарки) | Near the Southern Shore of the Crimea (Baydarki) | 1880 | 1880 | — | 1880 | Bernard | |
Piano | На южном берегу Крыма (Гурзуф у Аю-Дага) | On the Southern Shore of the Crimea (Gurzuf at Ayu-Dag) | 1880 | 1880 | — | 1880 | Bernard | |
Piano | Méditation (feuillet d'album) | Meditation (album leaf) | 1880 | 1880 | — | 1880 | Bernard | |
Piano | Une Larme | A Tear | 1880 | 1880 | — | 1880 | Bernard | |
Piano | Au Village (Quasi Fantasia) | In the Village (Quasi Fantasia) | 1880 | 1880 | — | 1882 | ||
Piano | Ярмарочная сцена из оперы "Сорочинская ярмарка" | Fair Scene from the opera Sorochyntsi Fair | 1880 | 1880 | — | Arrangement (Mussorgsky) | 1939 | Muzgiz |
Piano | Гопак веселых паробков из оперы "Сорочинская ярмарка" | Gopak of the Merry Lads from the opera Sorochyntsi Fair | 1880 | 1880 | — | Arrangement (Mussorgsky) | 1939 | Muzgiz |
Chorus | Марш Шамиля | Shamil's March | 1859 | 1859-10-11 | Projected | — | — | |
Chorus | Поражение Сеннахериба | The Destruction of Sennacherib | 1866 | 1867 | Byron | Initial Version | 1871 | Bitner |
Chorus | Поражение Сеннахериба | The Destruction of Sennacherib | 1874 | 1874 | Byron | Revision | 1939 | Muzgiz |
Chorus | Иисус Навин | Iisus Navin (Joshua) | 1874 | 1877-07-02 | The Bible | 1883 | Bessel | |
Chorus | Вокализы для трех женских голосов | Vocalises for three women's voices | 1880 | 1880 | — | |||
Chorus | Пять Русских народных песен | Five Russian Folksongs | 1880 | 1880 | Anonymous | Unfinished | ||
Song | Сельская песня | Rustic Song | 1857 | 1857-04-18 | Grekov | Initial Version | 1911 | Bessel |
Song | Где ты, звёздочка? | Where Art Thou, Little Star? | 1858-06-03 | 1858-06-04 | Grekov | Orchestration | ||
Song | Где ты, звёздочка? | Where Art Thou, Little Star? | 1863-66 | 1863-66 | Grekov | Revision | ||
Song | Meines Herzens Sehnsucht | Longing of My Heart | 1858 | 1858-09-06 | Anonymous | 1907 | ||
Song | Отчего, скажи, душа-девица | Tell Me Why Fair Maiden | 1858 | 1858-07-31 | Anonymous | 1867 | Iogansen | |
Song | Весёлый час | The Joyous Hour | 1858-59 | 1858-59 | Koltsov | Initial Version | ||
Song | Весёлый час | The Joyous Hour | 1863-66 | 1863-66 | Koltsov | Revision | 1923 | Bessel |
Song | Листья шумели уныло | Leaves Rustled Sadly | 1859 | 1859 | Pleshcheyev | 1911 | Bessel | |
Song | Что вам слова любви? | What are Words of Love to You? | 1860 | 1860 | Ammosov | 1923 | Bessel | |
Song | Много есть у меня теремов и садов | Many Are My Palaces and Gardens | 1863 | 1863 | Koltsov | 1923 | Bessel | |
Song | Песнь старца | Old Man's Song | 1863 | 1863-08-13 | Goethe | 1911 | Bessel | |
Song | Царь Саул | Tsar Saul | 1863 | 1863 | Byron | Initial Version | ||
Song | Царь Саул | Tsar Saul | 1863 | 1863 | Byron | Revision | 1871 | Bessel |
Song | Но если-бы с тобою я встретиться могла | But If I Could Meet Thee | 1863 | 1863-08-15 | Kurochkin | 1923 | Bessel | |
Song | Дуют ветры, ветры буйные | The Winds Blow, the Wild Winds | 1864 | 1864-03-28 | Koltsov | 1911 | Bessel | |
Song | Калистратушка | Kalistratushka | 1864 | 1864-05-22 | Nekrasov | Initial Version | ||
Song | Калистрат | Kalistrat | 1864 | 1864 | Nekrasov | Revision | ||
Song | Ночь | "Night" | 1864 | 1864-04-10 | Pushkin | Initial Version | ||
Song | Ночь | "Night" | 1868 | 1868 | Pushkin | Revision | 1871 | Bessel |
Song Duet | Ogni sabato (Canto Popolare Toscano) | Every Saturday (Tuscan Popular Song) | 1864 | 1864 | Arrangement (Gordigiani) | 1931 | ||
Song | Молитва | A Prayer | 1865 | 1865-02-02 | Lermontov | 1923 | Bessel | |
Song | Отверженная (Опыт речитатива) | The Outcast [Woman] (An essay in recitative) | 1865 | 1865-06-05 | Holz-Miller | 1923 | Bessel | |
Song | Колыбельная песня | Cradle Song | 1865 | 1865-09-05 | Ostrovsky | Initial version | ||
Song | Спи, усни, крестьянский сын | Sleep, go to sleep, peasant son | 1865 | 1865 | Ostrovsky | Revision | 1871 | Bessel |
Song | Малютка | Little One | 1866 | 1866-01-07 | Pleshcheyev | 1923 | Bessel | |
Song | Желание | Desire | 1866-04-15 | 1866-04-16 | Heine | 1911 | ||
Song | Из слёз моих | From My Tears | 1866 | 1866 | Heine | |||
Song | Светик Савишна | Darling Savishna | 1866 | 1866-09-02 | Mussorgsky | 1867 | Iogansen | |
Song | Ах, ты, пьяная тетеря | Ah, You Drunken Sot | 1866 | 1866 | Mussorgsky | 1926 | ||
Song | Семинарист | The Seminarist | 1866 | 1866 | Mussorgsky | 1870 | Benicke | |
Song | Гопак | Gopak | 1866 | 1866-08-31 | Shevchenko | Initial Version | ||
Song | Гопак | Gopak | 1868 | 1868 | Shevchenko | Revision | 1868 | Iogansen |
Song | Песнь Ярёмы | Yaryoma's Song | 1866 | 1866 | Shevchenko | Lost | — | — |
Song | На Днепре | On the Dnieper | 1879 | 1879-12-23 | Shevchenko | Revision | 1888 | |
Song | Еврейская песня | Hebrew Song | 1867 | 1867-06-12 | Mey | 1868 | Iogansen | |
Song | Стрекотунья-белобока | Magpie Whitesides | 1867 | 1867-08-26 | Pushkin | 1871 | Bessel | |
Song | По грибы | Gathering Mushrooms | 1867 | 1867-08 | Mey | 1868 | Iogansen | |
Song | Пирушка | The Banquet (or The Feast) | 1867 | 1867-09 | Koltsov | 1868 | Iogansen | |
Song | Озорник | The Urchin (or The Ragamuffin) | 1867 | 1867-12-19 | Mussorgsky | 1871 | Bessel | |
Song | Светская сказочка (Козёл) | A Society Tale (The Goat) | 1867 | 1867-12-23 | Mussorgsky | 1868 | Iogansen | |
Song | По над Доном сад цветёт | A Garden by the Don Blooms | 1867 | 1867-12-23 | Koltsov | 1883 | Bessel | |
Song | Классик | The Classicist | 1867 | 1867-12-30 | Mussorgsky | 1870 | Arngold | |
Song | Сиротка | The Orphan | 1868 | 1868-04-06 | Mussorgsky | 1871 | Bessel | |
Song | Колыбельная Ерёмушки | Yeryomushka's Lullaby | 1868 | 1868-03-16 | Nekrasov | 1871 | Bessel | |
Song | Детская песенка | A Child's Song | 1868 | 1868 | Mey | 1871 | Bessel | |
Song Cycle | Детская | The Nursery | 1868 | 1870 | Mussorgsky | 1872 | Bessel | |
Song | С няней | With Nanny | 1868 | 1868-04-26 | Mussorgsky | Part of a cycle | 1872 | Bessel |
Song | В углу | In the Corner | 1870 | 1870-09-30 | Mussorgsky | Part of a cycle | 1871 | Bessel |
Song | Жук | The Beetle | 1870 | 1870-10-18 | Mussorgsky | Part of a cycle | 1871 | Bessel |
Song | С куклой | With the Doll | 1870 | 1870-12-18 | Mussorgsky | Part of a cycle | 1871 | Bessel |
Song | На сон грядущий | At Bedtime | 1870 | 1870-12-18 | Mussorgsky | Part of a cycle | 1872 | Bessel |
Song Cycle | На даче | At the Dacha | 1872 | 1872 | Mussorgsky | Unfinished | 1882 | Bessel |
Song | Поехал на палочке | Ride on a Stick-Horse | 1872 | 1872-09-15 | Mussorgsky | Part of a cycle | 1882 | Bessel |
Song | Кот Матрос | The Cat 'Sailor' | 1872 | 1872-08-15 | Mussorgsky | Part of a cycle | 1882 | Bessel |
Song | Раёк | The Gallery (The Peep-Show) | 1870 | 1870-06-15 | Mussorgsky | 1871 | Bessel | |
Song | Вечерняя песенка | Evening Song | 1871 | 1871-03-15 | Pleshcheyev | 1912 | Bessel | |
Song Cycle | Без солнца | Sunless | 1874 | 1874-08-25 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | 1874 | Bessel | |
Song | В четырёх стенах | Within Four Walls | 1874 | 1874-05-07 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | Part of a cycle | 1874 | Bessel |
Song | Меня в толпе ты не узнала | Thou Didst Not Know Me in the Crowd | 1874 | 1874-05-19 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | Part of a cycle | 1874 | Bessel |
Song | Окончен праздный шумный день | The Idle Noisy Day is Ended | 1874 | 1874-05-20 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | Part of a cycle | 1874 | Bessel |
Song | Скучай | Be bored | 1874 | 1874-06-02 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | Part of a cycle | 1874 | Bessel |
Song | Элегия | Elegy | 1874 | 1874-08-19 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | Part of a cycle | 1874 | Bessel |
Song | Над рекой | On the River | 1874 | 1874-08-25 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | Part of a cycle | 1874 | Bessel |
Song | Забытый | Forgotten | 1874 | 1874 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | 1874 | Bessel | |
Song | Надгробное письмо | The Epitaph | 1874 | 1874 | Mussorgsky | Unfinished | 1912 | Bessel |
Song | Крапивная Гора | Nettle Mountain | 1874 | 1874 | Mussorgsky | Unfinished | 1939 | Muzgiz |
Song Cycle | Песни и пляски смерти | Songs and Dances of Death | 1875 | 1877 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | 1882 | Bessel | |
Song | Колыбельная | Lullaby | 1875 | 1875-04-14 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | Part of a cycle | 1882 | Bessel |
Song | Серенада | Serenade | 1875 | 1875-05-11 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | Part of a cycle | 1882 | Bessel |
Song | Трепак | Trepak | 1875 | 1875-02-17 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | Part of a cycle | 1882 | Bessel |
Song | Полководец | The Field-Marshal | 1877 | 1877-06-05 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | Part of a cycle | 1882 | Bessel |
Song | Непонятная | The Misunderstood One | 1875 | 1875-12-21 | Mussorgsky | 1911 | Bessel | |
Song | Не божиим громом горе ударило | Not Like Thunder from Heaven | 1877 | 1877-03-05 | Tolstoy | 1882 | Bessel | |
Song | Горними тихо летела душа небесами | Softly the Spirit Flew up to Heaven | 1877 | 1877-03-09 | Tolstoy | 1882 | Bessel | |
Song | Ой, честь ли то молодцу лён прясти | Is It an Honor for a Young Man to Weave Flax? | 1877 | 1877-03-20 | Tolstoy | 1882 | Bessel | |
Song | Рассевается, расступается | It Scatters and Breaks | 1877 | 1877-03-21 | Tolstoy | 1882 | Bessel | |
Song | Видение | The Vision | 1877 | 1877-04-07 | Golenishchev-Kutuzov | 1882 | Bessel | |
Song | Спесь | Pride | 1877-05-15 | 1877-05-16 | Tolstoy | 1882 | Bessel | |
Song | Странник | The Wanderer | 1878 | 1878 | Rückert | 1883 | Bessel | |
Song | Песня Мефистофеля в погребке Ауэрбаха (Песня о блохе) | Mephistopheles' Song in Auerbach's Cellar (Song of the Flea) | 1879 | 1879 | Goethe | 1883 |
Detailed list by category
Title | Start | End | Notes |
Hans of Iceland | 1856 | 1856 | Projected; to be based on the novel Han d'Islande (1823) by Victor Hugo |
Oedipus in Athens | 1858 | 1860 | Unfinished; based on the tragedy Oedipus in Athens (1804) by Vladislav Ozerov; only one number survives—'Scene in the Temple: Chorus of the People' |
Salammbô | 1863 | 1866 | Unfinished; based on the novel Salammbô (1862) by Gustave Flaubert |
Marriage | 1868 | 1868 | Unfinished; Act I only (4 scenes); piano-vocal score; based on the comedy Marriage (1842) by Nikolai Gogol; Rimsky-Korsakov edition published in 1908; composer's version published in 1933 |
Boris Godunov | 1868-10 | 1869-12-15 | Original version; based on the drama Boris Godunov (1825) by Alexander Pushkin |
Bobïl | 1870 | 1870 | Projected; to be based on the drama Hans und Grete (1868) by Friedrich Spielhagen; Marfa's Divination from Khovanshchina derives from sketches for this work |
Boris Godunov | 1871 | 1872 | Revised version; based on the drama Boris Godunov (1825) by Alexander Pushkin; minor revisions in 1873 |
Mlada | 1872 | 1872 | Unfinished; libretto by Viktor Krïlov; collaborative work with Cui, Minkus, Rimsky-Korsakov, and Borodin; |
Khovanshchina | 1872 | 1880 | Unfinished; libretto by Mussorgsky; based on historical accounts |
The Fair at Sorochyntsi | 1874 | 1880 | Unfinished; based on the short story Sorochyntsi Fair, from Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka (1832) by Nikolai Gogol |
Pugachovshchina | 1877 | 1877 | Projected; possibly to be based on the novel The Captain's Daughter (1836) by Alexander Pushkin |
Orchestral works
Title | Start | End | Notes |
Scherzo in B flat major | 1858 | 1858 | Originally for piano |
Alla marcia notturna | 1861 | 1861 | |
Symphony in D major | 1861 | 1862 | Lost, unfinished: Andante, Scherzo, and Finale only |
Night on Bald Mountain | 1867 | 1867 | Tone poem; recast for orchestra and chorus as 'Glorification of Chornobog' for inclusion in the collaborative opera Mlada (1872), and again as 'Dream Vision of the Peasant Lad' in the opera Sorochyntsi Fair (1880) |
Intermezzo symphonique in modo classico | 1867 | 1867 | Originally for piano; trio added |
Podebrad of Bohemia | 1867 | 1867 | Projected; based on the life of George of Poděbrady |
The Capture of Kars (March) | 1880 | 1880 | Occasional piece commemorating the Siege of Kars (1855) |
Transcaucasian Suite | 1880 | 1880 | Projected; for orchestra, harps, and piano |
Piano works
Title | Start | End | Notes |
Porte-enseigne (Polka) | 1852 | 1852 | |
Souvenir of Childhood | 1857 | 1857 | Edition by V. Karatygin (1911) |
Sonata in E flat major | 1858 | 1858 | Lost; unfinished: Scherzo and Finale only |
Sonata in F sharp minor | 1858 | 1858 | Lost |
Scherzo in C sharp minor | 1858 | 1858 | Edition by V. Karatygin (1911) |
Scherzo in B flat major | 1858 | 1858 | Orchestrated |
Souvenir of a Summer Night in Madrid | 1858 | 1858 | Arrangement for piano, four hands, of the fantasia on Spanish themes Souvenir d'une nuit d'été à Madrid (1848) by Mikhail Glinka |
Passionate Impromptu (Recollection of Beltov and Lyuba) | 1859 | 1859 | Inspired by the novel Who is to Blame? (1847) by Aleksandr Gertsen (Herzen) |
King Lear, Music to Shakespeare's Tragedy | 1859 | 1860 | Arrangement for piano, four hands, of the overture and entr'actes to the incidental music King Lear by Mily Balakirev |
Andante, from String Quartet in C major | 1859 | 1859 | Arrangement for piano solo of the 2nd movement of the String Quartet in C major, Op. 59, No. 3, by Ludwig van Beethoven |
Children's Games | 1859 | 1859 | Original version |
Children's Games | 1860 | 1860 | Revised version |
Overture on the Themes of Three Russian Songs | 1860 | 1860 | Arrangement for piano, four hands, of the Overture on the Themes of Three Russian Songs (1858) by Mili Balakirev |
Sonata in C major | 1860 | 1860 | Unfinished; for piano, four hands; Allegro and Scherzo only; scherzo based on Scherzo in c sharp minor (1858) |
Prelude in the Classic Style | 1860 | 1860 | Lost |
Intermezzo in the Classic Style | 1860 | 1861 | Orchestrated (1867) |
Menuet Monstre | 1861 | 1861 | Lost |
Georgian Song | 1862 | 1862 | Arrangement of the orchestral accompaniment to the song by Miliy Balakirev |
String Quartet in B flat major | 1862 | 1862 | Arrangement for two pianos, eight hands, of the String Quartet in B flat major, Op. 130, by Ludwig van Beethoven; finale incomplete |
Romeo and Juliet | 1862 | 1862 | Arrangement for piano, four hands, of two numbers from Roméo et Juliette by Hector Berlioz: • Бал у Капулетти (Ball at the Capulets) |
From Memories of Childhood | 1865 | 1865 | There are two numbers: • Няня и я (Nanny and I) |
Rêverie | 1865 | 1865 | On a theme by V. Loginov |
La Capricieuse | 1865 | 1865 | On a theme by L. Geyden (Heyden) |
Allegretto, from String Quartet in e minor | 1867 | 1867 | Arrangement for piano solo of the 3rd movement of the String Quartet in e minor, Op. 59, No. 2, by Ludwig van Beethoven |
Presto, from String Quartet in c-sharp minor | 1867 | 1867 | Arrangement for piano solo of the 5th movement of the String Quartet in c-sharp minor, Op. 131, by Ludwig van Beethoven |
Vivace and Lento, from String Quartet in F major | 1867 | 1867 | Arrangement for piano solo of the 2nd and 3rd movements of the String Quartet in F major, Op. 135, by Ludwig van Beethoven |
The Seamstress (Scherzino) | 1871 | 1871 | |
Pictures at an Exhibition | 1874 | 1874 | Edition by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov (1886) |
Storm on the Black Sea | 1879 | 1879 | Lost |
On the Southern Shore of the Crimea (Gurzuf at Ayu-Dag) | 1880 | 1880 | Inspired by a visit to Gurzuf at Ayu-Dag in the Crimea |
Near the Southern Shore of the Crimea (Capriccio) | 1880 | 1880 | Also known as the Baydarki Capriccio |
Meditation (album leaf) | 1880 | 1880 | |
A Tear | 1880 | 1880 | |
In the Village (Quasi Fantasia) | 1880 | 1880 | |
Fair Scene from the opera Sorochyntsi Fair | 1880 | 1880 | Arrangement of the Fair Scene from The Fair at Sorochyntsi (1880) |
Gopak of the Merry Lads from the opera Sorochyntsi Fair | 1880 | 1880 | Arrangement of the Gopak from The Fair at Sorochyntsi (1880) |
Choral works
Title | Start | End | Notes |
Shamil's March | 1859 | 1859 | Projected; for tenor, baritone, chorus, and orchestra |
The Destruction of Sennacherib | 1866 | 1867 | Original version; for chorus and orchestra; based on The Destruction of Sennacherib from Hebrew Melodies (1815) |
The Destruction of Sennacherib | 1874 | 1874 | Revised version; for chorus and orchestra; based on The Destruction of Sennacherib from Hebrew Melodies (1815) |
Iisus Navin | 1874 | 1877-07-02 | Also known as Joshua; for alto, baritone, chorus, and piano; based on a biblical text; orchestral edition by Rimsky-Korsakov published in 1883 |
Three Vocalises | 1880 | 1880 | For three-part female voices:
• Andante cantabile |
Five Russian Folksongs | 1880 | 1880 | For four-part male voices; No.4 with 2 solo tenors; No.5 incomplete:
• Скажи, девица милая (Tell Me, Dear Maiden) |
Title | Start | End | Notes |
Rustic Song | 1857 | 1857-04-18 | Original version of the song Where Art Thou, Little Star? (1863–1866); based on a text by Nikolay Grekov; orchestrated on 1858-06-03 |
Where Art Thou, Little Star? | 1858-06-03 | 1858-06-04 | Orchestrated version of the song Rustic Song (1857); based on a text by Nikolay Grekov |
Thou Longing of My Heart | 1858 | 1858 | Based on a text by an anonymous author; German text; a wedding present for Malvina Bamberg, César Cui's bride; manuscript lost; published in 1907 |
Tell Me, Gentle Maiden | 1858 | 1858 | Based on a text by an anonymous author |
The Joyous Hour | 1858 | 1859 | Original version, revised in 1859; based on a text by Aleksey Koltsov |
Leaves Rustled Sadly | 1859 | 1859 | Original version, revised in 1863-1866; based on a text by Aleksey Pleshcheyev |
What Are Words of Love to You? | 1860 | 1860 | Original version, revised in 1863-1866; based on a text by A. Ammosov |
The Joyous Hour | 1863 | 1866 | Revised version, originally composed in 1858-1859; based on a text by Aleksey Koltsov; published in Paris (1923) |
Leaves Rustled Sadly | 1863 | 1866 | Revised version, original composed in 1859; based on a text by Aleksey Pleshcheyev |
What Are Words of Love to You? | 1863 | 1866 | Revised version, original version composed in 1860; based on a text by A. Ammosov; published in Paris (1923) |
Many Are My Palaces and Gardens | 1863 | 1863 | Based on a text by Aleksey Koltsov |
Old Man's Song | 1863 | 1863 | Also known as The Harper's Song; based on An die Türen will ich schleichen from Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (Bk.5, Ch.14) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |
Tsar Saul | 1863 | 1863 | Based on Warriors and Chiefs (Song of Saul before His Last Battle) from Hebrew Melodies (1815) by Byron, translated by Ivan Kozlov |
But If I Could Meet Thee Again | 1863 | 1863 | Based on a text by Vasily Kurochkin |
Where Art Thou, Little Star? | 1863-66 | 1863-66 | Revised version of the song Rustic Song (1858); based on a text by Nikolay Grekov |
The Winds Blow, the Wild Winds | 1864 | 1864 | Based on a text by Aleksey Koltsov; published in Paris (1909) |
"Night" | 1864 | 1864 | Original version, revised in 1868; based on a text by Aleksandr Pushkin; |
Kalistratushka | 1864 | 1864 | Original version of the song Kalistrat; based on a text by Nikolay Nekrasov |
Kalistrat | 1864 | 1864 | Revised version of the song Kalistratushka; based on a text by Nikolay Nekrasov; |
Every Saturday (Tuscan Popular Song) | 1864 | 1864 | Arrangement of the song Ogni sabato avrete il lume acceso (1853) by Luigi Gordigiani; for mezzo-soprano, baritone, and piano |
A Prayer | 1865 | 1865 | Based on a text by Mikhail Lermontov |
The Outcast [Woman] (An essay in recitative) | 1865 | 1865 | Based on a text by Holz-Miller |
Cradle Song | 1865 | 1865 | Original version of Sleep, Go to Sleep, Peasant Son; based on a text by Aleksandr Ostrovsky |
Sleep, Go to Sleep, Peasant Son | 1865 | 1865 | Revised version of Cradle Song; based on a text by Aleksandr Ostrovsky |
Little One | 1866 | 1866-01-07 | Based on a text by Aleksey Pleshcheyev |
Desire | 1866-04-15 | 1866-04-16 | Based on a text by Heinrich Heine, Ich wollt' meine Schmerzen ergössen |
From My Tears | 1866 | 1866 | Based on a text by Heinrich Heine, Aus meinen Tränen |
Darling Savishna | 1866 | 1866 | Text by Mussorgsky |
Ah, You Drunken Sot | 1866 | 1866 | Text by Mussorgsky |
The Seminarist | 1866 | 1866 | Text by Mussorgsky |
Hopak | 1866 | 1866 | Original version, revised in 1868; based on the epic poem Gaydamaki (1841) by Taras Shevchenko, translated by Lev Mey |
Yaryoma's Song | 1866 | 1866 | Lost; original version of On the Dnieper; based on the epic poem Gaydamaki (1841) by Taras Shevchenko, translated by Lev Mey |
Hebrew Song | 1867 | 1867 | Based on a text by Lev Mey |
Magpie Whitesides | 1867 | 1867 | Based on a text by Aleksandr Pushkin |
Gathering Mushrooms | 1867 | 1867 | Based on a text by Lev Mey |
The Banquet (or The Feast) | 1867 | 1867 | Based on a text by Aleksey Koltsov |
The Urchin (or The Ragamuffin) | 1867 | 1867 | Text by Mussorgsky |
A Society Tale (The Goat) | 1867 | 1867 | Text by Mussorgsky |
A Garden by the Don Blooms | 1867 | 1867-12-23 | Ballad; composed 23 December 1867 in Saint Petersburg; based on a text by Aleksey Koltsov; published in 1883 by Bessel |
The Classicist | 1867 | 1867-12-30 | Musical pamphlet ("In response to a remark by [Aleksandr] Famintsïn regarding the heresy of the Russian school"); composed 30 December 1867 in Saint Petersburg; text by Mussorgsky; published in 1870 by Arngold; dedicated to Nadezhda Opochinin |
Night | 1868 | 1868 | Revised version, original composed in 1864; based on a text by Aleksandr Pushkin; |
Hopak | 1868 | 1868 | Revised version, original composed in 1866; orchestrated; based on the epic poem Gaydamaki (1841) by Taras Shevchenko, translated by Lev Mey |
The Orphan | 1868 | 1868 | Text by Mussorgsky |
Yeryomushka's Lullaby | 1868 | 1868 | Based on a text by Nikolay Nekrasov |
A Child's Song | 1868 | 1868 | Based on a text by Lev Mey |
The Nursery | 1868 | 1872 | Text by Mussorgsky; cycle of 7 songs |
With Nanny | 1868 | 1868-04-26 | Text by Mussorgsky; part of The Nursery |
In the Corner | 1870 | 1870-09-30 | Text by Mussorgsky; part of The Nursery |
The Beetle | 1870 | 1870-10-18 | Text by Mussorgsky; part of The Nursery |
With the Doll | 1870 | 1870-12-18 | Text by Mussorgsky; part of The Nursery |
Going to Sleep | 1870 | 1870 | Text by Mussorgsky; part of The Nursery |
The Peep-Show | 1870 | 1870 | Text by Mussorgsky; satire |
Evening Song | 1871 | 1871 | Based on a text by Aleksey Pleshcheyev |
At the Dacha | 1872 | 1881 | Text by Mussorgsky; unfinished cycle of songs; the two songs completed were later included in The Nursery |
Ride on a Stick-Horse | 1872 | 1872-09-15 | Text by Mussorgsky; part of At the Dacha |
The Cat 'Sailor' | 1872 | 1872-08-15 | Text by Mussorgsky; part of At the Dacha |
Sunless | 1874 | 1874 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuzov; cycle of 6 songs |
Within Four Walls | 1874 | 1874 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuzov; part of Without Sun |
Thou Didst Not Know Me in the Crowd | 1874 | 1874 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuzov; part of Without Sun |
The Idle Noisy Day is Ended | 1874 | 1874 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuzov; part of Without Sun |
Boredom (or Ennui) | 1874 | 1874 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuzov; part of Without Sun |
Elegy | 1874 | 1874 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuzov; part of Without Sun |
Over the River | 1874 | 1874 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuzov; part of Without Sun |
Forgotten | 1874 | 1874 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuzov; inspired by the painting Forgotten (1872) by Vasiliy Vereshchagin |
Evil Death (The Epitaph) | 1874 | 1874 | Text by Mussorgsky; unfinished |
Nettle Mountain | 1874-08-10 | 1874 | Text by Mussorgsky; unfinished; satire |
Songs and Dances of Death | 1875 | 1877 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuzov; cycle of 4 songs |
Lullaby | 1875 | 1875 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuz |
Trepak | 1875 | 1875 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuzov; part of Songs and Dances of Death |
The Misunderstood One | 1875 | 1875-12-21 | Text by Mussorgsky |
The Field-Marshal | 1877 | 1877 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuzov; part of Songs and Dances of Death |
Not Like Thunder From Heaven | 1877 | 1877 | Based on a text by Aleksey Tolstoy |
Softly the Spirit Flew up to Heaven | 1877 | 1877 | Based on a text by Aleksey Tolstoy |
Pride | 1877 | 1877 | Based on a text by Aleksey Tolstoy |
Is It an Honor for a Young Man to Weave Flax? | 1877 | 1877 | Based on a text by Aleksey Tolstoy |
It Scatters and Breaks | 1877 | 1877 | Based on a text by Aleksey Tolstoy |
The Vision | 1877 | 1877 | Based on a text by Arseniy Golenishchev-Kutuzov |
The Wanderer | 1878 | 1878 | Based on Abendlied des Wanderers by Friedrich Rückert, translated by Aleksey Pleshcheyev |
On the Dnieper | 1879 | 1879 | Revised version of Yaryoma's Song; based on the epic poem Gaydamaki (1841) by Taras Shevchenko, translated by Lev Mey |
Mephistopheles' Song in Auerbach's Cellar (Song of the Flea) | 1879 | 1879 | Based on Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy (1808) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, translated by Strugovshchikov |
Youthful Years
Youthful Years: A Collection of Romances and Songs (Russian: Юные годы: сборник романсов и песен, Yunïуе godï: sbornik romansov i pesen) is a bound series of 18 manuscripts of songs by Mussorgsky, the existence of which was announced by Charles Malherbe in 1909.
- Where Art Thou, Little Star?
- The Joyous Hour
- The Leaves Rustled Sadly
- Many Are My Palaces and Gardens
- A Prayer
- Tell Me Why, Gentle Maiden
- What Are Words of Love to You?
- The Winds Blow, Wild Wind
- But If I Could Meet With Thee
- Little One
- Old Man's Song
- King Saul
- Night
- Kalistrat
- The Outcast
- Sleep, Go to Sleep, Peasant Son
- Song of the Balearic Islander
- Every Saturday
Opus numbers
Michel-Dimitri Calvocoressi provides this list of works with opus numbers, compiled by the composer, prefaced by the following remarks (italics added): "The other catalogue which was sent to Stassof is dated 16 August 1878; but, as it mentions no work composed later than 1874, Andrei Rimsky-Korsakof suggests, rightly, that it must have been compiled some four years earlier. Its only value is that of a biographical curiosity. Here is the translation:"
Note: The columns 'category' and 'notes', as well as the column headings, have been added for the convenience of the reader. It will be noticed that Calvocoressi's date given in the preceding remarks (16 August 1878) does not match that given below.
26 August '78, Petrograd
Opus | Category | Works | Composer's remarks | Notes |
Various | • Kinderscherz (1859) • Scherzo in B flat major for orchestra (1859) • Intermezzo (1861) • Scherzino (1872) | |||
Choral | • The Destruction of Sennacherib (1867) • Joshua (1866) | "Choral" | "Jewish" choruses; Joshua (Iisus Navin), completed in 1877, is based on 'War Song of the Libyans' from Salammbô, composed in 1866 | |
Songs | • Hopak (1866) • Gathering Mushrooms (1867) • Yeremushka's Lullaby (1868) • The Peasant's Lullaby (1865) • The Orphan(1868) • The He-Goat(1867) | |||
Songs | • The Ragamuffin (1868) • The Seminarist (1866) • Savishna (1866) | |||
Songs | • Night (1864) • King Saul (1863) • The Feast (1867) • Jewish Song (1867) • The Magpie (1867) • A Child's Song (1868) | |||
Song Album | The Nursery (1868-1869): • With Nanny • In the Corner • The Cockchafer • Evening Prayer • With the Doll | |||
Opera | Marriage (1868) | "An act of Gogol's Marriage" | ||
Songs | • The Classicist (1867) • The Peep-Show (1869) | Satiric songs | ||
Opera | Boris Godunov (1868-1872) | |||
Opera | Mlada (1873): • Market Scene • March of the Princes and Priests • Glorification of Tchernobog | "Scenes from the opera Mlada (not an opera of mine)" | The Mlada numbers were composed in 1872. | |
Piano | Pictures from an Exhibition (1874) | "In memory of Hartmann" | ||
Song Album | Sunless (1874) | "Album of six poems by Count Golenishchef-Kutuzof" | ||
Opera | Salammbô (1864-1865) | "Studies for the opera Salammbô after Flaubert" | Composed in 1863-1866 | |
Song | I'm Riding to Yukka! (1873) | Also known as 'The Hobby-Horse'; part of At the Dacha; later appended to The Nursery; composed in 1872 | ||
Song | The Old Believer's Song (1874) | Marfa's song, 'A Maiden Wandered', from Act 3 of Khovanshchina | ||
Song | Forgotten (1874) | "After Vereshchagin" | ||
Song | The Mound of Nettles (1874) | Satiric song; unfinished | ||
Opera | Khovanshchina (1874) | "Materials for the opera Khovanshchina (a national music drama)" |
"That's all I know. M. Mussorianin"[1]
- ↑ Calvocoressi (1956: pp. 10-11)
- Abraham, G., "Modest Musorgsky" in The New Grove: Russian Masters 1, New York: W. W. Norton & Co. (1986)
- Calvocoressi, M.D., Abraham, G., Mussorgsky, 'Master Musicians' Series, London: J.M.Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1946
- Calvocoressi, M. D., Modest Mussorgsky: His Life and Works, London: Rockliff, 1956
- Gordeyeva, Ye. (editor), Kazakova, N. (works list) M. P. Musorgskiy: Letters, 2nd edition, Moscow: Music (publisher), 1984 [Гордеева, Е., М. П. Мусоргский: Письма, Москва: Музыка, 1984]
- Taruskin, R., Musorgsky: Eight Essays and an Epilogue, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1993
- Unknown compiler, notes to Moussorgsky: Integrale des Melodies CD recording by Boris Christoff, EMI Records Ltd, 1989