List of bumblebee species
The list presented here is derived from a checklist of world bumblebees[1] (discussing status of species) and used in the most recent Bombus phylogeny.[2] Species are grouped by subgenus following the most recent revision.[3] For some common names see BugGuide.[4]
Subgenus Alpigenobombus
- Bombus angustus
- Bombus breviceps
- Bombus genalis
- Bombus grahami
- Bombus kashmirensis
- Bombus nobilis
- Bombus wurflenii
Subgenus Alpinobombus
- Bombus alpinus
- Bombus balteatus – Golden-belted Bumble Bee
- Bombus hyperboreus
- Bombus neoboreus
- Bombus polaris
Subgenus Bombias
- Bombus auricomus – Black-and-gold Bumble Bee
- Bombus confusus
- Bombus nevadensis – Nevada Bumble Bee
Subgenus Bombus sensu stricto

Bombus cryptarum
Bombus lucorum

Bombus terrestris
- Bombus affinis – Rusty-patched Bumble Bee
- Bombus cryptarum – Cryptic Bumble Bee
- Bombus franklini – Franklin's Bumblebee (extremely rare or possibly extinct)
- Bombus hypocrita
- Bombus ignitus
- Bombus jacobsoni
- Bombus lantschouensis
- Bombus longipennis
- Bombus lucorum – White-tailed Bumblebee
- Bombus magnus
- Bombus minshanicus
- Bombus occidentalis[5] – Western Yellow-banded Bumble Bee
- Bombus patagiatus
- Bombus sporadicus
- Bombus terrestris – Buff-tailed Bumblebee or Large Earth Bumblebee
- Bombus terricola[5] – Yellow-banded Bumble Bee
- Bombus tunicatus
Subgenus Cullumanobombus
- Bombus baeri
- Bombus brachycephalus
- Bombus coccineus
- Bombus crotchii – Crotch's Bumble Bee
- Bombus cullumanus – Cullum's Humble-bee or Cullum's Bumblebee
- Bombus ecuadorius
- Bombus fraternus – Southern Plains Bumble Bee
- Bombus funebris
- Bombus griseocollis – Brown-belted Bumble Bee
- Bombus handlirschi
- Bombus haueri
- Bombus hortulanus
- Bombus macgregori
- Bombus melaleucus
- Bombus morrisoni – Morrison's Bumble Bee
- Bombus robustus
- Bombus rohweri
- Bombus rubicundus
- Bombus rufocinctus – Red-belted Bumble Bee
- Bombus semenoviellus
- Bombus tucumanus
- Bombus unicus
- Bombus vogti
Subgenus Kallobombus

Bombus soroeensis subsp. proteus
Subgenus Fervidobombus[6]
- Bombus atratus
- Bombus bellicosus
- Bombus brasiliensis
- Bombus brevivillus
- Bombus dahlbomii
- Bombus digressus
- Bombus diligens
- Bombus excellens
- Bombus fervidus – Yellow Bumble Bee, Golden Northern Bumble Bee
- Bombus fervidus californicus[7] – California Bumble Bee
- Bombus medius
- Bombus mexicanus
- Bombus morio
- Bombus opifex
- Bombus pensylvanicus – American Bumble Bee
- Bombus pensylvanicus sonorus[8] – Sonoran Bumble Bee
- Bombus pullatus
- Bombus rubriventris (probably extinct)
- Bombus steindachneri
- Bombus transversalis
- Bombus trinominatus
- Bombus weisi
Subgenus Megabombus
- Bombus argillaceus
- Bombus bicoloratus
- Bombus consobrinus
- Bombus czerskii
- Bombus diversus
- Bombus gerstaeckeri
- Bombus hortorum– (small) garden bumblebee
- Bombus irisanensis
- Bombus koreanus
- Bombus lapidarius
- Bombus longipes
- Bombus melanopoda (extremely rare or possibly extinct)
- Bombus portchinsky
- Bombus religiosus
- Bombus ruderatus – large garden bumblebee
- Bombus saltuarius
- Bombus securus
- Bombus senex
- Bombus supremus
- Bombus sushkini
- Bombus tichenkoi
- Bombus trifasciatus
- Bombus ussurensis
Subgenus Melanobombus

Bombus lapidarius
- Bombus eximius
- Bombus festivus
- Bombus formosellus
- Bombus friseanus
- Bombus incertus
- Bombus keriensis
- Bombus ladakhensis
- Bombus lapidarius – Red-tailed bumblebee
- Bombus miniatus
- Bombus pyrosoma
- Bombus richardsiellus
- Bombus rufipes
- Bombus rufofasciatus
- Bombus semenovianus
- Bombus sichelii
- Bombus simillimus
- Bombus tanguticus
Subgenus Mendacibombus
- Bombus avinoviellus
- Bombus convexus
- Bombus handlirschianus
- Bombus himalayanus
- Bombus makarjini
- Bombus margreiteri
- Bombus marussinus
- Bombus mendax
- Bombus superbus
- Bombus turkestanicus
- Bombus waltoni
Subgenus Orientalibombus
- Bombus braccatus
- Bombus funerarius
- Bombus haemorrhoidalis
Subgenus Psithyrus

Bombus barbutellus

Bombus campestris

Bombus rupestris
- Bombus ashtoni – Ashton Cuckoo Bumble Bee
- Bombus barbutellus – Barbut's Cuckoo-bee
- Bombus bellardii
- Bombus bohemicus
- Bombus branickii
- Bombus campestris
- Bombus chinensis
- Bombus citrinus – Lemon Cuckoo Bumble Bee
- Bombus coreanus
- Bombus cornutus
- Bombus expolitus
- Bombus ferganicus
- Bombus fernaldae – Fernald's Cuckoo Bumble Bee
- Bombus flavidus
- Bombus insularis – Indiscriminate Cuckoo Bumble Bee
- Bombus maxillosus
- Bombus monozonus
- Bombus morawitzianus
- Bombus norvegicus
- Bombus novus
- Bombus perezi
- Bombus quadricolor
- Bombus rupestris
- Bombus skorikovi
- Bombus suckleyi – Suckley's Cuckoo Bumble Bee
- Bombus sylvestris
- Bombus tibetanus
- Bombus turneri
- Bombus variabilis – Variable Cuckoo Bumble Bee
- Bombus vestalis – Vestal Cuckoo Bumble Bee
Subgenus Pyrobombus
Bombus pratorum (male)
Bombus jonellus
- Bombus abnormis
- Bombus ardens
- Bombus avanus
- Bombus beaticola
- Bombus bifarius
- Bombus bimaculatus – Two-spotted Bumble Bee
- Bombus biroi
- Bombus brodmannicus
- Bombus caliginosus
- Bombus centralis[9] – Great Basin Bumble Bee
- Bombus cingulatus
- Bombus cockerelli
- Bombus ephippiatus
- Bombus flavescens
- Bombus flavifrons[9]
- Bombus frigidus – Yellow-fronted Bumble Bee
- Bombus haematurus
- Bombus huntii – Hunt's Bumble Bee
- Bombus hypnorum
- Bombus impatiens – Common Eastern Bumble Bee
- Bombus infirmus
- Bombus infrequens
- Bombus jonellus
- Bombus kotzschi
- Bombus lapponicus
- Bombus lemniscatus
- Bombus lepidus
- Bombus luteipes
- Bombus melanopygus[10] – Black-tailed Bumble Bee
- Bombus mirus
- Bombus mixtus
- Bombus modestus
- Bombus monticola
- Bombus oceanicus
- Bombus parthenius
- Bombus perplexus – Perplexing Bumble Bee, Confusing Bumble Bee[11]
- Bombus picipes
- Bombus pratorum
- Bombus pressus
- Bombus pyrenaeus
- Bombus rotundiceps
- Bombus sandersoni – Sanderson Bumble Bee[11]
- Bombus sitkensis – Sitka Bumble Bee
- Bombus sonani
- Bombus subtypicus
- Bombus sylvicola - Forest Bumble Bee
- Bombus ternarius – Tricolored Bumble Bee, Orange-belted Bumble Bee
- Bombus vagans – Half-black Bumble Bee
- Bombus vandykei – Van Dyke's Bumble Bee
- Bombus vosnesenskii – Yellow-faced Bumble Bee
- Bombus wilmattae
Subgenus Sibiricobombus

Bombus schrencki
- Bombus asiaticus
- Bombus morawitzi
- Bombus niveatus
- Bombus oberti
- Bombus obtusus
- Bombus sibiricus
- Bombus sulfureus
Subgenus Subterraneobombus
Bombus pascuorum
- Bombus amurensis
- Bombus appositus – Mountain Bumble Bee
- Bombus borealis – Northern Amber Bumble Bee
- Bombus distinguendus
- Bombus fedtschenkoi
- Bombus fragrans
- Bombus melanurus
- Bombus mongolensis
- Bombus personatus
- Bombus subterraneus – Short-haired Bumble Bee
Subgenus Thoracobombus

Bombus sylvarum
- Bombus anachoreta
- Bombus armeniacus – Armenian Bumble Bee
- Bombus atripes
- Bombus deuteronymus
- Bombus exil
- Bombus filchnerae
- Bombus hedini
- Bombus honshuensis
- Bombus humilis — Brown-banded Carder Bee
- Bombus imitator
- Bombus impetuosus
- Bombus inexspectatus
- Bombus laesus
- Bombus mesomelas
- Bombus mlokosievitzii
- Bombus mucidus
- Bombus muscorum — Large Carder Bee or Moss Carder Bee
- Bombus opulentus
- Bombus pascuorum – Common Carder Bee
- Bombus persicus
- Bombus pomorum – Apple Humble-bee
- Bombus pseudobaicalensis
- Bombus remotus
- Bombus ruderarius – Red-shanked Carder Bee or Red-shanked Bumble Bee
- Bombus schrencki
- Bombus sylvarum
- Bombus tricornis
- Bombus velox
- Bombus veteranus
- Bombus zonatus
Subgenus incertae sedis
- †Bombus cerdanyensis - Late Miocene, Bellver de Cerdanya, Spain[12]
- ↑ P. H. WILLIAMS. (1998) An annotated checklist of bumble bees with an analysis of patterns of description (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Bombini). Bulletin of The Natural History Museum (Entomology) 67: 79–152 [updated at].
- ↑ S. A. CAMERON, H. M. HINES, P. H. WILLIAMS. (2007) A comprehensive phylogeny of the bumble bees (Bombus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91, 161–188.
- ↑ P. H. WILLIAMS, S. A. CAMERON, H. M. HINES, B. CEDERBERG, P. RASMONT. (2008) A simplified subgeneric classification of the bumblebees (genus Bombus). Apidologie 39, [1–29].
- ↑ Bombus, BugGuide
- 1 2 Bombus occidentalis and Bombus terricola are sometimes considered the same species.
- ↑ Cameron, S. A.; Williams, P. H. (24 July 2002). "Phylogeny of bumble bees in the New World subgenus Fervidobombus (Hymenoptera: Apidae): congruence of molecular and morphological data" (PDF). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Retrieved 5 November 2015.
- ↑ Bombus fervidus californicus is sometimes considered a unique species, Bombus californicus.
- ↑ Bombus pensylvanicus sonorus is sometimes considered a unique species, Bombus sonorus.
- 1 2 Bombus centralis and Bombus flavifrons are sometimes considered the same species.
- ↑ Bombus melanopygus has two color forms, one of which was historically treated as a species: Bombus edwardsii.
- 1 2 Miller, Nathan G. (2010). The Bumble Bees of Algonquin Park: A Field Guide. Toronto: Toronto Entomologists' Association. pp.22.
- ↑ Dehon, M.; Michez, D.; Nel, A.; Engel, M. S.; De Meulemeester, T. (2014). "Wing Shape of Four New Bee Fossils (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) Provides Insights to Bee Evolution". PLOS ONE 9 (10): 1–16. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108865.
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