Living Ethics
Living Ethics (Russian: Живая Этика, German: Lebendige Ethik, French: Éthique de Vie) has also another equivalent but less widespread meaning Agni Yoga (Агни Йога) — a philosophical and ethical teaching which embraces all sides of being — from cosmological problems, down to daily human life. This teaching is based on the books written by Helena and Nicholas Roerich in the first half of the 20th century, in cooperation with the Teachers of the East.[1]
Some selected aspects of Agni Yoga/ the Living Ethics teachings
According to Living Ethics, cosmos contains visible and invisible worlds. It is infinite in space and eternal in the time.[2]
Universe is a holistic energy system. All of its parts, including the human, interact with each other in energy and information exchange, which is considered as one of the driving forces of cosmic evolution.[3] Matter is basis of the universe, and this concept includes both its forms studied by modern science and more subtle ones which are unknown for the science.[4]
Multiple worlds in the cosmos are formed due to existence and development of various states of matter having different number of dimensions.[3]
Universe is developed according to cosmic laws. Cosmic Mind takes part in its development. Earth's mankind is a part of this Cosmic Mind. Therefore, study of cosmic laws is a major task of humanity.[4]
Living Ethics asserts: "Man is a source of knowledge and is the most powerful transformer of cosmic forces",[5] and it is "part of the cosmic energy, part of the elements, part of Cosmic Reason, part of the consciousness of the higher matter".[6]
Main task of the evolution is spiritualization (creation of higher forms) of matter through subtlety of its energy. The matter is spiritualized by spirit, which is subtle-matter and high-frequency energy. It occupies predominating position in the Universe and acts as foundation of cosmic creativity.[7]
Humanity as energy structure is not only a part of cosmos, but also carries it in its inner life. This gives humanity a possibility through energy of his spirit to influence on evolutional creation of cosmos.[8]
“ | … In every creation the human energies must participate as it carries the highest principles of Cosmos.[9] | ” |
Human is an active subject of evolution when perfecting himself material and spiritual character, relations between people and care of the nature. Main method of such perfection is psychic energy — substantial base of all human psychic manifestations, which has universal character.[3] In this connection H.I. Roerich wrote:
“ | All energies, all elements originate from single Primal Energy, or from single element – Fire, therefore it is said about UNITY of all, about SINGLE ORIGIN, from which the UNIVERSE arises.[10] | ” |
Primal Energy is inexhaustible in its reserves. Its kinds are multiform. For human it is not "good", not "evil", but human can use it for good or evil.[11]
Living Ethics considers the influence of human's thought energy on surrounding space. This influence is determined by moral causes of human's activity and degree of its correspondence to common good idea. It may be both the positive, constructive, creative and negative, destructive, non-cultural.[2]
“ | In the name of good cooperation for a new stage it is quite necessary to adopt the significance of thought. <…> But the whole Cosmos is based on the thought! All good and all destruction are based on the thought. Thought carries life, thought gives death! When it will be learned? There is no in the Cosmos lever stronger than thought saturated by psychic energy" [12] | ” |
Living Ethics examines any earthly phenomenon from the point of view of interaction between spirit and matter and energy of this interaction. It allows to reveal a real sense of the phenomena and to establish its causal relationships. Man himself predetermines the main landmarks of his future life by his own thoughts, desires and actions. According to the Living Ethics, violation of cosmic laws by mankind leads it to deadlock. It threatens to break the Earth.[7]
Living Ethics widely examines a problem of Culture as means for saving the Earth from future cataclysms.[7] Culture is treated as self-organized spirit system, connected with subtle-energy (spiritual) component of man.[13] According to Living Ethics, Love and Beauty arising in the space of Culture are the foundations of evolution and determine its quality. Absence of any of these foundations interrupts the cosmic evolution and leads away the process to involution.[7] Therefore, mankind must strive for spiritual self-perfecting, extending of consciousness and creation of culture. It is important to maintain and increase cultural wealth of all the peoples of Earth.[2][13]
One of the major principles of knowledge system of Living Ethics is the principle "Teacher — disciple". It is close connected with the process of extending of consciousness and mankind evolution. This principle is known as long ago as culture and philosophy of Ancient East. In Living Ethics methodology this major principle is extended up to universal scale and is considered as cosmic principle of teaching and knowledge in evolution process. Any progress of mankind is impossible without of this principle. If in ancient times the Teacher was mythological cultural hero, then in modern theory of knowledge he is one of the cosmic Hierarchs influencing on evolutional processes. This Hierarchic chain "Teacher — disciple" consists of numerous links, passing one in another and stretching in Infinity. But this chain has its earthly part — earthly Teachers and earthly disciples. The man is included in the chain of cosmic Hierarchy, without spiritual creativity of which neither cosmic evolution nor development of mankind would be impossible.[14]
Attaching the great importance to religion in the history of human society, today Living Ethics assigns a key role to such form of cognition as science.[13]
“ | Science must reinforce the paths to higher cognition. The time has drawn near when the ancient symbols of knowledge must be transformed into scientific formulas".[15] | ” |

Living Ethics in its interpretation of the world and man supposes a scientific explanation of all future phenomenon of the Universe. Phenomenon not explained still by modern science surely will give scientific interpretation and its essence will be revealed in cognition process.[13] According to Living Ethics, field of science can not be restricted by studying biological objects only. It must study the psychic and spiritual phenomenon such as soul (psyche), consciousness, thought, psychic energy, problem of immortality and meaning of life, which before were concerned to the field of religion.[4] "Science must find a broader way to lead to unlimited learning".[16] These ideas of Living Ethics are close to the program of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. He considered that "satisfactory interpretation of universe, even positivist, must cover not only outward but also inner side of things, not only matter but also spirit too. True physics is that will be able to include comprehensive man into whole notion about the world".[17] Living Ethics asserts that the science in order to perform its function must undergo sufficient changes, rejecting outdating dogmas, must become more open and more inspired. It also must become more ethical, more unprejudiced and accept various forms of knowledge. New science must use spiritual experience of human culture. It must switch over to a new level of studying of subtle phenomena, which are needed scientific explanation and scientific experiments.[18] As the main scientific method Living Ethics proposes experimental knowledge.[19]
“ | Future world, higher world will be in armor of laboratory rays. Laboratories will show on advantage of high energy and not only establish the superiority of human psychic energy over all known energies but obvious difference in its quality will be revealed. Thereby, the value of spirituality will be established in full. Technology will be subordinated to spirit, it will lead to knowledge of higher laws and hence to knowledge of higher objectives which will lead to transformation of all material nature. Transformed nature and transformed people's spirit will suggest to the best new forms for organization of whole life".[20] | ” |
According to Living Ethics, the major task of evolution at modern stage is the transition from animosity, confrontation and disunity to accord, unity and cooperation. Mankind must strive for equality of all peoples, independently of sex, national, racial or social distinctions. Moral principle must dominate in all fields. It is impossible to establish a just life on the Earth without eradication of imperfection and ignorance. Therefore, everyone must strive for perfection, i.e. to overcome selfishness, egoism in all its kinds, to affirm and develop selflessness and tolerability in relations between peoples. During this process the man needs to perform his duty towards the family, country and whole mankind and to act in the name of Common Good. There is no necessity to away from the world, to leave from the people, to retreat into oneself. Living Ethics asserts an active living position for every society member.[21]
Living Ethics calls the coming epoch the Epoch of Women. Woman will come to play an increasingly important role in the process of high-culture society establishment. She must realize her cosmic predestination, restore her violated rights, and bring in the world the principles of love, harmony and high spirituality.[21]
"Coming time must again give an opportunity to women be at the helm of life, place near the man, her eternal collaborator. As all greatness of Cosmos is founded on these two principles. Basis of Being is the greatness of two Principles. How it is possible belittling of one of them? All today's and future disasters and cosmic cataclysms result from one origin — belittling of women".[22]
"Certainly, the main stimulus to emancipation of women's consciousness and her subordinated state will be a new education. From early years it will lay the comprehension of foundations of being, purpose and role of the man in universe, and thereby will give a new direction to whole thinking. It will result to extending of prospect in all fields of life. And only then there is possible to wait the eradication of numerous very bad habits and prejudices, which became the custom, and vulgar desires and pastimes, which are the main evil and sources of current mass degradation and madness".[23]
According to Living Ethics, major means for perfection are continuing education and work. Human needs to know the culture of the past and present, scientific achievements, to study surrounding world and himself. The work must be voluntary, creative but within one's powers. Quality of the work is of great importance. During conscious desired work, at its high quality, the human's psychic energy is developed. Mastering of this energy leads to the development of high forms of consciousness such as sense-knowledge and spiritual understanding. Its partial manifestations are intuition and illumination. Living Ethics points to the natural way for psychic energy development. This is the way of heart, love and work. At this way human must cleanse his thinking, develop sublime senses and thoughts through communion with art and permanent heart aspiration to Light.[24]
Living Ethics is open to everyone, but is not a burden to anyone. It opposes all forms of missionary work. "The Doors to Knowledge are opened wide, but those wishing to enter can do so only by dint of their own efforts and striving".[21]
Scientific conferences
"Cosmic ideology is a new thinking of the 21st century"
From October 9–11, 2003, a final plenary session of International scientific conference "Cosmic ideology is a new thinking of the 21st century" was held in International Centre named after N. Roerich in Moscow.
The conference was organized by following organizations: International Centre named after N. Roerich, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Education, Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K. Tsiolkovsky, and was supported by Russian Federation of Cosmonautics, International Association of Peace Foundations, Institute of Natural History and Techniques named after S.I. Vavilov, Central Council of All-Russian Society of Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, International League for Culture Protection, Russian Foundation of Culture, Modern Humanist University, Russian Aircraft-Cosmic Agency.
More than 900 participants took part in sectional work and plenary session. 13 Academicians, 87 professors and philosophy doctors, 39 candidates of sciences were among them. 125 reports were made including 20 reports at plenary session. Together with Russian scientists in the conference took part scientists from CIS and Baltic countries, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, India, USA, Italy, Lebanon, Finland.
Participants were welcomed by vice-chairman of Federation Council of Federal Assembly of Russian Federation State Duma M.E. Nikolaev, V.S. Savchuk (from Vice-Chairman of RF State Duma G.V. Boos), director of Information Centre of U.N.O in Moscow A.S. Gorelik, vice-president of Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky B.N. Kantemirov, First vice-president of Cosmonautics Federation of Russia, space pilot I.P. Volk, Academician of Russian Academy of Education Sh.A. Amonashvili.
The following greetings were delivered on conference address: from Director of Moscow Bureau of UNESCO Philip Keo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of RF in Republic of India A.M. Kadakin, RF State Duma deputy, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Academician of RAS Yevgeny Primakov, President of Gorbachev Foundation M.S. Gorbachev, vice-president of National Academy of Sciences of Kirghiz Republic Academician V.M. Ploskikh, Chancellor of Kirghiz-Russian Slavonic University V.I. Nifadiev, President of Cosmonautics Federation of Russia V.V. Kovalenok et al.[25]
"Living Ethics and Science"
From October 7 to October 10, 2007, International scientific and public conference "Living Ethics and Science" took place in International Centre of the Roerichs in Moscow.
The conference was organized by International Centre of the Roerichs, United Scientific Centre for problems of Cosmic Thinking, Russian Academy of Education, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K. Tsiolkovsky, International League for Culture Protection, International Association of Peace Foundations, Charitable Foundation named after H.I. Roerich and supported by Information Centre of U.N.O in Moscow.
.jpg)
Participants of the conference were welcomed by President of Indian Council for Cultural Relations Karan Singh, Academician of RAS Ye.P. Chelishev, Director of Information Centre of U.N.O in Moscow A.S. Gorelik, President of International League for Culture Protection, space pilot, Hero of Soviet Union V.M. Afanasiev, Vice-President of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician of RANS G.N. Fursei, President of Russian academy of Cosmonautics named after K. Tsiolkovsky, Academician of RAS A.S. Koroteev.
On conference address there were delivered following greetings: from Minister of Culture of Tatarstan Republic, Bulgarian National University ICOM, Israel Independent Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of Kirghiz Republic, Sofia University, Institute of Molecules and Crystals Physics of RAS, and many other organizations.
In the conference took part more than 400 representatives from 24 countries, including 7 Academicians, 22 Philosophy Doctors, 40 candidates of science. Together with Russian scientists in the conference took part scientists from the near abroad and also from Austria, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Dominican Republic, Israel, Spain, Italy, Lebanon, Serbia, Finland, France, Czech Republic.
Speakers noted that philosophy of Living Ethics is the part of creation of world culture and science, without knowledge of which it is impossible to understand all depth of its sense. Participants in its reports have shown that ideas of Living Ethics intensively enter in scientific terminology.
There was noted in resolution that main results of the conference are (i) in "revealing of great significance of Living Ethics, other Roerich's works, contribution of cosmic thinkers to formation of new spiritual science; (ii) in revealing of key problems in formation of new system of knowledge and determining of possible ways of its study and solution.[26]
Scientific publications, dedicated to study of Living Ethics
- Living Ethics and science. Issue 1. — Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2008. — 528 p. ISBN 978-5-86988-189-2 The collection contains a series of articles published in issues of RAS, state universities of Russia and Belarus, and other scientific press organs. In these articles it is shown the significance of new system of knowledge of Living Ethics for development of science, the first results of using of this philosophical system propositions for solution of scientific and ideological problems. (Russian)
- Proceedings of United Scientific Centre for problems of Cosmic Thinking. Volume 1. — Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2007. — 644 p. with ill. The collection contains the articles written by scientists — members of United Scientific Centre of problems of Cosmic Thinking (USC CT). Investigations of philosophy of cosmic thinking and Living Ethics Teaching occupy an important place in the book. (Russian)
- Cosmic ideology is a new thinking of the 21st century: Proceedings of International scientific and public conference: 3 V. — Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2004. — V.1. — 352 p, V.2. — 459 p, V.3. — 502 p. (Russian)
- Living Ethics and Science: Proceedings of International scientific and public conference. 2007. — Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2008. — 760 p. (Roerich's popular science library) ISBN 978-586988-189-2 (Russian)
- Shaposhnikova L.V., Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K. Tsiolkovsky and Rissian Ecological Academy.[27] Philosophy of Cosmic reality. // Bulletin of committee for investigation of scientific heritage of Academician V.I. Vernadsky / Committee of RAS. Issue 18 (Russian) — Moscow, "Nauka", 2005. — P. 82-98.
- Shaposhnikova L.V. Ethical philosophy of Cosmic evolution // Living Ethics (Russian). — Moscow, Sh. Amonashvili Publishing, 1999. — P.5-23. (Anthology of Humane pedagogy). (Russian)
- Shaposhnikova L.V. Cosmic thinking and new system of knowledge // Living Ethics and Science. Issue 1 (Russian). — Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2008. — P.14-40. (Russian)
- Shaposhnikova L.V. Energy ideology of Living Ethics // Great travel: Three volumes (Russian) — V.3 Universe of the Master. — Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs. — 2005. — P.758-794. (Russian)
- Gindilis L.M., candidate of phys.-math. sciences, Academician of Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky: United scientific Centre of Cosmic Thinking Problems: ideas of the Living Ethics enter in scientific terminology. (Russian)
- Ivanov A.V., Philosophy Doctor. Living Ethics as meta-knowledge. // "For defense of names and heritage of the Roerichs". Proceedings of International scientific and public conference. 2001. — Moscow, ICR, 2002. (Russian)
- Gindilis L.M., Frolov V.V.[28] Philosophy of Living Ethics and its interpreters. Roerich's movement in Russia // Journal "Problems of philosophy" ("Problemi filosofii") N 3, 2001. (Russian)
- Mozheiko M.A., Philosophy Doctor, Professor. From "ethics of the codex" to "ethics of creativity": transformation of moral consciousness in modern culture // Creative heritage of Roerich's family in dialogue of cultures: Philosophic aspects of comprehension: Collection of scientific works. Minsk, "Tehnoprint", 2005. — P.288-322. (Russian)
- Sokolov V.G., candidate of philosophy. Living Ethics and new paradigm of culture // Journal "Culture and time" (Russian). — Moscow, ICR. — 2008. N 1. — P. 4-17. (Russian)
- Gindilis L.M. Living Ethics is science of the future. // "For defense of names and heritage of the Roerichs". Proceedings of International scientific and public conference. 2001. — Moscow, ICR, 2002. (Russian)
- Publications dedicated to the Living Ethics
International award named after H.I. Roerich
Aiming to encourage scientific investigations connected with the study of many-sided scientific and philosophical heritage of the Roerich family, an International Award (named after H.I. Roerich) has been set up by a charitable foundation named after H.I. (aka: Nicholas) Roerich. "This award is given for the best scientific work in the field of Living Ethics which is a philosophy of cosmic reality".[29]
Scientists and cultural work concerning the Living Ethics Teaching
Philosophy of Cosmic Reality, which is stated in 14 books of monograph known as Living Ethics, gives a theoretical basis for scientific approach to studying of cosmic laws, to understanding of the course of cosmic evolution of mankind, and also features and place of human in its complex processes. This Roerich's work (in joint authorship with so far unknown for us other names) gives a description of main principles of new cosmic thinking.[30]— A.S. Koroteev, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences,
President of Russian Academy of cosmonautics named after K. Tsiolkovsky
Reliable source of ethic norms is the works of great humanists of all ages and peoples, Teaching of the Christ, life and activity of such genies of mankind as Leo Tolstoy and F. Dostoevsky, Michelangelo and Nicholas Roerich, Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, Sergius of Radonezh, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King" [31]— A.A. Nikonov, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of All-Union Academy of Agriculture named after V. I. Lenin,
minister of agriculture of Latvia
Creativity of Roerichs family is a gem in the crown of Russian culture.[32]
— A. L. Yanshin, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences,
President of Russian Ecological Academy, Adviser of President of Russian Federation
Works of eminent Russian painters, scientists, philosophers, creators of cosmism are of great importance for process of thinking renewal. Roerichs occupy pride of place among them. New ideological paradigm and cosmic thinking have been formed as system of knowledge, in a great deal supporting on phenomena of Living Ethics. It is a scientific-philosophical system uniting different levels of reality in a single whole: human and planet, planet and cosmos, microcosm and macrocosm".[33]— V.M. Ploskikh, Academician, Vice-president of National Academy of sciences of Kirghiz Republic,
Director of Institute of world cultures
V.I. Nifadiev, Chancellor of Kirghiz-Russian Slavonic University,
Academician of National Academy of sciences of Kirghiz Republic.
Living Ethics is a high morale teaching which unites the great knowledge that has been achieved both in science and in art and in religion. This synthesis inspires and gives a possibility more intelligently see at the great correlation between these things about main point of which I said above [ethics and morale].[34]— G.N. Fursei, Academician and Vice-President of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
Vice-President of International League for Culture Protection.
Russian Orthodox Church and the teachings of the Living Ethics
The position of the Russian Orthodox Church against the teachings of the Living Ethics has been formulated by the Bishops’ Council December 2, 1994.
“ | The paganism, astrology revived as well as theosophical and spiritualist societies, based once by Helen Blavatsky and claimed to possess a certain “ancient wisdom”, hidden from the uninitiated. “Teaching of the Living Ethics”, put into circulation by Roerichs family and also called “Agni Yoga”, is vigorously promoted. […] The Sacred Bishops’ Council, following the Apostolic tradition, certifies that all these sects and new religious movements are incompatible with Christianity. People who share the teachings of these sects and movements, and even more who conducive to their proliferation, have excommunicated themselves from the Orthodox Church.[35] | ” |
Of further interest

The left of her is the diplomat, President of ICR Yu. M. Vorontsov.
The right of her is minister of the culture and mass media of RF A. S. Sokolov.
- First writing of Living Ethics Teaching was made in London on March 24, 1920. This day (March 24) is annually celebrated by followers of Living Ethics as "Day of the Teacher" (See, foe example, Day of the Teacher in International Centre-Museum named after N. Roerich).
- One of the Living Ethics books ("Community") during 208 days (from January 29 to August 25, 1998) was on board of orbital station "Mir". This is witnessed by official stamps of "Mir" station and signature of captain of Russian-American-France cosmic crew, space pilot Talgat Musabayev.
- Well-known scientist and writer Ivan Efremov had used the texts of Living Ethics Teaching in his novel "Andromeda Nebula" ("Tumannost Andromedi"), in which the future society was depicted.[36]
- Today the books of Living Ethics are translated into the following languages: English, |German, French, Lettish, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, Irish et al.
- Hall of Living Ethics is opened in exposition of International Centre-Museum named after N. Roerich.
- In 2008, International Centre of the Roerichs concluded a treaty for creative collaboration with Institute of Natural History and Technology named after S.I. Vavilov of RAS. The treaty provides for cooperation in wide circle of problems, connected with investigation in the field of Roerichs, Living Ethics and cosmic thinking. It also includes the consultations of applicants for degree of candidate and philosophy doctor, reception for the defense of Candidate's and Doctor's dissertations for study of Roerichs and cosmic thinking at sessions of Institute Senate.[37]
- The author of numerous books, articles and scientific works, dedicated to the Living Ethics Teaching, Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K. Tsiolkovsky and Rissian Ecological Academy, Honored Arts Worker of RF, General Director of International Centre-Museum named after N. Roerich is L.V.Shaposhnikova. She is awarded by many prizes for contribution to popularization of Roerich's heritage and protection of cultural heritage, including an Order of Friendship,[38] medal "To deserving" of Russian Arts Academy,[39] award of Moscow Bureau of UNESCO for significant contribution to the program "Culture of the world",[39] and also certificate acknowledging that a minor planet was named "Lyudvasilia" in her honor and registered in international catalogue at number 9717.[40]
See also
- ↑ Living Ethics / Russian philosophy: Dictionary (Russian)/ Edited by M. Maslin. — Moscow, "Terra
Knizhnii klub"; "Respublica", 1999—656 p.
- — Living Ethics / "Russian philosophy. Small encyclopedia". — Moscow, "Nauka", 1995. — 624 p.
- — Roerich Helena Ivanovna / Short philosophic dictionary / Edited by A.P. Alexeev. — Second edition, revised and supplemented. — Moscow, TK Velby, "Prospect" Publishing, 2004. The dictionary is prepared by group co-authors from sub-department of philosophy of humanist departments of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
- — From the resolution of International public and scientific conference "Cosmic ideology is a new thinking of the 21st century".
- 1 2 3 Living Ethics (Agni Yoga) // Russian philosophy: Dictionary (Russian)/ Edited by M. Maslin. — Moscow, Terra — Knizhnii klub; Respublica, 1999—656 p.
- 1 2 3 Shaposhnikova L.V. Cosmic thinking and new system of knowledge // Living Ethics and Science. Issue 1 (Russian). — Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2008. — P.35; (html-version).
- 1 2 3 Gindilis L.M., Frolov V.V. Philosophy of Living Ethics and its interpreters. Roerich’s movement in Russia // Journal "Problems of philosophy" ("Problemi filosofii") N 3, 2001; Living Ethics and Science. Issue 1.- Moscow, ICR, Master-Bank, 2008. — P.159.
- ↑ Fiery World, III, 306.
- ↑ Infinity, 155.
- 1 2 3 4 Shaposhnikova L.V. Cosmic thinking and new system of knowledge // Living Ethics and Science. Issue 1 (Russian). — Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2008. — P.32 (html-version)
- ↑ Shaposhnikova L.V. Cosmic thinking and new system of knowledge // Living Ethics and Science. Issue 1 (Russian). — Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2008. — P.36
- ↑ From the letter of H.I. Roerich to E.A. Zilberdorf from 19.02.1937 / H.I. Roerich. Letters. Volume V (1937) (Russian) – Moscow, ICR, 2006. – P.53.
- ↑ From the letter of H.I. Roerich to F.A.Butsen from 14.06.1939 / H.I. Roerich. Letters. Volume VI (1938-1939) (Russian) – Moscow, ICR, 2006. – P.433.
- ↑ Gindilis L.M., Frolov V.V. Philosophy of Living Ethics and its interpreters. Roerich’s movement in Russia // Journal "Problems of philosophy" ("Problemi filosofii") N 3, 2001; Living Ethics and Science. Issue 1.- Moscow, ICR, Master-Bank, 2008. — P.168.
- ↑ From the letter of H.I. Roerich to American collaborators from 17.08.1930 / H.I. Roerich. Letters. Volume I (1919-1933) (Russian) – Moscow, ICR, 1999. – P.102.
- 1 2 3 4 Gindilis L.M., Frolov V.V. Philosophy of Living Ethics and its interpreters. Roerich’s movement in Russia // Journal "Problems of philosophy" ("Problemi filosofii") N 3, 2001; Living Ethics and Science. Issue 1.- Moscow, ICR, Master-Bank, 2008. — P.165.
- ↑ Shaposhnikova L.V. Cosmic thinking and new system of knowledge // Living Ethics and Science. Issue 1 (Russian). — Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2008. — P.38 (html-version).
- ↑ Brotherhood, 425.
- ↑ Supermundane, 676.
- ↑ Teilhard de Chardin The human phenomenon. Moscow, "Nauka", 1987. — P.40.
- ↑ Philosophy of Cosmic reality. // Bulletin of committee for investigation of scientific heritage of Academician V.I. Vernadsky / Committee of RAS. Issue 18 (Russian) — Moscow, "Nauka", 2005. — P. 82-98. Living Ethics and Science. Issue 1. — Moscow, ICR, Master-Bank, 2008. — P.160.
- ↑ Gindilis L.M., Frolov V.V. Philosophy of Living Ethics and its interpreters. Roerich's movement in Russia // Journal "Problems of philosophy" ("Problemi filosofii") N 3, 2001; Living Ethics and Science. Issue 1.- Moscow, ICR, Master-Bank, 2008. — P.160.
- ↑ From the letter of H.I. Roerich to E.F. Pisareva from 24.05.1938 / H.I. Roerich. Letters. Volume VI (1938-1939) (Russian) – Moscow, ICR, 2006. – P.133.
- 1 2 3 Gindilis L.M., Frolov V.V. Philosophy of Living Ethics and its interpreters. Roerich's movement in Russia // Journal "Problems of philosophy" ("Problemi filosofii") N 3, 2001; Living Ethics and Science. Issue 1.- Moscow, ICR, Master-Bank, 2008. — P.160-161.
- ↑ From the letter of H.I. Roerich to American collaborators from 24.02.1930 / H.I. Roerich. Letters. Volume I (1919—1933) (Russian) — Moscow, ICR, 1999. — P.89.
- ↑ From the letter of H.I. Roerich to A.I. Klizovsky from 23.04.1938 / H.I. Roerich. Letters. Volume VI (1938—1939) (Russian) — Moscow, ICR, 2006. — P.92.
- ↑ Gindilis L.M., Frolov V.V. Philosophy of Living Ethics and its interpreters. Roerich's movement in Russia // Journal "Problems of philosophy" ("Problemi filosofii") N 3, 2001; Living Ethics and Science. Issue 1.- Moscow, ICR, Master-Bank, 2008. — P.161.
- ↑ International scientific and public conference "Cosmic ideology is a new thinking of the 21st century" Moscow, International Centre-Museum named after N. Roerich, 2003.
- ↑ Review of International conference "Living Ethics and science".
- ↑ Shaposhnikova Lyudmila Vasilievna — Honored Art Worker of RF, Academician of Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K. Tsiolkovsky, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Ecological Academy and Editor-in-chief of the journal "Culture and time".
- ↑ Frolov V.V. — philosophy doctor, professor.
- ↑ International award named after H. I. Roerich / Website of Charitable Foundation named after Helena Ivanovna Roerich.
- ↑ “Living Ethics and science”. Proceedings of International scientific and public conference 2007. Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2008. P. 34.
- ↑ Nikonov A.A. As a hostage of politics. // Journal "Messenger of Russian Academy of Sciences" ("Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk"). 1.11.1991 (html-version).
- ↑ Spiritual image of Russia in philosophic and artistic heritage of N.K. and H.I. Roerichs: Proceedings of International public and scientific conference. 1996. / Edited by P.S. Gurvich, T.I. Murashkina, L.V. Shaposhnikova, A.L. Yanshin. – Moscow, ICR, Master-Bank, 1998. – 344 p.
- ↑ “Living Ethics and science”. Proceedings of International scientific and public conference 2007. Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2008. P. 35-36.
- ↑ “Living Ethics and science”. Proceedings of International scientific and public conference 2007. Moscow, International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2008. P. 28.
- ↑ Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, 29 November - 2 December 1994, Moscow. Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate, Moscow 1995. P.178
- ↑ A. Yuferova. "Ivan Efremov and Agni Yoga" // Journal "Science and religion" ("Nauka i religiya"), N 4, 1991.
- ↑ Association agreement between ICR and Institute of natural history and technology named after S.I. Vavilov of RAS.
- ↑ Former President of Russia V.V. Putin awards to L.V. Shaposhnikova, Director of International Centre-Museum named after N. Roerich, by Order of Friendship.
- 1 2 Awards and titles of L.V.Shaposhnikova.
- ↑ Certificate acknowledging that a minor planet discovered on September 24, 1976 by Crimea Astrophysical observatory and registered in international catalogue at number 9717, was named "Lyudvasilia" in honor of L. V.Shaposhnikova.