Lob trees

Lob trees were prominent trees used as guides or landmarks along voyageur canoe routes. Branches were lopped (or lobbed) off the trees just below the top to make them more conspicuous. They were located at important places along canoe routes to indicate a portage, trail, or direction to a fur trading post. Often the tree was named in recognition of a famous explorer, a bourgeois (trading company official), or a voyageur who had performed bravely.[1] Research has shown that this was adopted from earlier First Nations tribes who practised this form of marking.[2]

  1. Ahlgren, Clifford & Isabel (1984) Lob Trees in the Wilderness: the human and natural history of the boundary waters. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. p. ix.
  2. http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/3984343?uid=3739400&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=3737720&uid=4&sid=47699108064937

See also

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