Local eGovernment

Local eGovernment is eGovernment as it relates to local government, police, fire, national park and transport authorities.

Local eGovernment in England

The UK government’s objective was that all of public services in England should be capable of being delivered electronically by 31 December 2005. The Modernising Government White Paper of March 1999 proposed "all dealings with government being deliverable electronically by 2008." Prime Minister Tony Blair then announced on 30 March 2000 that the target date had been brought forward from 2008 to 2005.

Electronic delivery is defined as delivery through internet protocols and other ICT methods and includes delivery by telephone if the officer receiving the call can access electronic information and/or update records online there and then.

The average local authority achieved a reported 97% e-enablement by 31 December 2005, though it is suspected the actual figure is much lower. The target also applied to the Civil Service, which achieved a reported 96%.

Objectives and performance management

Implementing Electronic Government (IEG) Statements

From December 2001 to April 2006 local authorities were required to publish an IEG Statement on their degree of e-enablement (electronic enablement). The measures include BVPI 157 and the Priority Outcomes.

Best Value Performance Indicator (BVPI) 157

BVPI 157 measures the percentage of 'interactions' provided by a local authority that are e-enabled. The figure must be published annually as part of the Best Value performance management framework. The figure is calculated by considering the following ten types of interaction as they apply to the services provided by the local authority:

Local authorities may use a proprietary list of services, but are required to validate their list against the Local Government Services List (LGSL). BVPI 157 forms part of the annual IEG statement.

Priority Outcomes

To guide local authorities in implementing eGovernment, the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (and its successor the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM)) issued a list of key targets, most commonly referred to as the Priority Outcomes or PSOs (Priority Service Outcomes). The list was issued in the snappily entitled document Defining E-government Outcomes for 2005 to Support the Delivery of Priority Services & National Strategy Transformation Agenda for Local Authorities in England – Version 1.0. In September 2004, detailed guidance on the Priority Outcomes was issued in the document Priority Outcomes - Explanatory Notes for Practitioners, published by the IDeA (Improvement and Development Agency) and endorsed by the ODPM.

Priority Outcomes are rated with three levels of obligation:

The following technologies are recommended in Priority Outcomes: Explanatory Notes for Practitioners as those likely to be essential in the achievement of the Priority Outcomes:

Socitm Insight Better Connected reports

Local authority websites are also subject to assessments by Socitm (Society of Information Technology Management) Insight in their annual Better Connected reports.


Modernising Government White Paper, March 1999 on the Official-Documents.gov.uk website

Priority Outcomes - Explanatory Notes for Practitioners on the IDeA website

Defining E-government Outcomes for 2005 to Support the Delivery of Priority Services & National Strategy Transformation Agenda for Local Authorities in England – Version 1.0 (Microsoft Word document) on the ODPM website

Local Government Services List and related information on the Electronic Service Delivery website.

External links

See also

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