Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control

Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control (LM MFC) is a Lockheed Martin business unit based in the Dallas suburb of Grand Prairie, Texas. The unit's offensive and defensive arsenal includes air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, naval rockets and missiles, fire control and sensor systems, fire support systems, missile launchers, missile defense systems, and anti-tank weapons. In 2012, the unit was a recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

LM MFC has approximately 10,600 employees, most split between Orlando, Florida and Grand Prairie. Other major LM MFC facilities are located in Archbald, Pennsylvania; Chelmsford, Massachusetts; East Camden, Arkansas; Horizon City, Texas; Lufkin, Texas; Ocala, Florida; Santa Barbara, California; Troy, Alabama and Ampthill Bedfordshire (a part of Lockheed Martin UK).


The Grand Prairie facility dates back to being a major component of the now defunct LTV Corporation, as LTV Aerospace and Defense with "Vought" Division names, and later became part of Loral as Loral Vought Systems, before Loral's merger with Lockheed Martin.


One of Missiles and Fire Control's most lucrative program is the TADS/PNVS (Target Acquisition Designation Sight, Pilot Night Vision System) program for the AH-64 Apache helicopter. The second generation M-TADS (also known as Arrowhead) is now being fielded to United States Army and foreign customers. The company also is a major supplier of Electro-Optic systems to the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), officially known as the F-35 Lightning II. The company has a long history from the Vought years (later half of the 20th Century) of being the number one supplier of missiles and advanced weapon systems to the US Army which continues to this day.

Major Products


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