Loewy ring

In mathematics, a Loewy ring or semi-Artinian ring is a ring in which every non-zero module has a non-zero socle, or equivalently if the Loewy length of every module is defined. The concepts are named after Alfred Loewy.

Loewy length

The Loewy length and Loewy series were introduced by Emil Artin, Cecil J. Nesbitt, and Robert M. Thrall (1944)

If M is a module, then define the Loewy series Mα for ordinals α by M0 = 0, Mα+1/Mα = socle M/Mα, Mα = âˆªÎ»<α Mλ if α is a limit ordinal. The Loewy length of M is defined to be the smallest α with M = Mα, if it exists.

Semiartinian modules

_{R}M is a semiartinian module if all M\rightarrow N epimorphism, where N\neq0, the socle of N is essential in N.

Note that if _{R}M is an artinian module then _{R}M is a semiartinian module. Clearly 0 is semiartinian.

Let 0\rightarrow M'\rightarrow M\rightarrow M''\rightarrow 0 be exact then M and M'' are semiartinian if and only if M is semiartinian.

Let us consider \{M_{i}\}_{i\in I} family of R-modules, then \oplus_{i\in I}M_{i} is semiartinian if and only if M_{j} is semiartinian for all j\in I.

Semiartinian rings

R is called left semiartinian if _{R}R is semiartinian, that is, R is left semiartinian if for all left R/I ideals it contains a simple submodule.

Note that R left semiartinian does not imply R left artinian.


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