Communion table

A Communion table or Lord's Table are terms used by many Protestant churches, particularly from Reformed, Baptist, Congregational, and non-denominational traditions, for the table used for preparation of the Eucharist (or "Lord's Supper").
The use of a simple table instead of an altar reflects these churches' rejection of any suggestion of sacrifice in the Holy Communion: they believe that the Passion of Jesus Christ was a perfect sacrifice for sins made once for all (Hebrews 9:25-10:4).
The table may be very simple, adorned perhaps with only a linen cloth, or with an open Bible and a pair of candlesticks. Some Communion tables often bear the inscription Do This in Remembrance of Me from the Last Supper (Luke 22:19, 1 Corinthians 11:24), indicating the belief in Holy Communion being a memorial rather than a sacrifice. Such a table may be temporary, being moved into place when there is a Communion Service.