Louis Lecoin

Louis Lecoin (30 September 1888 23 June 1971) was a French militant anarcho-pacifist. He was at the center of the foundation of the Union pacifiste de France.


Louis Lecoin was born into a very poor family at Saint-Amand-Montrond in the Cher département. His parents were illiterate (he himself did not gain any qualification beyond the basic certificat d'études). He became a proof-reader at a printing press after having tried out being a manual labourer, gardener, cement worker and a beggar. He had a life partnership with a worker for the PTT, Marie Morand, which lasted until her death in 1958. Over the course of his life he edited several publications: Ce qu’il faut dire, Le Libertaire, Défense de l’Homme and Liberté.

He spent twelve years of his life in prison for his ideas. In October 1910, a young recruit, he received the order with his regiment to break a railway workers' strike. He refused, which got him 6 months in prison. Demobilized in 1912, he went to Paris and, having made contact with anarchist circles, he became secretary of the Fédération anarchiste communiste.

During World War I, he was called before a military court for insubordination on the 18 December 1917. He was sentenced to 5 years of military prison as well as 18 months of prison for disturbing public order, without being given the opportunity to defend himself.

In 1921, at the congress of the CGT in Lille, faced with strong-arm threats from the leadership, he fired his revolver in the air so that the revolutionary syndicalists could express themselves.

He fought two battles which were to have repercussions throughout the entire world.

After the declaration of World War II, Lecoin penned a tract entitled "Paix immédiate". Because of this he was sent to prison until 1943.

After the war, Lecoin founded the committee to support Garry Davis in introducing a worldwide citizenship. In 1958 Lecoin launched his campaign to create a law for conscientious objectors. Albert Camus participated actively although he did not live to see its conclusion. The government was refusing to keep its promise of 1 June 1961, so Lecoin began a hunger strike, despite being 74 years old. The strike met with initial indifference, but after a few days, Lecoin received important support from the press, particularly from Henri Jeanson of the Canard enchaîné; Jeanson seized the attention of the intellectual class with a resounding "Holà ! Les Grandes Gueules ! Laisserez-vous mourir Louis Lecoin ?" (Hey big-mouths, are you going to let Lecoin die?). Lecoin was sent to hospital by force. On the 21st day, prime minister Georges Pompidou sent him a promise that a legislative bill was about to be submitted to the Parlement. It was not until the next day that Lecoin broke his fast. In August 1963, with the bill still not voted into law, Lecoin threatened to recommence his hunger strike. The government yielded, the law was promulgated on 23 December 1963 and all objectors were freed.

Lecoin was proposed for the Nobel Peace Prize of 1964 but he demanded that his name be retracted in order to give Martin Luther King a better chance.


(If a good revolutionary ought to remain insensitive to the suffering which he sees or guesses, I am a bad revolutionary, for I will never be the one who hopes that abhorrent regimes will add to their horrors so that more arguments may be ranged against them.)
(I firmly believe that a man can and must refuse to assassinate other men. My ideas are logical and accord with my heart, which suffers at the sight of this ugliness, and with the indignation of my conscience that individuals should pile on so many miseries).
Pour la paix, c’est très simple : rendre les hommes pacifistes même malgré eux. Les empêcher d’entrer en guerre en supprimant auparavant leurs armées et leurs armements.
(So what should we try in order to make life less filthy, if we are compelled to give up on improving men? What should we try, so that peace springs up to water our earth dried out by war and the countless stupidities of its inhabitants? Everything! As for peace, it's very simple.. make men pacifists in spite of themselves. Prevent them from going to war by suppressing arms and armaments from the beginning.) Liberté, 1 February 1970
(Hey, big-mouths, listen up. We have to save Lecoin. We have to save the man!) - Henri Jeanson, Le Canard enchaîné, 13 June 1962


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