Louis de Villars

Louis de Villars (- November 1308 ) was a French prelate of the early 14th century.[1] He was Archbishop of Lyon and Primate of Gaul and was the son of Humbert IV, sire of Thoire and Villars, and Beatrix of Burgundy. Louis Villars succèse to his great-uncle Henry I of Villars as prince-bishop of Lyon in 1301, and was himself succeeded by his nephew Henri II de Villars.

Early Bishopric

In 1303AD he established the Carmelites in Lyon and in 1304 he authorized the founding of the Abbey of the Deserted. He erected the Saint-Nizier Church and gets to Philip the Fair, confirmation of the Lyon County to the archbishops and the chapter.

He was the subject of a Papal Bull Ausculta Fili by Boniface VIII ( an allie), addressed to Philip the Fair .

Latter Bishopric

The church of Lyon had the right to recognize a vassal of the Emperor for the comté de Lyon. Pope Clement V intervenes to bring the King of France and the archbishop of Lyon to a treaty, in 1307.

Philip le Bel gives his two edicts known as the Philippines. The second edict leaves a grievance between the chapter and the Archbishop. This hostility lasted till the time of Peter of Savoy.[2]


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