Luck Plus

Luck Plus
Players 2 to 8
Age range 7 +
Random chance Medium
Skill(s) required Saving important cards; knowing when to put down those cards.

Luck Plus is a card game played with a specially printed deck and a pair of dice.


An Exciting Match Game of Cards and Dice!

Words on cards

Word Description
Go When played, these cards allow the player to continue their turn.
Stop When played, these cards cause the player to end their turn.
Transfer When played, these cards behave exactly the same as the "Go" cards. However, when drawn from the pack, these cards can be either played immediately, or passed directly to the player to the left of the drawer. In both cases, the drawer continues their turn.
Transfer Plus These cards behave exactly the same as the "Transfer" cards, except for two important distinctions. When drawn, the player may choose to transfer these cards to any other player (not just the player to their left), and, optionally, the player may choose to give a bonus card with the transfer card.
Doubles These cards can only be used to match a doubles roll of the dice, and/or another "Doubles" card on the top of the deck.
Luck Plus These cards can be used to match the total value of the dice. When the player plays these cards, they may (optionally) place a bonus card with it. Playing the "Luck Plus" car end the players turn.

External links

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