
The MIL-STD-1168 is a set of standard codes used to identify ammunition. It was designed to replace the previous confusing Ammunition Identification Code (AIC) system used by the US Army Ordnance Corps.

MIL-STD-1168 (The "Old Standard") [1949-1975]

This system used two designation codes.

The Federal Stock Number (FSN) was an 11-digit code number indicating the contents and composition of the package. The first four digits comprise the Federal Stock Composition Group, the Type and Family the item belongs to.

The Department of Defense Identification Code (DODIC) is an alphanumeric code designation for the item. It starts with a code letter and is followed by a 3-digit code number.

Ammunition Boxes

Each ammunition box was marked with the FSN and DODIC along the upper part of the box. It also was embossed with the ammunition designation and type (i.e., 5.56mm NATO M193 BALL), and there were symbols indicating packing method (linked, clips or cartons; bandoleers or containers).

Lot Code

The Lot number is in the format of: LL-NN-NNN In this example, "L" stands for Letter and "N" stands for Number.

The first two or three letters were for the Manufacturer’s Code. Each manufacturer had a code designation.

The next digits were the “Interfix Number”. This indicates the batch the lot was part of, allowing the number to be reused later.

The last digits were the serial number, called the Lot Sequence Number. This could be 3 or more digits long.


Machinegun ammo was designated by manufacturers with an extra code letter. It was either added as a letter code between the Manufacturer's Code and the Interfix Number or as a prefix or suffix to the Lot Sequence Number.

Foreign Manufacturers
Foreign manufacturers added a letter code prefix to their Lot Sequence Number.

MIL-STD-1168C (The "Ammunition Lot Numbering and Ammunition Data Card") [2014-present]

Published 11 March 2014. The purpose of lot numbering ammunition items and creation of ammunition data cards as outlined herein is to provide the identification of homogeneous materiel necessary to ensure accurate control of items during development and experimental stages; during movement of items from production line to production line, from plant to plant, from plant to storage facilities; while at test facility or in the field; for issue to the using services; to enable the proper establishment and maintenance of surveillance records; and to provide a means for properly identifying materiel when withdrawal of defective, deteriorated, hazardous or obsolete ammunition and energetic materiel from service is required. Lot numbering and ammunition data cards also provide documentation and traceability for ammunition lots.[1]

MIL-STD-1168A (The "New Standard") [1976-1998]

The FSN was replaced in 1976 by the National Stock Number, a 13-digit code number. The first 4 digits comprise the Federal Stock Composition Group, which indicates the group and class of materials it is.

Lot Number

The Lot number is in the format of: LL - NN - L - NN - NNNL In this example, "L" stands for Letter and "N" stands for Number.

The first section (LL or LLL) is the manufacturer’s code, which is two or three letters long.

The second section (NN-L) is the date code. This consists of the last two digits of the year of manufacture and a letter suffix indicating the month of production:

Letter Month Letter Month Letter Month Letter Month
A January D April G July K October
B February E May H August L November
C March F June J September M December

Following the date code is the third section: the Interfix Number (NN), which can be 2 or more digits long. This indicates the batch of material the item belongs to.

The last section is the Lot Sequence Number (NNN-L), which is 3 or more digits long. This is the sequential serial number of the lot. A letter suffix may be added to the Lot Sequence Number for various reasons. The item may have been made on a different machine or production line than the rest of the batch or a portion of the batch was found defective by quality control.

As an example of a lot number would be: FA-77-A-123-456-A. This would mean that contractor Frankfort Arsenal made the item in January, 1977; that it was portion "A" of the 456th item of the 123rd batch.

Manufacturer's Codes

US Manufacturers

Foreign Manufacturers


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