MVD special camp

MVD Special camps of the Gulag (Russian: Особые лагеря МВД, особлаги, osobye lagerya, osoblags) was a system of labor camps established addressing the February 21, 1948 decree 416—159сс of the USSR Council of Ministers by the February 28 decree 00219 of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) [1] exclusively for a "special contingent" of political prisoners, convicted according to the more severe sub-articles of Article 58: treason, espionage, terrorism, etc., for various real political opponents, such as Trotskyites, "nationalists", white émigré, as well as for fabricated ones.

In 1954, after the death of Stalin, most of them were reorganized into regular corrective labor camps.[2]

Initially, in February 1948 5 osoblags were established, nameless, numbered from 1 to 5. Later they were given codenames, accordingly, Mineralny Минеральный (Minlag), Gorny Горный (Gorlag), Dubravny Дубравный (Dubravlag), Stepnoy Степной (Steplag) and Beregovoy Береговой (Berlag). Russian political prisoner and writer Georgy Demidov notices that this naming was arbitrary, unlike regular Gulag camps, which were commonly named after geographical features or major occupation.[3]

Later the following osoblags were created: Rechnoy Речной (Rechlag, August 1948), Ozyorny Озерный (Ozyorlag/Ozerlag, December 1948, Песчаный (Peschanlag), Луговой (Luglag), Камышовый (Kamyshlag), Дальний (Dallag, Ekibastuz, distinguish from Dallag, Far East), and Водораздельный (Vodorazdellag).

See also


  1. Приказ МВД СССР № 00219 «Об организации особых лагерей МВД»
  2. Reference book Система исправительно-трудовых лагерей в СССР ("The System of Corrective Labor Camps in the USSR")
  3. Georgy Demidov, "Без бирки" ("Without Tag"") in: "Чудная планета" ("Fancy Planet"), Moscow, Возвращение, 2008, ISBN 978-5-7157-0219-7, p. 132.
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