Yisroel Hopsztajn

Yisroel Hopstien (1737–1814), also known as the Maggid of Kozhnitz, was one of the more important Hasidic leaders of Poland during the 18th and early 19th century . He was a student of the Magid of mezritch and Rebbe Reb Melekh Elimelech of Lizhensk. He wrote many books on Hasidut and Kabalah.
He was born in Opatów, where his father Shabsay was a bookbinder and Perl. Even as a young child he was recognized as an Ilui, prodigy. He studied under the tutelage of Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg, who eventually convinced R' Israel to go learn with the Magid of mezritch. After the Magid died, he went to learn from Rebbe Reb Melekh Elimelech of Lizhensk. He was founder of the Kozhnitz Hasidic dynasty.
He was married to Raziel. They had 3 children: Rabbi Moshe Elyakim who replaced his father as Rebbe after R' Israel died. Leah Perl the wife of R' Avi Ezra Zelig Shapira, Rabbi of Grenitz. And finally, R' Motel who died in his youth.
- Nezer Yisrael, a commentary on the Zohar
- Gevurat Yisrael, a commentary on the Haggadah of Pesach
- Ta'amei Mitzvot, a commentary on the 613 Mitzvot
- Or Yisrael, a commentary on the Tikunei HaZohar
- Avodat Yisrael, a commentary on the Torah and Pirkei Avot
- Aryeh Kaplan (1984). The Chasidic Masters and Their Teachings. Jerusalem: Moznaim.
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