Maha Mutharam

Maha Mutharam is a village and a mandal in Karimnagar district in the state of telangana in India.

Maha Mutharam is in the eastern part of Karimnagar, which is also known as Mutharam Mahadevpur. It is 120 km from the district headquarters. It is on the border of Karimnagar and Warangal districts. The primary occupation is agriculture. Jungles separate the villages in this region.

As of 2012 Sridhar Babu, the Whip of the Andhra Pradesh Government was MLA of Manthani, under which Maha Mutharam falls. He is the son of the late Sripada Rao who was a Speaker under the Congress Government. He started his political life as Sarpanch of Dhanwada village, 25 km from Maha Mutharam.

The literacy of people is low in this region. No educational institutes are available in this mandal, requiring students to go elsewhere.

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