Mangkunegara VI
Mangkunegaran is the sixth ruler ascended the throne in 1896. He is R.M. Suyitno, the fourth son of Mangkunegara. As an adult he was named K.P.A. Dayaningrat. He is also the younger brother of the fifth Mangkunegara. His reign lasted from 1896 to 1916. He was born March 1, 1857 of Raden Ayu Dunuk. He is the grandson of the third Mangkunegara on his mother's side.
Substitution Throne Mangkunegaran
Substitution ruler of the fifth to the sixth ruler Mangkunegara but presents a number of questions over the course of the Duchy of government priority and would be a big gamble if left a vacuum in power. Mangkunegaran should still have the power holders.
Mangkunegara fifth suffered a fall from a horse on the way in the woods Wonogiri lice. Endless pain suffered by death. Not abandoned the throne occupied by his son but by his brother who does not have the right to the throne.
Mangkunegara sixth bring a new milestone in the system of royal succession in Java. Various arguments that question the legitimacy and its right to occupy the Duchy of power broken by itself because the principle can not be empty throne is the most skillful weapon to fend off all sorts of dissatisfaction.
Appear As a Ruler
Mangkunegara VI began enthroned on 21 November 1896 to bring about change and renewal. He further prioritize areas of financial economics during his reign. All sorts of financial activities that are too suck for a removal efficiency. During his reign, Mangkunegaran financial crash as a result did not discipline the management. In addition, because the price of sugar on world markets fell due to emerging new competitors from Brazil. Mangkunegaran stuck in debt and debt during Mangkunegara VI can be repaid.
Mangkunegara VI is a pioneer model appearance with short hair. The men were obliged to cut long hair to be short and clean. He started his first hair cut and the employees and the people Mangkunegaran obliged to follow it. The procedure was changed due respect to superiors. Saluting unnecessary repetitive and quite three times. Mangkunegara VI during the Sunan Surakarta royal ties with freelance and Mangkunegaran become an independent power parallel to Kasunanan Surakarta. Mangkunegara a new competitor in the fight over hegemony Kasunanan Javanese culture.
Mangkunegara VI brought changes in the way of a meeting of the meeting sat on the floor into a meeting by means of tables and chairs as seats. The system is the first sitting Mangkunegara VI executed since the early establishment of the palace which was founded by Prince Sambernyawa. Mangkunegara VI is officially also allow the relatives and the people Mangkunegaran to embrace Christianity.
Economy Mangkunegaran
As of June 1, 1899 all of the management company Mangkunegaran company back to the Praja Mangkunegaran with direct control by Mangkunegara sixth that separates between financial companies and financial empire. As a result of this policy Mangkunegaran rulers, all companies are in control of a superintendent (Wasino, 2008) and intervene in a Dutch resident company's financial ends.
Traditional sectors of rural economy transformed into a modern way to reproduce plantations planted with coffee, indigo, sugar cane or sugar. in the Praja (Lombard, 1996). The condition of an agricultural region Mangkunegaran functionalized with the principle of regularity and managed his father's legacy.
The conflict between the Resident with Mangkunegara VI often happens in the tug because Mangkunegaran party that has refused to intervene autonomy arrangements Residen.Residen Surakarta Van Wijk to intervene in a way Mangkunegaran parties are required to conduct consultations in the financial budget of the kingdom. Besides the six Mangkunegara also been foreclosed on Spoorweg Nederlandsch Indische Maatschappij (Dutch private railroad) who can not afford to pay taxes for the land he rented land.
Politics And Government Policy
1. Political Tie Waist Political belts explain the intent that in order to save Mangkunegaran of the slump and slump as a Duchy of the efficient use of financial strived to push sedem ikian way that the slump that threatens the bankruptcy can be overcome.
2. Praja Policy Policies are applied in connection with the purpose of obtaining an adequate re-acquisition of the incumbent cause achieved full status as rulers and merchants (Tempo, May 16, 1987). Such a thing which is later imitated and followed by Kasunanan Surakarta and Yogyakarta Sultanate. Activities rulers who acted as a merchant among the Javanese term traders often revealed (Java: Ndoro Bakulan). All land in the Mangkunegaran deprived of tradition and the result used as plantation estates to the world market.
3. Policy In Reorganization Legion Legion post commander Major Mangkunegaran automatically be in the hands Mangkunegara was enthroned with the rank of Colonel. Below is the Deputy Commander of the Main Commander who was held by KPH Gondosuputra. Streamlining the organization to fit the budget run by the sixth Mangkunegara by removing the position of Vice Commander. KPH. Gondosuputra by Mangkunegara sixth honorably discharged as a retired Lieutenant Colonel Deputy Commander of the Legion Mangkunegaran.
Regional security
The robber-bandit gangs that have long operated in the area surrounding Mangkunegaran and start counting again with the appearance of the king to six in Mangkunegaran. King of the rumored to be stingy / miserly in this financial group to deal with the harsh black. The Praja Police in charge and responsible for security does not bear responsibility subject to sanctions by the king when it comes to losing confront the gangs. The defeat of the security guards is a disaster area is troubling because in addition to looting of property, the hoodlums-robber-bandits also committed murder and rape.
Polisional operations along the border with Kasunanan not uncommon to end up with conflicts Mangkunegara sixth with Resident Resident of Surakarta because the parties are to be Polisional in combating heart Kasunanan not mean that robbers / bully who ran in the border region after entering Kasunanan can already suspected would make the riots back because there is no action to punish him.
Java postwar expansion in 1830 with the proliferation of plantations, the bully / robber / robbers locally grown increasingly disappointed in the kingdom. In this period known as the highwayman type of rural crime and plaster (Suara Merdeka, 2009). Robber is a title that refers to a flock of people who operate Rayah forcibly plundered victims with torture and murder, while the plaster refers to the notion robber but its limited number of people / little (Suhartono, 1995).
In 1872 the region recorded Mangkunegaran there are 24 events conducted by the robber and plaster (Wasino, 2008). If in a year then it could happen 24 crimes counted in every month an average of two times the incident occurred crime robbery and murder. Mangkunegara fury sixth place when a flock of highwayman On 15 November 1883 rampage and killed an old wife in the village of Kretek jacks, Sragen. Mangkunegara sixth straight pointed nose that really mean less praja police in carrying out royal duties (Suara Merdeka, 2009).
During the sixth Mangkunegara took office in Mangkunegaran, financial condition are in crisis and the kingdom fell in debt to the Dutch. To the crisis that struck the kingdom is already learning Mangkunegara of his ancestor and will not repeat to fall on the same street.
Art Wayang Wong
Art wayang wong as a performing arts tradition first developed by Mangkunegara that reigned 1757-1795. As a performing arts palace, wayang wong art in the tradition started by his successors of the first Mangkunegara hereditary ditradisikan be a valuable learning models messages, and social knowledge besides entertainment.
Arts wayang wong which has become a tradition of royal art by the duke of reduced activity. This reduction does not mean deadly because wayang wong art developed by Gan Kam unopposed let alone prohibited its development. Gan Kam is of Chinese descent who have a close relationship with Mangkunegaran dynasty. At the time of the fifth Mangkunegara. Gan Kam Duke successfully lobby to be allowed to carry out the wayang wong art out of the palace walls to the right markets to performing arts can be enjoyed as a performance by the mass or the general public.
Between rescue wayang wong art tradition conducted by Gan Thurs with government Mangkunegara sixth being enthroned, here it can be said to meet agreement for a rescue. Gan Thurs rescue action in puppet arts wong pioneered by Prince Sambernyawa and rescue action Mangkunegara sixth kingdom founded and pioneered by Prince Sambernyawa. Arts wayang wong who need financing to rescue the funds should be spent could be diverted for the benefit of the kingdom. Artistic side of that tradition, though not funded by the kingdom was still alive in its continuity.
Thus, in line with the economic redevelopment Mangkunegaran no reason to say that at the time of the sixth development Mangkunegara court wayang wong art traditions become extinct. this art with the exit of the palace walls was even more a place in the hearts of the community as a prestigious performing arts.
The development of wayang wong that was outside the walls of this palace Mangkunegaran increasingly encouraged its development in the reign of the seventh and widened until Mangkunegara Kasunanan and Sultanate. In Kasunanan, Sunan Pakubuwana tenth (1893–1939) initiative was performing in Balekambang, Garden Night Market Sri wedari and Alun Alun in Surakarta. In the Sultanate of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengkubuwana seventh (1877–1921) shew wayang wong for spectacle relatives palace.
Wayang wong that originated from this Mangkunegaran at the same time with the financial slump Mangkunegaran actually have a place and the road through another palace in the growth and development.
Work achievement
As a king faced with a threatened slump slump kingdom, has incised sixth Mangkunegara some achievements for the sustainability of the Praja Mangkunegaran which among others is not over-stated as follows;
1. Mangkunegara sixth Praja successfully implement reform of the situation declined by drowning in debt to the kingdom of the Netherlands became the royal debt even keel achieve surplus value (Suryo Danisworo, Hendri Cape, 2004). Increased stability of the kingdom's economy so that people's living standards started well again. As a result of new market emerging markets around the plantation.
2. Legion Mangkunegaran rebuild strength with a more than adequate funding so that the corps which had reduced the strength to be strong again as usual.
3. Creating a climate of pluralism in Praja Mangkunegaran by allowing relatives who later embraced Christianity will be continued in the reign of the sixth Mangkunegara.
4. restore financial and economic success Mangkunegaran not be separated from Java management principles taught by his father Mangkunegara namely the sixth order in life, trying to order and regularity in the work. Thus the sixth Mangkunegara instrumental in reintroducing the brainchild Java management principles are applied in dealing with his father and Praja slump.
5. The sixth is the enforcement of financial Mangkunegara Mangkunegaran dynasty (Tempo, May 16, 1987)
6. Creating art is art with a puppet on the show to four hours through the night without distortion story content (Mutual Reader 1978: 7).
7. Officially and firmly opposed to worship at the shrine that became venues for prostitution, which flourished at that time (see: Sartono and Alex Sudewa, 1989).
Heritage Mangkunegara VI
In his reign, give relic Mangkunegara VI which until now frequently visited by the tourist is Sapta Tirta.Sumber water bath in this bath pablengan has seven kinds of natural resources which were located very close together, namely: Warm Water, Cold Water, Living Water, Water Off, Soda water, water Bleng, and water Mind your Mind.
Resigned As a Ruler
Governance is a show with lots of changes and ending with the anti-Dutch tensions and tragic. Mangkunegara VI have children; K.P.A. Suyono Handayaningrat and B.R.Ay. Suwasti Hatmosurono. When Mangkunegara VI wished to make his son as a possible successor, he was on the veto by a group of relatives of the Prince and the Netherlands. Finally Mangkunegara VI resigned and settled in Surabaya.
Mangkunegara VI is the only king in Mangkunegaran who resign of his own free will (Media Communication Family Ex-HIK Yogyakarta, 1987). In testimony Partini Mangkunegara VI said that in January 11, 1916 quietly resign and go with the whole family to Surabaya (Singgih, Pamoentjak, Roswitha, 1986)
In Surabaya son and daughter Mangkunegara VI of KPA Suyono Handayaningrat and RMP Hatmosurono active in the movement of Budi Utomo and together with Dr. Sutomo founded the political party named Parindra.
When Mangkunegara VI died buried in Astana Utoro Nayu Surakarta. In Mangkunegaran that reigned next is his nephew namely RMA Suryasuparta as Mangkunegara VII. Mangkunegara VI chose Surabaya as a place in the old days to prepare his son and daughter continue the concept of state that can not be implemented through a Duchy.
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