
Coal miners riding a mantrip

A mantrip is a shuttle for transporting miners down into an underground mine at the start of their shift, and out again at the end. Mantrips usually take the form of a train, running on a mine railway and operating like a cable car. Mantrips may also be self-powered, for example by a diesel locomotive. Other types of mantrips do not require a track and take the form of a pickup truck running on rubber tires.

Because many mines have low ceilings, mantrips tend to have a reduced height.

In the United States, the Mine Safety and Health Administration has published safety regulations governing the operation of mantrips.[1]


  1. U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration, Washington, D.C. (1988). "Mandatory Safety Standards--Underground Coal Mines; Criteria--Mantrips." Code of Federal Regulations, 30 C.F.R. 75.1403-7
  • Kentucky Educational Television, Lexington, KY. "Mantrip." Electronic Field Trip to a Coal Mine. Accessed 2010-06-06.
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