Manuel Alfonseca
Manuel Alfonseca | |
Manuel Alfonseca. | |
Born |
Manuel Alfonseca Moreno April 24, 1946 Spain Madrid, España |
Occupation |
Professor novelist Science popularizer |
Manuel Alfonseca (born 1946, Madrid) is a Spanish writer and university professor. He is the son of the painter and sculptor Manuel Alfonseca Santana.
He is a doctor on communications engineering and graduated on Computer Science. He worked 22 years in IBM (1972–1994), where he was Senior Technical Staff Member. He has been a professor in several universities: Complutense de Madrid, Politécnica de Madrid and (now) Autónoma de Madrid, where he was a full professor (currently an honorary professor) and director of the Escuela Politécnica Superior (2001–2004).[1]
He has published about two hundred technical papers in Spanish and English,[2][3][4][5] as well as many articles on popular science in high difussion newspapers[6] and web blogs.[7]
He is the author of about forty books[8] in the fields of computer science, popular science, historic novel, science fiction and young adult literature.
He was granted the Lazarillo Award (1988) and La Brújula Award for Children and Young Adult Narrative (2012),[9] besides having been finalist and included in honor lists several times.
- Novels
a) Fantasy
- The journey of Tivo the Dauntless, Writers Club Press, San José, CA, 2000. English translation of El viaje de Tivo el Arriesgado, Siglo Cultural, 1986.
- The mystery of the Black Lake. English translation of El misterio del Lago Negro, Siglo Cultural, 1986. (Available in e-book format in
- The Silver Swan. English translation of La odisea del Cisne de Plata, Siglo Cultural, 1986. (Available in e-book format in
- The secret of the ice field. English translation of El secreto del campo de hielo, Siglo Cultural, 1986. (Available in e-book format in
- The lost continent. English translation of El continente perdido, Siglo Cultural, 1986. (Available in e-book format in
- La aventura de Sir Karel de Nortumbria, Espasa Calpe, 1990, Anaya, 2002.
- Ennia in Fairie. English translation of Ennia, Noguer, 1993.
b) Historical
- The ruby of the Ganges. English translation of El rubí del Ganges, Noguer, 1989. Lazarillo Award 1988, translated into Catalonian and English.
- The Heirloom of King Scorpion. English translation of La herencia del rey Escorpión, Aguilar, 1989. Finalista of the Lazarillo Award 1987 and Elena Fortún Award 1988. Translated into French and English: La revanche d'Osiris, Hachette, 1993.
- Mano Escondida, Alfaguara, 1991. Oxford University Press, 2012.
- El agua de la vida, S.M., 1998.
- Una cuestión de honor, Palabra, 1998.
- El sello de Eolo, Edebé, 2000.
- La tabla esmeralda, Palabra, 2004.
- La corona tartesia, San Pablo, 2012. IV La Brújula Award (2012).
c) Science Fiction
- Un rostro en el tiempo, Noguer, 1989. Finalist of CCEI Award, 1989. Edelvives, 2012.
- Under an orange sky. English translation of Bajo un cielo anaranjado, S.M., 1992. (Available in e-book format in
- Beyond the black hole. English translation of Más allá del agujero negro, Terra Nova, 1995.
- The last dinosaur. English translation of Tras el último dinosaurio, Edebé, 1996. Translated to English, Catalonian and Galician.
- Descend into the hell of Venus. English translation of Descenso al infierno de Venus, Palabra, 1999. (Available in e-book format in
- Jacob's ladder. English translation of La escala de Jacob, S.M., 2001. (Available in e-book format in
- Los moradores de la noche, Anaya, 2012. Finalist of the Award to the best independent national novel by El Templo de las mil Puertas, 2013.
- The history of the Earth-9 colony. English translation of La historia de la colonia Tierra-9, 2013.
d) Mystery and intrigue
- Historias en la oscuridad, 2014.
- El zahir de Quetzalcoatl, Schedas, 2014.
- El misterio de la casa encantada, Schedas, 2014.
- El misterio del brazalete de zafiros, Schedas, 2015.
- El misterio de la luna de miel, Schedas, 2015.
e) Miscellaneous
- Espérame, Nina, voy contigo, Palabra, 1997.
- Albatros, Anaya, 2001.
- Popular science
- Human cultures and evolution, Vantage Press, New York, 1979.
- La vida en otros mundos, Alhambra, 1982. McGraw Hill, 1993.
- El futuro de la evolución, Alhambra, 1985.
- El tiempo y el hombre, Alhambra, 1985.
- De lo infinitamente pequeño a lo infinitamente grande, Alhambra, 1986.
- 1000 grandes científicos, diccionario Espasa, 1996.
- El quinto nivel, Adhara, 2005.[10] Digital revised edition, 2014.
- El tiempo y el hombre, Ediciones U.A.M., 2008.[11]
- ¿Es compatible Dios con la ciencia? Evolución y cosmología, CEU Ediciones, 2013.
- 60 preguntas sobre ciencia y fe respondidas por 26 profesores de universidad, ed. Francisco José Soler Gil y Manuel Alfonseca. Stella Maris, 2014.
- Viajes hacia lo infinitamente pequeño y lo infinitamente grande. Ediciones Logos e Instituto de Filosofía Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, 2015.
- Popular computer science
- Cómo hacer juegos de aventura, Siglo Cultural, Enciclopedia Práctica de la Informática Aplicada, nr. 1, Madrid 1986.
- Aprenda Matemáticas y Estadística con el lenguaje APL, Siglo Cultural, Enciclopedia Práctica de la Informática Aplicada, nr. 30, Madrid 1987.
- Texts on computer science
- Teoría de Lenguajes, Gramáticas y Autómatas, Universidad y Cultura, Textos de Cátedra, Madrid 1987, 1991, Promosoft, 1997. Coauthors: Justo Sancho y Miguel Angel Martínez Orga.
- Programación Orientada a Objetos, Anaya Multimedia, 1992. Coauthor: Alfonso Alcalá.
- Guía práctica de C y C++, Anaya Multimedia, 1999. Edición revisada y ampliada, 2005. Edición revisada y ampliada, 2014. Coauthor: Alejandro Sierra.
- Compiladores e intérpretes: teoría y práctica, Pearson Education, 2006. Coauthors: Marina de la Cruz, Alfonso Ortega, Estrella Pulido.
- Teoría de Autómatas y Lenguajes Formales, McGraw Hill, 2007. ISBN 978-84-481-5637-4. Coauthors: Enrique Alfonseca, Roberto Moriyón.
- Miscellaneous
- Krishna frente a Cristo, 1978. ISBN 84-300-0252-9.
- ↑ History of the Escuela Politécnica Superior. Web of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- ↑ Selection of publications. Web of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- ↑ Manuel Alfonseca in Google Scholar. A selection of Manuel Alfonseca papers
- ↑ Google Scholar citations. Most cited Manuel Alfonseca's papers
- ↑ Manuel Alfonseca's publications indexed by the DBLP Bibliography Server at the University of Trier
- ↑ Contributions to the newspaper La Vanguardia. Newspaper contributions
- ↑ Contributions to blogs. Web of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- ↑ Manuel Alfonseca's books. Web of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- ↑ Manuel Alfonseca gana el IV Premio La Brújula con la novela «La corona tartesia». BLOG Editorial San Pablo Spain
- ↑ Publisher page. Adhara Publications page
- ↑ Review of the book. Book review at magazine Religión y Cultura
External links
- Biographical information and list of works
- Manuel Alfonseca blogs: Divulgación de la Ciencia. Popular Science.
- Manuel Alfonseca in the Spanish Wikipedia: Manuel Alfonseca Moreno
- Manuel Alfonseca at
- Publications by Manuel Alfonseca, at ResearchGate
- Entry at ORCID
- Manuel Alfonseca at LinkedIn.
- Manuel Alfonseca's author page at Goodreads.
- Manuel Alfonseca at Oxford Index (Oxford University Press).
- Manuel Alfonseca's author page at Anaya Publisher.
- Manuel Alfonseca's author page at and at Book Depository.
- Interview with Manuel Alfonseca.