Margarita Starkevičiūtė

Margarita Starkevičiūtė is a member of EU advisory boards on financial markets and digital economy. She is a former Member of the European Parliament (2004-2009) for the Liberal and Centre Union; part of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe. At present came back to academia: teaching - macroeconomic analysis at the Faculty of Economics at Vilnius University, performing research on managing of imbalances, global governance reform, EU economic policy and financial markets at the International Business School, at Vilnius University, external academic expert for European Parliamentary Research Services, member of Lithuania's economists association.

PhD thesis (2001). “Strategy of Long-Term Economic Growth in Transition and its Implementation in Lithuania”. The subject of research is the growth and strategy of economic policy. The aim is to evaluate the development of economy in transition and applying modern growth model, to define the determinants and sources of long – term economic growth and to outline government economic policy strategy facilitating the growth of economy.

Research interests. Growth, global governance, financial economics, behavioral economics, creative industries.

Teaching interests. Economic policy and investment management, financial markets and investments, management of changes.

2004-2009, Member of the European Parliament, ALDE political group, Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, Budget Committee, Budgetary Control Committee, Delegation for relations with Japan, Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand, Delegation for relations with Iran.

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