Marguerite Crouzet

Marguerite Crouzet was the mistress of Georges Boulanger. She died in July 1891. A few months later, Georges Boulanger committed suicide on her grave.

Personal information

Marguerite Bonnemains was born Marquerite Crouzet. She was a handsome and wealthy daughter of the bourgeoisie and she married the son of General the Vicomte de Bonnemains. The marriage failed and they were divorced. She became the lover of the French general and minister Boulanger and died in his arms in July 1891. At his request 'A bientôt' ('See you soon') was engraved on her tomb. Two months later he shot himself in front of her grave and 'Ai-je bien pu vivre deux mois et demi sans toi?' ('Did I really live two and a half months without you?') was added to the epitaph.

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