Maria Lugones

María Lugones is an Argentine feminist philosopher, social critic, and Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Philosophy, Interpretation and Culture, and of Philosophy, and of Women's Studies at Binghamton University in New York.

Early life


Lugones was born in the pampas of Argentina. Her father was the son of a sharecropper and her mother was the daughter of Catalonian immigrants. Her father’s parents had been sharecroppers in a province of Buenos Aires, Los Toldos. Both sets of families had been extremely poor and often struggled to make ends meet.

Academic career


She received her Bachelor of Arts in the field of Philosophy from the University of California, Los Angeles with magna cum laude. In 1973 she received her Master of Arts in the department of Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Shortly after that, in 1978, she received her Doctor of Philosophy from the department of Philosophy with a minor from the department of political science after finishing her dissertation on Morality and Public Relations from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Colonial/modern gender system

A term created by Lugones is the Colonial/Modern Gender System. It is a gender binary or heterosexual system in which there are different hierarchies of power. It is within this system that homosexuality or transgender identities are not recognized. For more information regarding this concept also see: Colonial/Modern Gender System

Published works

Some of the published work that Maria Lugones has written includes:


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