Marie Julie Jahenny

Marie-Julie Jahenny


Marie-Julie Jahenny late in life.
Born February 12, 1850
Coyault (Blain, Loire-Atlantique)
Died March 4, 1941(1941-03-04) (aged 91)
La Fraudais (Blain, Loire-Atlantique)
Nationality France
Known for The mystic of La Fraudais
Denomination Christian Catholic

Marie-Julie Jahenny (Coyault, Blain, February 12, 1850 – La Fraudais, March 4, 1941) was a Breton mystic and stigmatist.


Marie-Julie Jahenny was born in a large peasant family,[1] and later joined the Third Order of Saint Francis.

During her life, she reported several apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ through which she received prophecies about the end of the world, the Great Catholic Monarch, punishment for the sins of the people, the destruction of Paris through civil war, the Three Days of Darkness, and the coming of Antichrist. (The Three Days of Darkness is a prophecy based on private revelation among some Catholics. This belief is not endorsed by the Holy See.)

From the age of twenty-three until her death, she bore the stigmata.[2] According to the testimony of witnesses, she experienced supernatural attacks from the devil, had the gift of prophecy and miracles.

Marie-Julie predicted numerous chastisements for sin that would fall first on France then spread to the rest of the world. These include: earthquakes, unprecedented destruction through storms, failed harvests, unknown plagues that would spread rapidly plus the cures for them, a "Blood Rain" that would fall for seven weeks, civil war in France that apparently would be started by conspirators in the government, the persecution of the Catholic Church with the total closure of all churches and religious houses, persecution and slaughter of Christians, the destruction of Paris, a Two Day period of Darkness that would come circa a month before the Three Days of Darkness. The coming of the Great Monarch would also be announced by signs in the sky. She also had visions of the Angelic Pontiff who would reign at the same time of the Great Monarch, and that both these great leaders were destined to restore the Catholic Church.[3] Her house has been transformed into a sanctuary, which bears her name, in Blain, near Nantes where she is buried in the cemetery.

An association called "Le sanctuaire de Marie-Julie Jahenny" was created and presided over by Andre, the Marquis of La Franquerie, the French monarchist propagandist (1901-1992).


See also


  2. "Marie Julie the Stigmatist".
  3. "We Are Warned: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny" (December 1, 2011). PDF
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