Marinduque State College

The official logo of Marinduque State College

Marinduque State College (MSC) is a public college in the Philippines.


MSC consists of one main campus located at Boac, (capital of Marinduque) and three more branches located at Sta. Cruz, Torrijos and Gasan. MSC provides a learning resource center (library and multimedia services), student publication, Office of the Student Affairs (OSA) student organizations and activities, Guidance and Psychological Testing Services, Health Services (Medical and Dental), Scholarship and Financial Assistance Program; and Sports, Physical education and Recreation (SPEAR). It has services like dormitory, internet, canopy and study sheds, bulletin boards, and speech laboratory.


An act to establish, organize and maintain one National High School of Arts and Trades in the Municipality of Boac, province of Marinduque, to be known as the Marinduque School of Arts and Trades and to authorize the appropriation of funds for the purpose.

An act converting the Marinduque School of Arts and Trades into the Marinduque Institute of Science and Technology, broadening for the purpose its curricular programs in Science and Technology.

An act changing the name of the Marinduque Institute of Science and Technology in Barangay Tanza, Municipality of Boac, province of Marinduque to Marinduque State College.

An act establishing the College of Agriculture in Barangay Poctoy, Municipality of Torrijos; the college of Fisheries in Baranggay Pinggan, Municipality of Gasan; and the Marinduque Community College in the Municipality of Sta. Cruz, all in the province of Marinduque as branches of the Marinduque State College, Boac, Marinduque

MSC Hymn

Hail to the MSC, Oh Hail to thee
With loyal hearts do homage
We tried to the years we come today
Pray God to lead thy way
Thy song in meekness bow their hearts
With faces up, we stand to sing
Oh Hail to name MSC!

Hail to the MSC, Oh Hail to thee
Our beacon thy wisdom shall be
As light to guide us on your way
Whenever we shall be
And when the Lord of land and sea
Call us to heaven we still sing
Oh Hail to the name MSC!


Boac Campus (main)

School of Advanced Education

- Organizational Studies - Local and Regional Governance and Administration

School of Engineering

School of Allied Medicine

School of Industrial Technology

Major in:

School of Secondary Teacher Education

- Mathematics - Social Studies - Biological Sciences - Physical Sciences - Music, Arts, Physical and Health Education - Technology and Livelihood Education - Music Education

School of Information and Computing Sciences

School of Arts and Sciences

School of Criminal Justice Education

Gasan Campus

Sta.Cruz campus

School of Arts and Sciences

School of Tourism

School of Information and Computing Sciences

School of Elementary Teacher Education

- Early Childhood Care and Development - General Education

Torrijos campus

Four-year courses

Two-year course

Officers of the College

The MSC Board of Trustees

Office of the President

Office of the Vice-President for Administration

Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs

Office of the Vice-President for Research and Extension

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Tuesday, November 03, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.