Mario Mantese

Mario Mantese (born 1951 in Switzerland) is a former bass player of the British-American soul and funk band "Heatwave" and an author of spiritual books.

After leaving a gala/party in London in 1978, he was stabbed in the heart by his girlfriend. For several minutes he was clinically dead before he could be reanimated and operated on. After several months, he awoke from coma blind, mute and paralyzed in his entire body. He could never play bass again and had lost his singing voice. He didn't file charges against the attacker and moved back to Switzerland and wrote about his recovery.He has a male child by the same woman that allegedly stabbed him and is still in touch with her and him.

In his autobiography, Mantese says, "My consciousness was luminous, powerful and clear. At the same time, I was lying there in a paralyzed body, without any possibility to communicate with the outer world. By being blind, I learnt to look inside and became able to see in a special way. Being mute taught me the active power of silence and by being totally paralyzed, I learnt patience and within it, deep contentment ["Zufriedenheit"].

"By this change, currents of light revealed themselves to me, which took me deeper and deeper into the universe and opened up for me entirely new understanding of life in the universe. A spiritualization of the senses happened and I realized that man, indeed, is a cosmic, multidimensional being."

Mantese believes that man continues to live even without his physical body and that life is, in reality, never an occurrence bound to the body. He believes he is timeless and boundless.

Since his recovery, Mantese shares his insights in his darshans and gatherings, now known as Meister M (Master M). "What I exemplify through my life is the following: One can live here with a family, with children, work and responsibility and nevertheless be perfectly boundless and free in the world. In the world, but not from the world. With both feet on the ground and the head in the universe. The awakened man is inconceivable and at the same time conceivable. However, these are not two different things, but one and the same, as the light, depending on the view, appears either as a wave or as a particle."

Approximately a year after being stabbed, Mantese regained his eyesight and later recovered from the paralysis. On his website, he is referred to as a spiritual teacher. He writes books, two of which have been translated into French and one into English. He holds lectures and seminars in German in the Swiss cities of Zürich and Winterthur. In Biel (French part of Switzerland) he speaks French.


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