Mario Pappagallo

Mario Pappagallo (2011)

Mario Pappagallo (Rome, 1 June 1954) is an Italian journalist and essayist. He lives in Milan, Italy.


After studying Medicine at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and Biological Sciences at the University of Urbino, he got a master's degree in medical and scientific Journalism from the University of Rome "Tor Vergata". He has been a member of the Italy's Order of Journalists since 1986.

In 1982 he joined the editorial staff of Tutti, a monthly magazine for the European youth. For Tutti he broke the story of oil spills along the European coasts, in particular that of Amoco Cadiz.[1]

In 1984 he participated in the project of Codice Salute, the information bulletin of the "Tribunale per i diritti del malato", an association upholding the rights of ill people. He wrote for the Corriere Medico from 1985 to 1990. At the end of the 1980s, his investigation in the medical faculties in Italian Universities led to a change in the curriculum of medical studies. In 1990 he joined Corriere Salute, the health weekly supplement of Corriere della Sera.

One of his articles[2] for Corriere Salute appears in an anthology of Italian literature of the twentieth-century[3] to illustrate the language of health journalism.

In 1992 he moved to the National News staff of Corriere della Sera. Since 1995 he is Senior editor. From May 2009 to April 2011, he has been in the Editorial committee of Corriere della Sera.[4] Currently, he is Senior editor in the National News staff of Corriere della Sera, he gives conferences and he writes books. He is also a commentator on health issues for Radio Monte Carlo.

In 19921993, for Corriere della Sera and L'Europeo monthly magazine, he broke the story of the inquiry into the Italian Drug Commission.

He is author or co-author of several books. Among them is Contro il dolore, an essay supporting pain treatment, written with his brother, the neurologist Marco Pappagallo.


In 1989, the Italian Foreign Ministry awarded him a prize for a series of articles on the Italian health cooperation in Chad and Sudan.

In 2008, he was awarded the "August and Marie Krogh" Medal, Novo Nordisk Media Prize for the book Una carezza per guarire, Sperling & Kupfer, written with the oncologist Umberto Veronesi,.[5] In the same year he won a journalistic prize[6] sponsored by the Italian National Federation of Juvenile Diabetes.

In 2009 he gained the Novo Nordisk Italy Media Prize,[7] in the category "Articles in lay press", for the article "The Diabetes Emergency".[8][9] As winner of the Italy Media Prize, he has taken part in the Novo Nordisk International Media Prize 2009 contest for excellence in writing on diabetes, and he was the winner in the category "Best print article",[10][11] first Italian journalist to win the international prize.

In the same year he was awarded the "Pulcinella Prize"[12] from Federdolore,[13] the federation of pain management and palliative care specialists, for having treated "pain problems using accessible language".[14]



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