Marjan Mashkour

Marjan Mashkour, June 2005

Marjan Mashkour received her Ph.D. in zooarchaeology in Paris (2001) and is a member of CNRS. She is the first Iranian to specialize in the field of zooarchaeology and has been engaged in many field and laboratory projects in Iran and the Near East. Her research interest is late Paleolithic fauna of the Zagros Mountains and the domestication of the wild goat in Iran. She has edited a number of books on the zooarchaeology of Europe and the Near East. She is helping the National Museum of Iran to establish a center for zooarchaeology and was involved in the setting up of the Zagros Paleolithic Museum.


PhD Thesis (2001, University of Paris I-Sorbonne): "Chasse et élevage du Néolithique à l’Âge du Fer dans la plaine de Qazvin (Iran). Étude archéozoologique des sites de Zagheh, Qabrestan et Sagzabad", ("Hunting and farming from the Neolithic to the Iron Age in the plain of Qazvin (Iran). Archaeozoological study sites Zagheh, and Qabrestan Sagzabad").


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