Mark Clarke (politician)

Mark Clarke
Born (1977-06-01)June 1, 1977
Hounslow, London, U.K.
Alma mater
Occupation Marketing Consultant and Political Activist
Spouse(s) Sarah Clarke
  • Young Britons' Foundation Golden Dolphin (2015)

Mark Clarke (also known as the "Tatler Tory"), born June 1977, is a former UK Conservative Party parliamentary candidate,[1] former Director of the Young Britons' Foundation,[2] former Chairman of Conservative Future[3] and ex-Director of the now-disbanded Road Trip electioneering organisation which bussed Conservative Party activists to marginal seats in the 2015 general election. Following the death of Conservative activist Elliot Johnson, who named Clarke as having bullied him, Clarke was suspended from the Party on 24 September 2015.[4][5] A series of serious accusations subsequently appeared in several national newspapers about Clarke’s alleged misconduct and in November 2015 he was finally expelled and banned for life from representing or joining the Conservative Party again.[6] His alleged misconduct within the Conservative Party led to national newspaper coverage in 2015 about how much and to what extent senior figures in the Party knew about complaints regarding his actions, which subsequently led to a government minister, Grant Shapps, resigning.

Personal life

Clarke was raised on a council estate in Hounslow and has previously described his father as being absent from his upbringing. He was schooled at London's Dulwich College after achieving a government assisted places position. Afterwards, Clarke would study Ancient and Modern History at Durham University.[7]

Justine Greening MP

He is married to Sarah and has two children.[1] In 2015 a series of allegations were publicised in national newspapers which accused Clarke of serial infidelity, including Daily Mail which reported accusations that he had pursued a long-term love affair with India Brummitt,[8] a former Conservative Future Executive committee member whom the Party suspended in 2015 following a Newsnight report.[9] Despite all newspapers covering the story writing that Clarke denied these accusations, the details of the alleged affair were still printed by other national newspapers and online international media outlets including The Daily Telegraph.[10]

Previous to Clarke's marriage, Clarke was a boyfriend of Justine Greening,[11][12] who is currently Secretary of State for International Development.

Clarke, being of Caribbean descent, is also the great nephew of Dominica's first female Prime Minister, Dame Mary Eugenia Charles, and grandson to Bertie Clarke, a Barbados born member of the West Indies Cricket Team.[7]

Television and Radio

Make Me A Tory

Clarke was a protagonist of Make Me a Tory, a 2007 Channel 4 documentary that also featured future Prime Minister David Cameron. In the documentary he was one of several prominent campaigners for the Conservative Party who sought to change the mind of the documentary maker, a lifelong Labour Party supporter.[13]


Ben Howlett MP

On 18 November 2015, Clarke was the focus of an investigative feature on BBC's flagship current affairs programme Newsnight. During the episode his contemporary, Conservative MP Ben Howlett, spoke about his personal efforts to undertake institutional bullying in the youth wing of the Party[14]

A further Newsnight programme, aired on 8 December 2015, focused on allegations that the Chairman of the Conservative Party, Lord Feldman, knew from as early as 2010 about allegations of institutional bullying in the Party's youth wing and that a twenty-page dossier was handed to him and Sayeeda Warsi by two activists naming several perpetrators, one of which was Mark Clarke.[15]

BBC Radio 4

On 29 November 2015, a special thirteen minute profile on Mark Clarke was aired on BBC's flagship current affairs radio channel, Radio 4. The investigative piece sought to inform the listener why resignations were occurring and being sought in some of the highest offices in the Conservative Party, including the recent resignation of the International Development Minister. The Documentary started by saying that Clarke's activities may well have tipped the balance of the General Election in favour of the Conservatives, but went on to state he had quickly become "the disappearing man of British politics" owing to the reluctance of his former associates to defend him in the press, concluding "the former Chairman of Conservative Future now has no Future in the Conservative Party."[7]

Political and professional career

Aside from Clarke’s high profile campaigning activity for the Conservative Party, he is a senior marketing analyst at Unilever.[16] Previous to that he has worked for Procter & Gamble, Mars and Accenture.[7]

Early political career

Clarke has been an active Conservative Party campaigner since at least 1997 where he was seen in Sir John Major's entourage as the former Prime Minister gave his speech to concede defeat to Tony Blair in a huge landslide defeat.[17] He would later become the elected Chairman of Conservative Future between 2006 and 2008 and he also came to prominence in the Young Britons’ Foundation as their Director of Outreach,[2] an organisation headed by Donal Blaney at the time. After the suicide of Elliot Johnson, Blaney, a lawyer whose company specialises in bullying and harassment cases[18] and a leader in Conservative Way Forward, whom Elliot Johnson worked for,[19] would later go on record saying "Like so many others who had dealings with Mark Clarke, I wish I had done more to stand up to him and I am sorry that I did not."[20]

He would also assume the nickname "Tatler Tory" after being tipped as a future Cabinet Minister by Tatler magazine.[21]

2010 General Election

Sadiq Khan MP who defeated Clarke in the 2010 General Election

In 2010 Mark Clarke stood as the Conservative Party candidate for Tooting; an election he would go on to lose to Sadiq Khan, a Labour Party MP by 2,524 votes. However his election campaign was not without incident with an article appearing in The Daily Mirror newspaper which published allegations, which Clarke would deny, from Naaz Coker, chairman of St George's Healthcare NHS Trust, which said Clarke had "made 'inaccurate' and 'unfounded' claims to 'undermine' patients' confidence in their local health service."[2]

It was during this election campaign that Clarke was alleged to have had an affair with India Brummitt, a story would be published about such endeavours in several national newspapers in 2015, including The Daily Mail,[1] The Daily Telegraph,[10] The Sunday Mirror,[21] RT[22] and The Daily Record.[23]

After this election loss Clarke was not reappointed to the Conservative Party parliamentary candidates list.

Road Trip

Clarke independently established the Road Trip campaigning group, which later received the endorsement of Conservative Campaign Headquarters and then Party Chairman Grant Shapps MP.[23] It featured predominantly in the 2015 General Election and organised bus-loads of predominantly young party members to campaign in key marginal seats. For its success, it is reported that Clarke was invited to Chequers for a tea party with the Prime Minister David Cameron.[17] Some local Conservatives however regarded Road Trip assistance as "chaotic and useless".[24]

When the accusations of serious misconduct during the Road Trip sessions began to appear in the national media in September 2015, Road Trip activity was suspended and later formally disbanded.[17]

Lifetime ban from the Conservative Party

On 18 November 2015, national newspapers reported that Clarke had been expelled from the Conservative Party and given a lifetime ban.[25] The details of the order were to ensure Clarke could never represent, or stand as candidate in any election for, the Conservative Party in his lifetime.

Soon after the ban, and during a British Transport Police investigation into the death of Elliot Johnson,[25] Clarke was photographed by a Daily Mail reporter having left the UK for Barbados on holiday with his wife. When approached by the reporter he complained to the hotel staff of being harassed by the newspaper.[8]

Controversy and political scandal

Clarke has repeatedly denied allegations against him of misconduct and criminal activity that contributed to widespread national media coverage after the death of Elliot Johnson. Most of the national media which covered the stories surrounding Johnson's death, and subsequent stories of misconduct and criminal activity happening during the Road Trip campaign have quoted either directly or indirectly Clarke's rebuttal that all allegations against him are false, "I strongly refute any suggestion of bullying, harassment, blackmail, or intended/attempted blackmail."[21]

Nevertheless, the media outlets, which include newspapers such as the The Daily Telegraph, The Times, Financial Times, The Guardian, The Independent and the Daily Mail, as well as tabloids like The Sun and The Sunday Mirror, continued to publish the widespread allegations centred on Clarke's activities.

The allegations include:

Suspension of the Conservative Future National Executive Committee

After the suicide of Conservative Party activist Elliot Johnson, quick measures were enacted to close down the activities of organisations and people who were alleged to have failed in their duty of care of young activists or were implicated in the bullying of them. The first measure was to immediately ban some activists, including Mark Clarke and Andre Walker, an associate of his and fellow activist, from attending the annual Conservative Party Conference in 2015.[3]

Robert Halfon MP

Further to this, it was reported on 20 November 2015 that the entire National Executive Committee of Conservative Future had been suspended over some scandals which overlapped with allegations of criminal activity occurring on Road Trip and allegedly perpetrated by Mark Clarke. Aside from the interrelationship between Conservative Future activists and Road Trip activities, the most prominent of the allegations was that of Alexandra Paterson, the Conservative Future Chairman, and her alleged affair with Robert Halfon MP.[29] In this episode it was alleged that Mark Clarke had orchestrated a plot to record documentary evidence of Paterson and Halfon having an affair. Halfon had discovered an attempt to blackmail him and reported the news to Downing Street. With the Tatler Tory scandal seemingly pervading into more senior ranks of the Conservative Party it was deemed that the National Executive of Conservative Future had not delivered a reasonable duty of care to its members nor acted with propriety and the following members were suspended:

Following the suspension of the entire Conservative Future National Executive Committee, the Party installed Baroness Chisolm of Owlpen and Chloe Smith MP, two senior Party officials, to oversee the new governance of the organisation. One of their first actions was to write to all regional Conservative Future branches asking them to immediately cancel any social functions they had organised over the Christmas period stating that it would be improper for such events to continue.[32]

Resignation of UK International Development Minister

Grant Shapps MP

On 29 November 2015 Grant Shapps, who had previously held office as the co-Chairman of the Conservative Party, resigned as International Development Minister over the scandal centred around Mark Clarke's reintroduction to the Conservative Campaign Headquarters, for which he had admitted responsibility. Shapps had previously asserted he was unaware of the seriousness of the allegations of Clarke's alleged misconduct with the youth volunteers in the Party, however his predecessor as Chairman of the Conservative Party, Sayeeda Warsi, produced a letter that she had written to him making similar concerns clear and asking for him to take action to prevent Clarke's future involvement.[33]

Cancellation of Young Britons' Foundation annual conference

On 7 December 2015 an interview was held on LBC radio between Iain Dale and Donal Blaney, the founder and head of the Young Britons' Foundation, where Blaney admitted BBC Newsnight reporters were investigating if YBF female delegates had been sexually assaulted by Clarke. Blaney, who had previously awarded Clarke YBF's most prestigious honour for upholding the principles he was taught in the Foundation and for his Road Trip 2015 activity, said he regretted ever being friends with Clarke and wished he had never met him.

The YBF annual conference, which has attracted illustrious speakers from politics, but has been described as a radicalising organisation akin to a Tory madrasa by former Conservative Party leadership candidate David Davis, lost all six of its ministerial keynote speakers after the allegations of Clarke became national news.[34] Around the same time, for reasons Blaney said were to protect the young delegates from media intrusion, the annual conference was cancelled.[35]

Resignation of senior figures at Conservative Way Forward

On 20 December 2015 it was reported that both Donal Blaney and Paul Abbott had resigned from the Thatcherite think-tank and pressure group Conservative Way Forward, at the time of their resignations they were both Chairman and Chief Executive respectively. A statement issued by a spokesman for Blaney refuted the resignation was related to anything other than his need to spend more time caring for his wife and concentrating on business interests in USA. Abbott was said to want a six-month break from politics.[36]

Previous to their resignations, both Blaney and Abbott had become entangled in the Tatler Tory scandal, having received media attention and questions about their making redundant Elliott Johnson two weeks before he committed suicide; Blaney also became focus of an LBC interview with Iain Dale where his formerly close connections with Mark Clarke were scrutinised, and his being the founder of Young Britons' Foundation which was alleged to be a radicalising force in right wing youth political training and educated some of the protagonists of the Tatler Tory scandal, including Mark Clarke.[35] The Guardian newspaper quoted an unnamed source at Conservative Way Forward stating that a contributing factor to both Blaney's and Abbott's resignations was the pressure caused over Elliott Johnson's death: "My understanding is they’re stepping down from those roles. I think a lot of the pressure that’s been created with what happened to Elliott has put quite a bit of strain on both of them. They’ve both got private lives and family being caught up in the pressure of this.” Paul Abbott, who was formerly the Chief of Staff for Grant Shapps MP, who in turn resigned on 29 November over his role in the reintroduction of Mark Clarke into the Conservative Party, was thanked by the Johnson family for his assistance in helping them understand the circumstances around Elliott's death.[37]

Blaney was immediately replaced by Sir Gerald Howarth MP.

Rebuttal against allegations

Despite the media attention which led to Clarke's suspension and ban from the Conservative Party, the suspension of the Conservative Future National Executive and resignation of the International Development Minister, as well as pressure on the Chairman of the Conservative Party to resign, there have been no proven allegations. Clarke has strenuously denied all allegations of sexual assault, blackmail, bullying, use of escorts and adultery. Every major news source which published stories regarding the Tatler Tory scandal usually included reference that Mark Clarke denied all allegations against him. Clarke has consistently issued that he would comply with the proper process of investigations into the allegations and any elements necessary in the coroner's inquiry into the suicide of Elliot Johnson. Furthermore, Clarke has also insisted that once the proper inquiries have run their course, he would seek to take legal action against those who had made the allegations:

"I believe that these false allegations and this media firestorm are related to the events surrounding Elliot's sad death. As such I will be cooperating with the coroner and providing him with the fullest information. This is the proper process. After the inquest I will look to take legal action for defamation in respect of these allegations."[14]

Outcomes of official investigations into wrongdoing

Crown Prosecution Service

The allegations of common assault and blackmail that faced Clarke after the death of Elliot Johnson were considered by the police, but after investigation by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) it was decided there was insufficient evidence to prosecute him.

On 9 February 2016 a CPS spokesman said: "Having considered the evidence in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors we have concluded that there is insufficient evidence to charge Mark Clarke with offences of common assault or blackmail against Elliott Johnson and we have advised that no further action be taken".

In response to this, Johnson's family said they would appeal against the CPS decision and would consider launching a private harassment case especially as harassment had not been considered by the CPS.[38] An appeal was lodged and with publicity from The Mirror and Daily Mail it was reported on 11 February that a new case for charges of harassment against Clarke was being considered.[39]


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Sex, drugs and blackmail claims spiral in 'Tatler Tory' scandal". Daily Mail Online. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  2. 1 2 3 "Tory MP Mark Clarke alleged smear campaign against his local NHS hospital". Mirror. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  3. 1 2 "Tatler Tory is accused of bullying | The Times". The Times. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  4. "Mark Clarke 'was given formal role despite report on his behaviour'". Daily Mail Online. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  5. "Conservative nicknamed Tatler Tory suspended over bullying allegations". Daily Mail Online. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  6. Mason, Rowena. "Tory aide at centre of bullying claims was brought on board by Grant Shapps". the Guardian. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  7. 1 2 3 4 "Mark Clarke, Profile - BBC Radio 4". BBC. Retrieved 2015-12-09.
  8. 1 2 "Tatler Tory gets away from it all in Barbados as Tory civil war rages". Daily Mail Online. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  9. Perraudin, Frances. "Conservative leadership knew of bullying in youth wing for years, claims Tory MP". the Guardian. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  10. 1 2 "Tatler Tory scandal: 22-year-old activist's 'lost night' with MP". Telegraph. 22 November 2015.
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  12. "Sex, drugs, booze, blackmail, bullying & suicide scandal which is rocking Tories". The Sun. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  13. Make Me A Tory. Daniel Cormack (2007), Episode 6. Channel 4, 13 May 2007. ISAN: 0000-0001-CE47-0000-J-0000-0000-H
  14. 1 2 "Tories 'failed to act' on 'institutionalised bullying' - BBC News". BBC News. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
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  23. 1 2 "Tory activist 'woke up naked in MP’s bed with no memory of night before'". Daily Record. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  24. Lucy Fisher, Billy Kenber (3 December 2015). "Young Tatler Tory activists 'were drunk and chaotic'". The Times (London). Retrieved 12 December 2015.
  25. 1 2 "Tory aide accused of sexual harassment expelled from the Conservative party". Telegraph. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  26. Syal, Rajeev; Grierson, Jamie; Mason, Rowena. "Tory activist 'blackmailed' days before giving sexual harassment evidence". the Guardian. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  27. Grierson, Jamie; Mason, Rowena. "Conservative party 'must come clean' over Mark Clarke bullying allegations". the Guardian. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
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  29. "A Tory Minister admitted to an affair with a junior party member after fearing he'd be blackmailed". Business Insider. Retrieved 2015-12-10.
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  32. "The party’s over . . . events ban  for young Tories after suicide   | The Times". The Times. Retrieved 2015-12-20. hair space character in |title= at position 19 (help)
  33. Malta, Daniel Boffey in; London, Jamie Grierson in. "Grant Shapps resigns over bullying scandal: 'the buck should stop with me'". the Guardian. Retrieved 2015-12-05.
  34. Christopher Hope (7 December 2015). "Right-wing activists' conference called off in wake of 'Tatler Tory' bullying scandal". Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 12 December 2015.
  35. 1 2 "Tory Bullying: Donal Blaney Slams Party Response". LBC. Retrieved 2015-12-09.
  36. "Donal Blaney resigns from campaign group Conservative Way Forward". Retrieved 2015-12-20.
  37. Grierson, Jamie. "Two figures at Tory thinktank linked to alleged bullying step down". the Guardian. Retrieved 2015-12-20.
  38. Robinson, Martin. "Father of bullied Conservative activist to CPS decision not to charge Mark Clarke". Daily Mail. Retrieved 2016-02-10.
  39. Pettifor, Tom. "Tatler Tory faces reopened police case". The Mirror. Retrieved 2016-02-15.
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