Mark Sergeev

Mark Sergeev (1926–1997) (Russian: Марк Сергеев) was a Russian poet.

As the writer Mark Sergeev is known by the books of Rail tracks, A Ballad about poplars, Carving, Connection of times, Evening birds. About 20 poetic collections, issued in our country and abroad, belong to him.

The first book of Mark Sergeev was a collection of cheerful poems for children. About 60 children's books of the writer were published.


Was born in Yenakiieve, Donetsk Oblast, Ukrainian SSR on May 11, 1926. His childhood had a nomadic destiny: the parents moved from one construction site of the socialism to another - cities and villages of the Ukraine, the Far East, and finally, Irkutsk. When 14 years old he published his first poem here, then became a writer, journalist, cinema person, scientist. From this city he was called in 1943 for the army, and returned here after the war. In Irkutsk at his 16 years old age Sergeev became a student of Irkutsk State University, he graduated from after demobilization in 1949, and in the following year–1950 his first book was published.

Apparently, his childhood laid a simplicity of a soul dialogue with people. He was an easy-going person. And Mark could be seen on all large construction sites of Siberia, in the first tents of young cities, on a virgin soil, in foundation pit of Bratsk, at first constructions of Shelikhov, on the blocking of the Yenisei river, on a boat, floating on the rough Kazyra to those places, where the track of the pioneers "Abakan - Taishet " - Koshurnikov, Zhuravlyov and Stofatov goes. At last, in Zvezdnyi, Kuvykta, Tynda and other sites of the Baikal-Amur railroad. He wrote reports, verses - sketches, documentary books. But he always remained a poet, varying from book to book, remaining dedicated only to correct three themes, elected by his soul once and for all the time: Siberia, Pushkin, the Decembrists.

As the prose writer Mark Sergeev is known for the books "Pen (nib) of a poet", "Life and bad luck of Abram Petrov–an African server of Peter the Great", "All life is one wonderful moment", "Feat of a disinterested love" and "A faithful sister to misfortune", devoted to A.S.Pushkin and the Decembrists. He was a chairman associate of the Commission on propagation of creativity of A.S.Pushkin committee of the Ministry of Culture of Russia. He did much for the Decembrists museums openings in Seleginsk, Petrovsk-Zabaikalskii, Chita. Together with historians F.A.Kudryavzev and S.F.Koval he stood at the sources of the first in Russia Memorial Decembrist complex in Irkutsk and unique series of the books of the Eastern-Siberian book publishing house - "The Polar star".

The books of Mark Sergeev are published in Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Moscow, in former Soviet republics - Georgia, Armenia, Lithuania, Estonia, in foreign countries - Mongolia and Japan, Yugoslavia and Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria and in other countries. These books are a part of European anthologies of poetry.

Mark Sergeev is known in Siberia as the man, having multilateral literary, cultural - educational, publicist activity. By all his life and creativity he is connected with the city on the Angara river.

"Irkutsk. Above the fast Angara river.
Not far from Baikal–a morning miracle, -
Your design whim of houses,
Your swarm of blessed smokes
Both summer and winter suit you,
Both appleness of snows, and freshness of apple-trees,
And the Angara transparent rebellious nature,
History itself is good to you …".

(From a poem "Three centuries" of Mark Sergeev).

One more feature of Mark Sergeev is cinema. He is the author of the scripts and texts of about 60 documentary films. One of them is "The middle of the Earth" (1962) entered the speech of Irkutsk inhabitants as a synonym of the native city. Many people talk about Irkutsk as “The middle of the Earth", not suspecting origin of the words.

There were no large regional or urban events in the field of culture, which was not attended by Mark Sergeev. For 15 years he headed Irkutsk literary organization, from the moment of birth (1987) of the Fund of culture in the country according to the initiative of an academician D.S.Likhachyov. He was a chairman of Irkutsk branch and member of the Russian fund presidium. For 30 years Sergeev was a member of the presidium of Irkutsk branch of this society. He gave much energy to the protection of the Irkutsk old. He was also a deserved worker of culture of Russia, the Honorable citizen of city of Irkutsk, winner of the youth premium of Utkin, member of the Union of the writers, the Union of film-makers, the Union of the journalists. The name of the poet and writer was given to Regional children's library. The memorial board on the house, where Mark Sergeev, lived was nailed.

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