Kamen Rider Kiva

Kamen Rider Kiva

Title Screen
Created by Shotaro Ishinomori
Written by
Directed by
  • Ryuta Tasaki
  • Hidenori Ishida
  • Kenzo Maihara
  • Naoki Tamura
  • Takao Nagaishi
  • Shōjirō Nakazawa
Voices of Tomokazu Sugita
Narrated by
Theme music composer Shuhei Naruse
Opening theme "Break the Chain" by Tourbillon
Ending theme
  • "Destiny's Play"
  • "Individual-System"
  • "Shout in the moonlight"
  • "Innocent Trap"
  • "Supernova"
  • "Roots of the King" by TETRA-FANG
  • "Fight for Justice" by Keisuke Nago
Composer(s) Tsuneyoshi Saito
Country of origin Japan
No. of episodes 48 (list of episodes)
  • Atsushi Kaji
  • Takahito ÅŒmori
  • Naomi Takebe
  • Takaaki Utsunomiya
Running time 24–25 minutes (per episode)
Production company(s) Toei Company
Distributor Toei Company
Original network TV Asahi
Picture format 1080i (HDTV)
Original release January 27, 2008 (2008-01-27) â€“ January 18, 2009 (2009-01-18)
Preceded by Kamen Rider Den-O
Followed by Kamen Rider Decade
External links

Kamen Rider Kiva (仮面ライダーキバ Kamen Raidā Kiba, Masked Rider Kiva) is the title of the 2008 Kamen Rider Japanese tokusatsu television series produced by Toei Company and Ishimori Productions. It premiered on January 27, 2008, following the finale of Kamen Rider Den-O. It aired as a part of TV Asahi's 2008 Super Hero Time block with Engine Sentai Go-onger. Advertisements showed a horror film theme to the series, with the motif for Kamen Rider Kiva as a vampire. The advertising slogan for the series is "Wake up! Break the chains of destiny!!" (覚醒(ウェイクアップ)! 運命(さだめ)の鎖を解き放て!! Weiku appu! Sadame no kusari o tokihanate!!). The first episode began with a commemoration of the series in honor of the seventieth anniversary of Shotaro Ishinomori's birthday.


Twenty-two years after the disappearance of his father, Wataru Kurenai lives in an infamous "haunted house" where he is destined as Kamen Rider Kiva to fight life-draining monsters called Fangires, the very race his father fought years ago before his disappearance. Wataru must also deal with Kamen Rider Ixa who is part of an organization seeking to destroy the Fangire menace, as well as the Fangires' own Rider, Kamen Rider Saga. The story is split between the actions of Wataru in the present (2008–09) and his father Otoya in the past (1986–87), slowly revealing the link between the Fangire Race and Kiva.

The characters of Kamen Rider Kiva are spread throughout two time periods, each related to one another. There are the actions of Otoya Kurenai and the Fangire Hunter Yuri Aso with the Wolfen Jiro in the year 1986 with the first Ixa Ver.I that result in the various Fangires that persist to the current day, in 2008, with Otoya's son Wataru (as Kamen Rider Kiva) along and Keisuke Nago (as Kamen Rider Ixa Ver.X) and Yuri's daughter Megumi (also a Fangire Hunter), dealing with the Fangires to prevent deaths.


Main article: Fangire

The Fangires (ファンガイア Fangaia) are stained glass-based vampires who feed off of the Life Energy (ライフエナジー Raifu Enajī) of humans to survive, with which they can disguise themselves as humans. Because of this, aware humans have formed a group to hunt the Fangires. Though Kiva usually captures a Fangire's soul to feed to Castle Doran, Fangires can be completely destroyed when shattered as seen by Ixa and stronger Fangires.


Each episode's title is a word or phrase relating to music and a phrase describing the episode separated by a symbol from musical notation. For example, the second episode's title is written in Japanese as "組曲♪親子のバイオリン", using the eighth note. An exception is the finale, which uses the music end barline at the end of the title. From episode 2 onward, Kivat begins each episode by stating a piece of trivia about music, art, chess, and other subjects. From episode 30 onward, Tatsulot joins the opening statement as he and Kivat provide recaps of the previous episode.

Act # Title Writer Original airdate
1 "Fate: Wake Up!"
"Unmei: Weiku Appu!" (運命・ウェイクアップ!) 
Toshiki InoueJanuary 27, 2008
2 "Suite: Father/Son Violin"
"Kumikyoku: Oyako no Baiorin" (組曲・親子のバイオリン) 
Toshiki InoueFebruary 3, 2008
3 "Heroic: Perfect Hunter"
"EiyÅ«: Pāfekuto Hantā" (英雄・パーフェクトハンター) 
Toshiki InoueFebruary 10, 2008
4 "Reverie: Wild Blue"
"Musō: Wairudo BurÅ«" (夢想・ワイルドブルー) 
Toshiki InoueFebruary 17, 2008
5 "Duet: Stalker Panic"
"NijÅ«sō: Sutōkā Panikku" (二重奏・ストーカーパニック) 
Toshiki InoueFebruary 24, 2008
6 "Replay: Humans Are All Music"
"Ripurei: Ningen wa Minna Ongaku" (リプレイ・人間はみんな音楽) 
Toshiki InoueMarch 2, 2008
7 "Hymn: Three Star Full Course of Darkness"
"Sanka: Mitsuboshi Yami no Furukōsu" (讃歌・三ツ星闇のフルコース) 
Toshiki InoueMarch 9, 2008
8 "Soul: The Angered Dragon Castle"
"Sōru: Doragon-jō, Ikaru" (ソウル・ドラゴン城、怒る) 
Toshiki InoueMarch 16, 2008
9 "Symphony: Ixa, Fist On"
"Kōkyō: Ikusa, Fisuto On" (交響・イクサ・フィストオン) 
Toshiki InoueMarch 23, 2008
10 "Sabre Dance: Glassy Melody"
"Tsurugi no Mai: Garasu no Merodi" (剣の舞・硝子のメロディ) 
Toshiki InoueMarch 30, 2008
11 "Rolling Stone: Door of Dreams"
"Rōringu Sutōn: Yume no Tobira" (ローリングストーン・夢の扉) 
Toshiki InoueApril 6, 2008
12 "First Live: Golden Speed"
"Hatsu Raibu: ÅŒgon no SupÄ«do" (初ライブ・黄金のスピード) 
Toshiki InoueApril 13, 2008
13 "Unfinished: Daddy Fight"
"Mikansei: Dadi Faito" (未完成・ダディ・ファイト) 
Toshiki InoueApril 20, 2008
14 "Pomp and Circumstance: Thunderstrike Purple Eye"
"IfÅ« Dōdō: Raigeki Pāpuru Ai" (威風堂々・雷撃パープルアイ) 
Toshiki InoueApril 27, 2008
15 "Resurrection: Checkmate Four"
"Fukkatsu: Chekkumeito Fō" (復活・チェックメイトフォー) 
Toshiki InoueMay 4, 2008
16 "Player: The Rules of Cruelty"
"Pureiyā: Hijō no RÅ«ru" (プレイヤー・非情のルール) 
Toshiki InoueMay 11, 2008
17 "Lesson: My Way"
"Ressun: Mai Wei" (レッスン・マイウェイ) 
Shōji YonemuraMay 18, 2008
18 "Quartet: Listen to Your Heart's Voice"
"Karutetto: Kokoro no Koe o Kike" (カルテット・心の声を聴け) 
Shōji YonemuraMay 25, 2008
19 "Fusion: Aura Storm"
"FyÅ«jon: ÅŒra no Arashi" (フュージョン・オーラの嵐) 
Toshiki InoueJune 1, 2008
20 "Nocturne: The Lovely Messiah"
"Yasōkyoku: Ai no KyÅ«seishu" (夜想曲・愛の救世主) 
Toshiki InoueJune 8, 2008
21 "Rhapsody: The Fate of the Ring"
"RapusodÄ«: Yubiwa no Yukue" (ラプソディー・指輪の行方) 
Toshiki InoueJune 22, 2008
22 "Overture: Fateful Intersection"
"Jokyoku: Unmei no Kōsaten" (序曲・運命の交差点) 
Toshiki InoueJune 29, 2008
23 "Variation: Fugitives Forever"
"Hensōkyoku: Eien no Tōbōsha" (変奏曲・永遠の逃亡者) 
Toshiki InoueJuly 6, 2008
24 "Emperor: Golden Fever"
"Kōtei: Gōruden FÄ«bā" (皇帝・ゴールデンフィーバー) 
Toshiki InoueJuly 13, 2008
25 "Fanfare: The Queen's Awakening"
"Fanfāre: Joō no Mezame" (ファンファーレ・女王の目醒め) 
Toshiki InoueJuly 20, 2008
26 "Metronome: Miraculous Memory"
"Metoronōmu: Kioku no Kiseki" (メトロノーム・記憶のキセキ) 
Toshiki InoueJuly 27, 2008
27 "80's: Angry Rising Blue"
"EitÄ«zu: Ikareru Raijingu BurÅ«" (80’s・怒れるライジングブルー) 
Toshiki InoueAugust 3, 2008
28 "Request: Time-Altering Battle"
"Rikuesuto: Toki o Kaeru Tatakai" (リクエスト・時を変える戦い) 
Toshiki InoueAugust 17, 2008
29 "When the Saints Go Marching In: I Am King"
"Seija no Kōshin: Ware koso Kingu" (聖者の行進・我こそキング) 
Toshiki InoueAugust 24, 2008
30 "Curtain Raising: Kiva's Identity"
"Kaien: Kiba no Shōtai" (開演・キバの正体) 
Toshiki InoueAugust 31, 2008
31 "Applause: Motherly Dedicated Transformation"
"Kassai: Haha ni Sasageru Henshin" (喝采・母に捧げる変身) 
Toshiki InoueSeptember 7, 2008
32 "New World: Another Kiva"
"Shinsekai: Mō Hitori no Kiba" (新世界・もう一人のキバ) 
Toshiki InoueSeptember 14, 2008
33 "Supersonic: Saga's Fight"
"SÅ«pāsonikku: Tatakai no Saga" (スーパーソニック・闘いのサガ) 
Toshiki InoueSeptember 21, 2008
34 "Noise: Melody of Destruction"
"Noizu: Hakai no Senritsu" (ノイズ・破壊の旋律) 
Toshiki InoueSeptember 28, 2008
35 "New Arrangement: Flying Rose"
"NyÅ« Arenji: Hishō no Bara" (ニューアレンジ・飛翔のバラ) 
Toshiki InoueOctober 5, 2008
36 "Revolution: Sword Legend"
"Kakumei: Sōdo Rejendo" (革命・ソードレジェンド) 
Toshiki InoueOctober 12, 2008
37 "Triangle: Behead the King"
"Toraianguru: Kingu ga Kiru" (トライアングル・キングが斬る) 
Toshiki InoueOctober 19, 2008
38 "Erlking: Mother and Child Reunion"
"Maō: Haha to Ko no Saikai" (魔王・母と子の再会) 
Toshiki InoueOctober 26, 2008
39 "Shout: Targeted Brother"
"Shauto: Nerawareta Kyōai" (シャウト・狙われた兄弟) 
Toshiki InoueNovember 9, 2008
40 "Encore: Nago Ixa Explosively Returns"
"Ankōru: Nago Ikusa Bakugen" (アンコール・名護イクサ爆現) 
Toshiki InoueNovember 16, 2008
41 "Lullaby: Release the Heart"
"Rarabai: Kokoro o Tokihanate" (ララバイ・心を解き放て) 
Toshiki InoueNovember 23, 2008
42 "The Power of Love: The King's Anger"
"Pawā Obu Rabu: ÅŒ no Ikari" (パワー・オブ・ラブ・王の怒り) 
Toshiki InoueNovember 30, 2008
43 "Wedding March: Time of Parting"
"Kekkon Kōshinkyoku: Wakare no Toki" (結婚行進曲・別れの時) 
Toshiki InoueDecember 7, 2008
44 "Punk: Back to Father"
"Panku: Bakkutu Fāzā" (パンク・バックトゥ・ファーザー) 
Toshiki InoueDecember 14, 2008
45 "With You: Final Transformation"
"WizuyÅ«: Saigo no Henshin" (ウィズユー・最後の変身) 
Toshiki InoueDecember 21, 2008
46 "Full Stop: Farewell, Otoya"
"ShÅ«shifu: Saraba Otoya" (終止符・さらば音也) 
Toshiki InoueJanuary 4, 2009
47 "Break the Chain: Obey Me!"
"Bureiku za ChÄ“n: Ware ni Shitagae!" (ブレイク・ザ・チェーン・我に従え!) 
Toshiki InoueJanuary 11, 2009
Finale "Finale: The Inheritors of Kiva"
"Fināre: Kiba o Tsugu Mono" (フィナーレ・キバを継ぐ者) 
Toshiki InoueJanuary 18, 2009


Climax Deka

A movie titled Movie Edition: Kamen Rider Den-O & Kiva: Climax Deka (劇場版 仮面ライダー電王&キバ クライマックス刑事(デカ) Gekijōban Kamen Raidā Den'ō ando Kiba Kuraimakkusu Deka) opened in theaters on April 12, 2008. It features a meeting between the characters of Kiva and the characters of Kamen Rider Den-O. They team up to fight a new evil Imagin who has teamed up with the Fangire Clan. Alongside Climax Deka, a short film titled Momotaros's Let's Go Kiva! (モモタロスのキバっていくぜ! Momotarosu no Kiba tte Ikuze!) will be shown as double feature.[1][2][3][4]

King of the Castle in the Demon World

Movie Edition: Kamen Rider Kiva: King of the Castle in the Demon World (劇場版 仮面ライダーキバ 魔界城の王 Gekijōban Kamen Raidā Kiba Makaijō no Ō) opened in Japanese theaters on August 9, 2008. It featured two new Riders who have been shown in silhouettes in Japanese children's magazines, Kamen Rider Rey (仮面ライダーレイ Kamen Raidā Rei),[5] who is a monster hunter named Takato Shiramine (白峰 天斗 Shiramine Takato) played by Shouma Yamamoto (山本 匠馬 Yamamoto Shōma), partnered to Rey Kivat (レイキバット Reikibatto, voiced by Norio Wakamoto) and the villain of the movie Takashi Sugimura (杉村 隆 Sugimura Takashi), a death-row inmate who transforms into Kamen Rider Arc (仮面ライダーアーク Kamen Raidā Āku) with Arc Kivat (アークキバット Āku Kibatto, voiced by Norio Wakamoto), portrayed by Ken Horiuchi of the comedy troupe Neptune. The movie takes place in an alternate universe, as trying to place the story of the movie anywhere within the story of the series always leaves events out of place and would cancel out other events. Furthermore, Shouma Yamamoto plays Takato Shiramine in the Kamen Rider Kiva movie, but he also plays Taiga Nobori in the actual series.

"Den-Liner, Into Space!"

"Kamen Rider Kiva & Den-O: Den-Liner, Into Space!" (仮面ライダーキバ&電王 デンライナー、宇宙へ! Kamen Raidā Kiba ando Den'ō Denrainā, Uchū e!) is a planetarium show using the cast of Kiva and Den-O to teach children about the universe. It was being shown at the Kagoshima Municipal Science Hall's planetarium between January 2 and March 30, 2009.[6]

Adventure Battle DVD

The Hyper Battle DVD Kamen Rider Kiva: You Can Also be Kiva (仮面ライダーキバ キミもキバになろう Kamen Raidā Kiba: Kimi mo Kiba ni Narō) Wataru Kurenai, Keisuke Nago, and Otoya Kurenai introduce themselves to a boy (the viewer) who has wandered into the Café mald'amour and offer to teach him how he can be like each of them. This DVD is referred to as an Adventure Battle DVD (アドベンチャーバトルDVD Adobenchā Batoru Dī Bui Dī) and it takes on the form of a Choose Your Own Adventure story. After having an "Ixa-cise" with Nago and a special lesson from Otoya, a Fangire attacks and the viewer can choose to transform Kiva into Garulu Form, Basshaa Form, Dogga Form, or the secret DoGaBaKi Emperor Form.

King of Vampire

For Kiva's S.I.C. Hero Saga side story Masked Rider Kiva: King of Vampire (MASKED RIDER KIVA -KING OF VAMPIRE- Kamen Raidā Kiba -Kingu ovu Vanpaia-), the story follows the life of the characters following the finale while expanding on other instances in the history of the 1986 storyline. The story is set to begin running in the January 2010 issue of Monthly Hobby Japan magazine. Like the series' episode titles, the titles of the first three chapters of the S.I.C. Hero Saga follow a similar format, but features two musically themed titles separated by an item from musical notation (the former is an opera while the latter is a song from said opera, the third names the composer and one of his songs). The first chapter uses the Segno. The last chapter is a retelling of the final scene of the TV series, except instead of Masao and the Neo-Fangires, Kiva-la comes to warn them about the Lion Fangire having turned into a giant Sabbat.

Chapter titles
  1. A Midsummer Night's Dream: Wedding March (夏の夜の夢・結婚行進曲 Natsu no Yoru no Yume: Kekkon Kōshinkyoku)
  2. Lohengrin: Bridal Chorus 2 (ローエングリン・結婚行進曲2 Rōengurin: Kekkon Kōshinkyoku 2)
  3. Saint-Saëns: Marche Héroïque (サン・サーンス・英雄行進曲 San Sānsu: Eiyū Kōshinkyoku)
  4. The Last Scene Again (ラストシーンをもう一度 Rasuto Shīn o Mō Ichido)


2008 side
1986 side
No side

Guest actors

Suit actors


Opening theme
Ending theme

Avex's blog for Kiva mentions a song entitled "Bite There Soul" that was written by Naruse and YUJI as a heavy metal song played by street musicians in episode 9 which was planned to be released at a future date,[27] and was subsequently put on the final CD box set as "Bite Their Soul"[28] set for release on January 21, 2009.[29] A mini-album released on August 6, 2008, titled SUPERNOVA[30] features the theme songs for Kiva's four additional forms performed by TETRA-FANG. The tracks include "Innocent Trap,",[23][24] "Shout in the Moonlight," and "Supernova," which has a music video included on a special DVD edition of SUPERNOVA.[31] An unfeatured song from SUPERNOVA titled "Silent Shout" is Dogga Form's theme.[32] Another track from the album "Message" is a tribute song for the character Otoya Kurenai.

Kouhei Takeda has recorded a song titled "This love never ends" as the theme song for Otoya as Ixa.[33] Nana Yanagisawa and Yu Takahashi have also provided their voices for tracks to be included on an album for all characters who have become Kamen Rider Ixa.[34] This song has since been revealed to be titled "Feel the same" on an album titled Inherited-System.[35] Other songs on this album include "Don't Lose Yourself" performed by Keisuke Kato as Keisuke Nago and "Inherited-System" performed by the Wonderful Blue Sky Organization (素晴らしき青空の会 Subarashiki Aozora no Kai).[36] Kenji Matsuda as Jiro performs the song "Keep alive" for the album.[37] For a TETRA-FANG album titled DESTINY,[35] Koji Seto has recorded the vocals for a song titled "Mind garden."[33] Several songs from this album are theme songs for the members of the Checkmate Four group: "Lightning to Heaven" for the Rook, "Exterminate Time" for the King (Kamen Rider Dark Kiva), "Eternity Blood" for the Bishop, and "Rainy Rose" for the Queen (Maya). Also on the album is "Prayer~Message 2", another tribute to Otoya.

An album titled Masked Rider Kiva Re-Union was released on June 24, 2009, with some original Kiva songs to be rearranged. "Destiny's Play" will be rearranged, Koji Seto & Shouma Yamamoto will sing "Roots of the King" together, Koji Seto shall give his own rendition of "This love never ends", and in turn Kouhei Takeda will give his own rendition of "Supernova".


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  20. ↑ "フォームチェンジ". Retrieved 2008-04-28.
  21. ↑ "TETRA-FANG、2ndシングル6月25日リリース – OOPS!". Retrieved 2008-04-21.
  22. ↑ "フォームチェンジ". Retrieved 2008-05-02.
  23. 1 2 3 "仮面ライダーキバ 第20話 夜想曲・愛の救世主|東映[テレビ]". Retrieved 2008-05-31.
  24. 1 2 "SHINSEIDO SHOPPING SITE | 仮面ライダーキバ". Archived from the original on April 20, 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-15.
  25. ↑ "曲を作ろう!パート3 歌詞&タイトル". Retrieved 2008-09-18.
  26. ↑ "TETRAな日 (::: studio incuse | blog :::)". Retrieved 2008-09-18.
  27. ↑ "地獄の業火". March 25, 2008. Retrieved 2008-04-02.
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  29. ↑ "MASKED RIDER KIVA COMPLETE CD-BOX [DVD付初回受注限定生産]/ 特撮". Retrieved 2009-01-15.
  30. ↑ "SUPERNOVA". Retrieved 2008-07-16.
  31. ↑ "TETRA-FANG PV". Retrieved 2008-07-03.
  32. ↑ "ごめんなさい!!!". Retrieved 2008-06-24.
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  36. ↑ "Nana Yanagisawa-OFFICIAL". Retrieved 2008-11-15.
  37. ↑ "仮面ライダーキバ 第41話 ララバイ・心を解き放て|東映[テレビ]". Retrieved 2008-11-15.

External links

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