
This article is about a sociological group. For the Jewish denomination also known as "Masorti", see Conservative Judaism.

Masortim (Hebrew: מסורתיים, lit. "Traditional (people)", also known as Shomrei Masoret, שומרי מסורת, "upholders of tradition")' is an Israeli term of self-definition, describing those who perceive and describe themselves as neither strictly religious (Dati) nor secular (Hiloni). Usually, they observe a number of minhagim and several basic religious commandments that are the most recognizable symbols of the Jewish tradition. In doing so they express their affinity to the Jewish people and especially their will to continue their family's religious customs and traditions, as they maintain that there is a need to preserve the traditional values and customs, in order to guard the continuity of the existence of the Jewish people, and to the extent that at times the observance of traditions, minhagim and family customs become stronger than religious observance.

One must also note, not to confuse the Israeli term "Masorti", with Conservative Judaism's alternative name Masorti Judaism.

The majority of Shomrei Masoret are Mizrahi Jews, i.e. those of oriental origin (i.e. Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa). The exact number of the Masortiim is hard to determine, since it is based upon the self-definition of the participants in the Questionnaires, however, according to Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, as of 2006, 39% out of the Jewish population within Israel define themselves as Shomrei Masoret.[1]

The tradition, the family and the Mizrahi sector

Shomrei Masoret perceive the preservation of the Jewish tradition, minhagim, and family customs, as an educational and a Family value.

The tradition, minhagim, and family customs is also relevant in terms of the Jewish denomination of origin affiliation, and thus the percentage of Shomrei Masoret is especially high among the Mizrahi denomination of origin affiliation. Many of them (and their offspring) define themselves as Shomer Masoret (or Masorati), even if some or part of their lifestyle's customs are generally accounted as secular (Hiloni), still, they pay heed to preserving and keeping the Jewish Tradition heritage as it was observed in their or their parents' country of origin. In that conjunction, one should mention the political party of Shas (a religious-Orthodox Mizrahi-denomination political party), who raised the banner of להחזיר עטרה ליושנה (Restore Past Glory), a slogan that swept many non-religious-Orthodox Mizrahi-denomination voters, who, nevertheless, see the importance of preserving their Jewish Tradition denomination.

One may not find many Ashkenazi (European origin) Israelis defining themselves as Shomer Masoret (or Masorati). This is because, among other reasons, the dichotomy that was created after the Age of Enlightenment, between Secular, Reform and Orthodox European Jews, was a dichotomy that did not exist among the Middle Eastern Jews.

The Traditionalist and Tradition Keeper distinguishing qualities

The Masoratiim are not a defined type of Judaism (since it is based on a self-definition phenomenon, rather than an organized movement), and their attitude towards the religious observance has much do with one's personal preferences and tendencies, and in the context of their desire to see themselves as part of the comprehensive Jewish religious system, without being obligated to full observance of the religious commandments (613 Mitzvot). Nevertheless, one may ascribe to the majority of them, a notable distinguishing quality – the preservation of the basic Jewish traditional minhagim, that are accounted of the most recognizable elements of Judaism:

Some Masortim prefer to send their children to religious schools, especially during their children's infant and elementary school education periods. Others tend to regularly visit their Rabbis and other Kabbalahist figures and take their advice on a regular basis. Every Masorti level of observance depends only on one's own free will and one's personal selection of what is perceived by him as a relevant religious commandment or custom.

See also


  1. Yaacov Yadgar: Judaism, Israeli Forms of. In: Judith Reesa Baskin (editor): The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism and Jewish Culture. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2011, ISBN 978-0-521-82597-9, S. 342.

External links

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