Mathilde Willink

Mathilde Willink née Maria Theodora Mathilde de Doelder (7 July 1938, Terneuzen – 25 October 1977, Amsterdam) was the wife of the Dutch painter Carel Willink (1900–1983) from 1969 to 1977 and became a well known figure in the Amsterdam society wearing the expensive clothes of designer Fong Leng. Their eccentric relationship made them a staple in the Dutch gossip columns of the time. Four months after the divorce with Willink, Mathilde was found dead in her bed. Up till today it remains unclear if it was suicide or murder.[1]


  1. Vera Weterings, Doelder, Maria Theodora Mathilde de, in: Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon van Nederland, 16 February 2015 (in Dutch)


At least five biographies have been written:

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