Maus (band)

Origin Reykjavík, Iceland
Genres Rock/Pop, Alternative rock, Punk rock
Years active 19932015
Labels Bad Taste
Members Birgir Örn "Biggi" Steinarsson (Vocals/Guitar)
Daníel "Danni" Þorsteinsson (Drums)
Eggert Gíslason (Bass)
Páll Ragnar "Palli" Pálsson (Guitar)

Maus is a rock band from Iceland, formed in 1993. The band consists of Birgir Örn Steinarsson (Biggi) on vocals and guitar, Daníel Þorsteinsson (Danni) on drums, Eggert Gíslason on bass, and Páll Ragnar Pálsson (Palli) on guitar. Most of their songs are sung in Icelandic, though English versions of some songs have been released, as well as some original songs in English. The band was active releasewise from 1994 to 2004 but still continue to play live. They released five studio albums, a number of singles and a compilation that also featured one new song and an bonus cd featuring unreleased demo's and remixes. The band was very active with live performances in and outside their native country. Abroad their most noticeable gigs where at the CMJ, Summerstage and touring Denmark. While active the band appeared at every Iceland Airwaves music festival including the first one. They were a popular supporting band for foreign bands who would visit Iceland. Those included bands/artists as Coldplay, Blonde Redhead, Ash, Ian Brown, Keane, Modest Mouse, and Placebo. Furthermore, Roger O'Donnell from The Cure has appeared as a guest keyboardist on their album Lof Mér Að Falla Að Þínu Eyra.

In December 2004 Maus went on a hiatus. The split was very friendly and only happened because band members decided to pursue other interest, academic and otherwise, outside of Iceland. Meanwhile, members we're working on several music projects including Fræ (Palli's band), Sometime (Danni's band) and Biggi's solo project. Páll Ragnar Pálsson has also become a respected classical composer after receiving his Phd in music from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in Tallinn. Birgir also became a screenwriter and won the Icelandic Academy awarded Eddan award with co-writer and director Baldvin Z for the film Life in a fishbowl (Vonarstræti) named after a popular track from the band's fifth studio album Musick.

In August 2013 all four members of Maus found themselves again living in Reykjavík at the same time for the first time since the split. About two months later they played at the 20-year-old birthday celebration of local rock radio station X977 for a full house at Listasafn Reykjavíkur. The following spring they played at Aldrei fór ég suður music festival in Ísafjörður. Two festival gigs followed that summer, at the first ever Secret Solstice festival and a metal festival called Eistnaflug.[1]

Early in 2015 the band announced that Maus will be playing a few gigs that year, including that years Þjóðhátíð in Vestmannaeyjar. The band has not announced any plans for future recordings or releases.


Allar Kenningar Heimsins… …Og Ögn Meira (SM49CD)

released 17 September 1994 on Smekkleysa

  1. Ósnortinn
  2. Sár
  3. Ljósrof
  4. Líkþrá
  5. Drukknandi Ég
  6. Fingurgómakviða
  7. Minn Felustaður, Minn Haus
  8. Lost
  9. Leiftursýn

Ghostsongs (163952)

released 26 October 1995 on Sproti

  1. Eingyðsvolæði
  2. Djúpnæturgangan
  3. Þinn Viðhlæjandi Og Vinur
  4. Fylgjan
  5. Himbalagimbala
  6. Sætabrauðsdagarnir Eru Búnir
  7. Fingurgóma Kviða
  8. Brúin
  9. Flæði
  10. Slæmur
  11. Girls On Film
  12. Ótti

Lof Mér Að Falla Að Þínu Eyra (SPROTI002)

released 4 November 1997 on Sproti

  1. Síðasta Ástin Fyrir Pólskiptin
  2. 90 kr. Perla
  3. Poppaldin
  4. Égímeilaðig
  5. Hreistur Og Slím
  6. Ungfrú Orðadrepir
  7. Kristalnótt
  8. Halastjarnan Rekst Á Jörðina
  9. Tvíhöfða Erindreki
  10. Ryðgaður Geimgengill

Í Þessi Sekúndubrot Sem Ég Flýt (SPROTI012)

released 4 November 1999 on Sproti

  1. Strengir
  2. Báturinn Minn Lekur
  3. Dramafíkill
  4. Gefðu Eftir (Síðasta Sjónvarpslagið)
  5. Gerð Úr Við
  6. Allt Sem Þú Lest Er Lygi
  7. Kerfisbundin Þrá
  8. Kemur Og Fer
  9. Bílveiki
  10. Maðurinn Með Járnröddina

How Far Is Too Far?

released 2000

  1. How Far Is Too Far (Radio Edit)
  2. Strings
  3. Dramajunkie
  4. How Far Is Too Far (Album Version)

This is a promotional EP featuring English-language versions of "Kerfisbundin Þrá" ("How Far Is Too Far?"), "Strengir" ("Strings"), and "Dramafíkill" ("Dramajunkie"). there is also an Enhanced CD portion on the disc featuring the "How Far Is Too Far?" video, a band biography and discography, press photos, and MP3s of three more translated songs: "Ungfrú Orðadrepir" ("Miss Moodbreaker"), "Égímeilaðig" ("Revenge Of The Nerd"), and "Allt Sem Þú Lest Er Lygi" ("Every Written Word Is A Lie"). This EP does not appear to have been released through a record company, and does not bear a catalog number.

Nánast ólöglegt

released 15 February 2002 on Tónlyst

  1. Nánast ólöglegt
  2. Bás 12
  3. Nánast Ómögulegt (by Curver)

This is a limited edition single that was released by Maus in only 200 numeric copies. The cover-sleeve was handmade by the band and released in four different color-versions.

Musick (SM104CD)

released 16 June 2003 on Smekkleysa

  1. A Selfish Need
  2. Musick
  3. How Far Is Too Far?
  4. My Favourite Excuse
  5. If You Stay…
  6. Emotional Morsecodes
  7. Without Caution
  8. Life In A Fishbowl
  9. Replacing My Bones
  10. "The Whole Package"
  11. Glerhjarta

Maus' first English language album. "How Far Is Too Far?" is a different version than the one released on the How Far Is Too Far? promotional EP.

Tónlyst 1994 - 2004 / Lystaukar 1993 - 2004 (DCD022)

released 18 October 2004
disc 1: Tónlyst 1994 - 2004

  1. Skjár
  2. Ljósrof
  3. Deepnightwalk
  4. Song About Fluids
  5. Égímeilaðig
  6. 90 kr. Perla
  7. Poppaldinn
  8. Ungfrú Orðadrepir
  9. (Inn Í) Kristalnótt
  10. Allt Sem Þú Lest Er Lygi
  11. Dramafíkill
  12. Kerfisbundin Þrá
  13. Nánast Ólöglegt
  14. Musick
  15. Life In A Fishbowl
  16. My Favourite Excuse
  17. Over Me, Under Me

disc 2: Lystaukar 1993 - 2004

  1. Liquid Substance (by DeLpHi)
  2. Aftur, Aftur Og Aftur (by Dáðadrengir)
  3. Musick (by Quarashi)
  4. Mín Uppáhalds Afsökun (by gusGus)
  5. Maus Kynntir
  6. Ósnortinn
  7. Fingurgómakviða
  8. Kemur Og Fer
  9. Life In A Fishbowl
  10. Crawl
  11. Bláskjár
  12. Snjókóngur
  13. Tvíhöfða Erindreki
  14. Þetta Er Ekki Byrjun, Bara Nýr Endir
  15. Þungur Hnífur
  16. Far Á Himni
  17. Beittur Trúarbrögðum
  18. Bás 12

"Deepnightwalk" is an English-language version of "Djúpnæturgangan;" "(Inn Í) Kristalnótt" is an acoustic version of "Kristalnótt." "Liquid Substance" is a remix of "Replacing My Bones;" "Aftur, Aftur Og Aftur" is a remix of "Life In A Fishbowl;" "Musick" is a remix of "Musick;" "Mín Uppáhalds Afsökun" is a remix of "My Favourite Excuse." Tracks 5-9 on disc 2 are live recordings, and tracks 10-18 are demos.








External links

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