Meet the Magoons

Meet the Magoons is a six-part comedy television series in the United Kingdom aired on Channel 4 in 2005, directed by and starring Hardeep Singh Kohli. The main characters are a Punjabi family who live in Glasgow, and own an Indian restaurant called "The Spice".

It received mixed reviews. A. A. Gill hoped it "might well evolve into something classic" and Nancy Banks-Smith of The Guardian called it "modern to the point of surreal".[1][2] A second series was not commissioned.



  1. The light’s on, but nobody’s home, A. A. Gill, The Sunday Times, 21 August 2005, retrieved 14 April 2010
  2. A fool's paradise, Last night's TV, Nancy Banks-Smith, The Guardian, 10 September 2005, retrieved 14 April 2010

External links

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