
Memoriad World Mental Olympics

Memoriad is a non-profit World Mental Sports Organization in which competitors compete in three main categories of mental sports - memory, mental calculation and speed reading. The approved World Mental Records of the Memoriad Mental Sports Organization were published in the "Mind and Memory" category of Guinness Book of World Records in 2014 including the photographs and the achievements of the competitors with one of the Memoriad founders, Melik Duyar.[1]

Since Memoriad World Mental Sports Competitions are held once every four years as the Olympic Games, it is known as "Memoriad World Mental Olympics".[2][3] Competitions are governed by the Management Board of "Memoriad World Mental Sports Federation (MWMSF)".[4] The Management Board of MWMSF consists of a chairman and two members. Current Chairman of Memoriad World Mental Sports Federation is Scott Flansburg who is called the mental calculator and dubbed as "The Human Calculator" by Regis Philbin in the USA and in the World. The two members of the Board are Melik Duyar from Turkey and Ralf Laue from Germany. Under the Board of MWMSF are Memoriad National Board Members. The current National Board Members are Gwendolen Noronha from India, Khatanbaatar Khandsuren from Mongolia, Selim Ecemiş from Turkey, West Wong from Malaysia, Laura Sakanova from Kazakhstan and Deyyan Altınsoy from Azerbaijan.


The Memoriad World Mental Olympics consist of three main competitions as "Memoriad World Memory Competitions", "Memoriad World Mental Calculation Competitions" and "Memoriad World Speed Reading Competitions". Except Memoriad World Speed Reading Competition, which has only one category with two stages, each of the first two main competitions consists of five different categories.[5]

The "Memoriad World Memory Competitions" consist of five different disciplines, in which the competitors have to memorize as much as they can in a given period of time:

The "Memoriad World Mental Calculation Competitions" consist of five different disciplines; in each of these disciplines the competitors make mental calculations without using any instruments in a given period of time:

The "Memoriad World Speed Reading Competitions" consist of two stages. The first stage is the speed reading of a passage prepared especially for the given competition. The second stage is "Understanding & Recall Test" of the read passage.


The Memoriad Software is used during the Memoriad competitions. It is a free download.[6]

Memoriad World Mental Olympics' Results

So far there have been two "Memoriad World Mental Olympics" and nine "Memoriad National Competitions" held and the upcoming "Memoriad World Mental Olympics" to be held in Las Vegas has been announced;

Memoriad World Mental Olympics 2008

The "First Memoriad World Mental Olympics" was held in 2008. The venue was the Marmara Taksim Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey.[7][8][9][10][11][12]


Winner Title Task (To commit to memory and recall ...) Achievement Time Result
Germany Gunther Karsten Speed Cards World Memory Champion a deck of 52 playing cards 52 Cards 1:07,53 minutes GOLD MEDAL
Germany Gunther Karsten Numbers Marathon World Memory Champion as many digits as possible from 125 lines of 40-digit numbers 1800 digits 60 minutes GOLD MEDAL
Germany Gunther Karsten Binary Digits World Memory Champion as many binary digits as possible from 175 lines of 30-digit binary numbers 3219 digits 30 minutes GOLD MEDAL
Germany Boris Konrad Names & Faces World Memory Champion as many names and surnames as possible of 110 people’s pictures 99 points 15 minutes GOLD MEDAL


Winner Title Task (Mental Calculation w/o instruments) Achievement Time Result
Spain Alberto Coto Mental Additions World Champion Ten Mental Addition of ten 10-digit Numbers 10 correct 05:20 minutes GOLD MEDAL
Germany Jan van Koningsveld Mental Multiplications World Champion Ten Mental Multiplication of two 8-digit Numbers 10 correct 13:04 minutes GOLD MEDAL
Spain Alberto Coto Mental Square Roots World Champion Extracting ten Square Roots from ten Different six-digit Numbers 9 correct 14:44 minutes GOLD MEDAL
Germany Jan van Koningsveld Mental Calendars World Champion Calculating Mentally the Week Day of 125 dates from 1600 to 2099 53 correct 1 minutes GOLD MEDAL

Memoriad World Mental Olympics 2012

"Second Memoriad World Mental Olympics" was held in 2012. The venue was Belconti Resort Hotel in Antalya, Turkey.[13][14][15][16][17][18][19]


Winner Title Task (To commit to memory and recall ...) Achievement Time Result
United Kingdom Ben Pridmore Speed Cards World Memory Champion a deck of 52 playing cards 52 Cards 33,61 seconds GOLD MEDAL
Germany Simon Reinhard Numbers Marathon World Memory Champion as many digits as possible from 125 lines of 40-digit numbers 2440 digits 60 minutes GOLD MEDAL
Germany Johannes Mallow Binary Digits World Memory Champion as many binary digits as possible from 175 lines of 30-digit binary numbers 4095 digits 30 minutes GOLD MEDAL
Germany Simon Reinhard Names & Faces World Memory Champion as many names and surnames as possible of 110 people’s pictures 151 points 15 minutes GOLD MEDAL
Mongolia Tsogbadrah Badrah Flash Numbers World Memory Champion 300 one-digit numbers flashing at a frequency of one second interval time 300 digits 300 seconds WORLD RECORD


Winner Title Task (Mental Calculation w/o instruments) Achievement Time Result
Japan Naofumi Ogasawara Mental Additions World Champion Ten Mental Addition of ten 10-digit Numbers 10 correct 02:51 minutes WORLD RECORD
Cuba Freddis Reyes Hernández Mental Multiplications World Champion Ten Mental Multiplication of two 8-digit Numbers 10 correct 04:34 minutes GOLD MEDAL
India Mayank Mukesh Jain Mental Square Roots World Champion Extracting ten Square Roots from ten Different six-digit Numbers 10 correct 03:52 minutes GOLD MEDAL
Mongolia Myagmarsuren Tuuruul Mental Calendars World Champion Calculating Mentally the Week Day of 125 dates from 1600 to 2099 85 correct 1 minutes GOLD MEDAL
Japan Naofumi Ogasawara Flash Anzan World Champion Mental addition of 1 to 5 digit flashing numbers on screen by 1 to 0.3 seconds 36996,00 pts 29:06 Minutes WORLD RECORD

Memoriad World Mental Olympics 2016

"The Third Memoriad World Mental Olympics" was announced to be held in 2016. The venue is Las Vegas, USA.

Memoriad Mental World Records

Memoriad announces "Memoriad Mental World Records" broken with "Memoriad Software" during Memoriad olympic or national competitions and Memoriad sponsored events. Memoriad Mental World Records consist of three main titles that are "Memoriad World Memory Records", "Memoriad Mental Calculation World Records" and "Memoriad Speed Reading World Records". The following "Mental World Records" were witnessed and are recognized by Memoriad World Mental Sports Federation".

Memoriad World Memory Records

Memorization of 500 one-digit numbers flashing on the screen per second[20]

World Record Holder Title Achievement Time Date/Event/Venue
Mongolia Tsogbadrah Badrah Flash Numbers World Memory Record Holder 300 digits correct 5 min 24 Nov. 2012 - Memoriad 2012 - Belconti Resort Hotel, Antalya (Turkey)

Memoriad Mental Calculation World Records

Addition of ten 10-digit numbers[21][22]

World Record Holder Title Achievement Time Date/Event/Venue
India Akshita Shailesh Shah Mental Additions World Record Holder Ten correct 3:06.9 min 23 Nov. 2012 - Memoriad 2012 - Belconti Resort Hotel, Antalya (Turkey)
India Granth Rakesh Thakkar Mental Additions World Record Holder Ten correct 3:06.3 min 23 Nov. 2012 - Memoriad 2012 - Belconti Resort Hotel, Antalya (Turkey)
Japan Naofumi Ogasawara Mental Additions World Record Holder Ten correct 2:51.1 min 24 Nov. 2012 - Memoriad 2012 - Belconti Resort Hotel, Antalya (Turkey)

Ten Mental multiplication of two 8-digit numbers[23][24]

World Record Holder Title Achievement Time Date/Event/Venue
Cuba Freddis Reyes Hernández Mental Multiplication World Record Holder Ten correct 4:28.8 min 23 Nov. 2012 - Memoriad 2012 - Belconti Resort Hotel, Antalya (Turkey)
Cuba Freddis Reyes Hernández Mental Multiplication World Record Holder Ten correct 3:54.1 min 23 Nov. 2012 - Memoriad 2012 - Belconti Resort Hotel, Antalya (Turkey)
Cuba Freddis Reyes Hernández Mental Multiplication World Record Holder Ten correct 3.30.6 min 6 Feb. 2015 - Kulturbunker, Emden (Germany)

Mental multiplication of two 20-digit numbers[25][26]

World Record Holder Title Achievement Time Date/Event/Venue
Germany Johann Martin Zacharias Dase Mental Multiplication Marathon World Record Holder Correct 6:00 min 1861 - Exact date and venue unknown (Germany)
India Granth Rakesh Thakkar Mental Multiplication Marathon World Record Holder Correct 5:26 min 2 Sep. 2013 - Memoriad TR Center, Ankara (Turkey)
India Granth Rakesh Thakkar Mental Multiplication Marathon World Record Holder Correct 4:44 min 2 Sep. 2013 - Memoriad TR Center, Ankara (Turkey)
Turkey Halil Uğur Adıgüzel Mental Multiplication Marathon World Record Holder Correct 4:30 min 15 Mar. 2014 (World Brain Week)- Demora Hotel, Ankara (Turkey)
India Shourya Maheshwari Mental Multiplication Marathon World Record Holder Correct 3:59 min Memoriad World Record Trials - 12 Oct. 2014 - Days Inn, Dresden (Germany)
India Granth Rakesh Thakkar Mental Multiplication Marathon World Record Holder Correct 2:48 min Memoriad World Record Trials - 12 Oct. 2014 - Days Inn, Dresden (Germany)

Mental division of ten 10-digit number by a 5-digit number (no remainders left)[27][28]

World Record Holder Title Achievement Time Date/Event/Venue
Turkey Hakan Gürbaşlar Mental Division World Record Holder 10 Correct 2:55.5 min 21 Mar. 2015 - Memoriad Brain Awareness Week - Neva Palas Hotel, Ankara (Turkey)
Turkey Hakan Gürbaşlar Mental Division World Record Holder 10 Correct 2:49.0 min 21 Mar. 2015 - Memoriad Brain Awareness Week - Neva Palas Hotel, Ankara (Turkey)

Mental Square root of ten 10-digit Numbers[29][30]

World Record Holder Title Achievement Time Date/Event/Venue
Turkey Hakan Gürbaşlar 10-Digit Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 12:23.8 min 5 Apr. 2014 - Memoriad World Record Trials - Demora Hotel, Ankara (Turkey)
India Rhea Shah 10-Digit Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 5:30,8 min 12 Oct. 2014 - Memoriad World Record Trials - Days Inn Hotel, Dresden (Germany)

Mental Square root of ten 6-digit Numbers[31][32][33][34][35][36][37]

World Record Holder Title Achievement Time Date/Event/Venue
Turkey Selçuk Soner Akgül Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 7:37 min 6 Sep. 2009 - Memoriad TR 2009 - Neva Palas Hotel, Ankara (Turkey)
Turkey Hakan Gürbaşlar Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 6:37 min 20 Mar. 2010 - M.E.T.U., Ankara (Turkey)
India Priyanshi Somani Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 6:28 min 7 Jun. 2010 - Hotel Sachsen Anhalt, Magdeburg (Germany)
Turkey Hakan Gürbaşlar Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 4:55 min 17 Dec. 2011 - Memoriad WR Day - Neva Palas Hotel, Ankara (Turkey)
India Priyanshi Somani Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 2:43 min 3 Jan. 2012 - Lourdes Covent School, Surat (India)
India Rhea Sandeep Shah Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 2:06.8 min 31 Aug.t 2013 - Maya Koleji, Ankara (Turkey)
India Rhea Sandeep Shah Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 1:33.8 min 31 Aug.t 2013 - Maya Koleji, Ankara (Turkey)
India Rhea Sandeep Shah Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 1:30.0 min 31 Aug.t 2013 - Maya Koleji, Ankara (Turkey)
India Granth Rakesh Thakkar Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 1:07.5 min 2 Sep. 2013 - Memoriad TR Center - Ankara (Turkey)
India Granth Rakesh Thakkar Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 1:04.9 min 7 Oct. 2014 - Memoriad World Record Trials - Days Inn Hotel, Dresden (Germany)
India Granth Rakesh Thakkar Mental Square Root World Record Holder Ten correct 1:01.9 min 7 Oct. 2014 - Memoriad World Record Trials - Days Inn Hotel, Dresden (Germany)

Speed Flash Anzan (5 sequential set of correct additions)[38]

World Record Holder Title Achievement Time Date/Event/Venue
India Granth Rakesh Thakkar Speed Flash Anzan World Record Holder 5 times correct 100 one-digit numbers per 0.3 sec 4 Sep. 2013 - Memoriad TR Center, Ankara (Turkey)
India Granth Rakesh Thakkar Speed Flash Anzan World Record Holder 5 times correct 150 one-digit numbers per 0.3 sec 5 Sep., 2013 - Memoriad TR Center, Ankara (Turkey
Turkey Can Atay Örken Speed Flash Anzan World Record Holder 5 times correct 50 two-digit numbers per 0.3 sec 21 Mar. 2015 - Memoriad Brain Awareness Week - Neva Palas Hotel, Ankara (Turkey)

Flash Anzan Marathon (Mental addition of 1 to 5 digit numbers flashing on the screen at a frequency interval of 1 to 0.3 seconds.) [39]

World Record Holder Title Achievement Time Date/Event/Venue
Japan Naofumi Ogasawara Flash Anzan Marathon World Record Holder 36996 points 29:06 min 24 Nov. 2012 - Memoriad Olympics 2012 - Belconti Resort Hotel, Antalya (Turkey)

External links


  1. [Guinness World Records 2014 (US ed.) pp. 60-61, Guinness World Records Ltd., 2013 (US ISBN 978-1-908843-35-7)]
  2. Wizards of Vapi rule maths Olympiad
  3. Meet India's memory champions as they leave for World Mental Olympics in Turkey
  4. Memoriad - World Mental Olympics Committee
  5. Categories of Competition
  6. Memoriad Competitions are Under Control of a Software
  7. Süper beyinler İstanbul'da buluşuyor (Super Brains Meet in İstanbul)
  8. Hafıza Olimpiyatı İstanbul'da yapılacak (Memory Olympics in İstanbul)
  9. Müthiş beyinler İstanbul’da! (Marvelleus Brains in Istanbul)
  10. Süper hafızalar yarıştı (Super Brains Competed)
  11. 2008 Dünya Hafıza Olimpiyatı (2008 World Memory Olympiad)
  12. Şampiyon, zekâ küpünü gözü kapalı tamamladı (Champion set Rubics Cube with Blind Folded)
  13. Mongolian Team in the 2012 Memoriad Olympics Breaks New World Record in Flash Numbers
  14. Uluslararası Zihinsel Matematik Olimpiyatları Tamamlandı (International Mental Calculation Olympics Ended)
  15. Memoriad 2012
  16. Hafıza Olimpiyatı Antalya'da başladı (Memory Olympics Started in Antalya)
  17. Т.Мягмарсүрэн, С.Цогбадрах нар алтан медаль хүртлээ
  18. Memoriad 2012
  19. Antalya dünyanın en zekilerini ağırladı (Antalya Wecomes World's Best Brains)
  20. Flash Numbers World Record
  21. Addition of ten 10-digit numbers
  22. Mental Addition World Record
  23. Multiplication of ten 8-digit numbers
  24. Mental Multiplication World Record
  25. (Mental Multiplication Of Two 20-Digit Numbers)
  26. 20 Haneli İki Sayının Mental Çarpımı
  27. Mental Calculation : Division
  28. On Haneli bir Sayının 5 Haneli bir Sayıya Mental Bölümü
  29. Hakan Gürbaşlar Mental Karekök Dünya Rekortmeni oldu
  30. Mental Square Root World Record
  31. Calculating the Square Root of a Six-Digit Number
  32. Zihinsel Karekök Kategorisi (Mental Square Root Category)
  33. Zihinsel karekök rekorunu bir Türk kırdı
  34. Mental Arithmetic World Record Announcement
  35. City girl attempts mental square root world record
  36. 2013 Mental Calculation World Records
  37. [Guinness World Records 2016 (US ed.) pp. 65, Guinness World Records Ltd., 2015 (US ISBN 978-1-910561-02-7)]
  38. Flash Anzan World Records
  39. Flash Anzan World Record
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, October 30, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.