Mengho Fakir Shar

Mengho Fakir Shar مینگھو فقیر شر is a village of Thari Mirwah Tehsil in district Khairpur. The village is named after poet Hazrat Mengho Fakir Shar, who was the son of poet Hazrat Ghulam Hyder Godrya Fakir.

The village of Mengho Fakir Shar مینگھو فقیر شر is located at a distance of 60km south of district headquarters Khairpur and approximately 430km north of Karachi. This village has almost 500 houses and a population of between 1800 and 2000 people with top of literacy rate in male and female. in this village more than 20 schools are in active and working position above all GHS ,GBPS Mengho fakir shar are on the top of the list GBPS Mengho fakir shar is founded in 1918 by the Birtish Govt .This school have a historical back ground .Now admission of school is 416 students in the diffrerent classes .

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