Metafluid dynamics

Metafluid dynamics is a relatively new concept in physics.


Metafluid dynamics was an effort to connect the ephemeral and statistical nature of quantum mechanical objects with the temporary and statistical, but yet stable, nature of "structures" in turbulent flows; that work was published as a research thesis (Marmanis 1993).

The works that influenced its conception were Einstein's insistence on a causal interpretation of quantum mechanics, De Broglie's mechanical models, and related work along these lines. The literature on the subject of aether models was discovered by the author upon completion of the theory's core ideas during the academic years 1994 and 1995.


The term "metafluid dynamics" appeared for the first time in a conference talk delivered in the "International Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics" at Florida State University on November 7, 1996.

Initial publications

The theory was published, in the Physics of Fluids under the title Analogy between the Navier-Stokes and Maxwell's equations: Application to Turbulence (Marmanis 1998).

A year later, the theory was presented in more detail in the thesis entitled Analogy between the Electromagnetic and Hydrodynamic Equations: Application to Turbulence (Marmanis 1999). This paper attempted to introduce an ontological connection between turbulent motion as described by the Navier–Stokes equations and dynamics of the electromagnetic field as described by Maxwell's equations. The paper observed that the electromagnetic field is non-linear when expressed in terms of the electromagnetic potentials--yet Maxwell's equations are linear due to the original modeling of charge and current. It should be stressed that this ontological interpretation was never previously published, although several fluid models have been presented as early as 1890, for the same purpose.

The last article by the same author, namely, "Turbulence, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics: A common perspective" was published in the book Photon: Old problems in light of new ideas (Dvoeglazov 2000).

The metafluid dynamics was not created by trial-and-error of mechanical models of aether and is not an analogy that was revived; a juxtaposition of the fields that are involved in earlier models and those that are involved in the metafluid dynamics suffices as a proof. For historical references, see, the comprehensive book by Whittaker (1951).

Later publications

Since that time there have been several other publications that relate directly or indirectly to the metafluid dynamics:


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