Methods of divination
Innumerable methods of divination can be found around the world, and many cultures practice the same methods under different names. During the Middle Ages, scholars coined terms for many of these methods — some of which had hitherto been unnamed — in Medieval Latin, very often utilizing the suffix -mantia when the art seemed more mystical (ultimately from Greek mantis, prophet) and the suffix -scopia when the art seemed more scientific (ultimately from Greek skopein, to observe). Names like drimimantia, nigromantia, and horoscopia turned up, along with a slew of other esoteric (and distinctly Medieval) "sciences" such as phrenology and physiognomy.
Of course, some forms of divination are much older than the Middle Ages, like haruspication, while others (such as megapolisomancy or coffee-based tasseomancy) are born of the 20th and 21st century.

- abacomancy /ˈæbəkoʊmænsi/ (also amathomancy): by dust (Hebrew ’ābāq, dust + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- acultomancy /əˈkʌltoʊmænsi/ (also acutomancy): by needles (from acutomancy below, influenced by Latin acūleus, needle)
- acutomancy /əˈkjuːtoʊmænsi/ → see acultomancy (Latin acus [acut-], needle + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- adromancy /ˈædroʊmænsi/ → see alomancy (from idromancy below, influenced by alomancy)
- adryomancy→ see hydromancy (metathesis of hydromancy)
- aeromancy /ˈɛəroʊmænsi/: by atmospheric conditions (Greek āēr, air + manteia, prophecy)
- agalmatomancy /əˈɡɔːlmətoʊmænsi/: by statues (Greek agalma [agalmat-], statue + manteia, prophecy)
- aichmomancy /ˈɛkmoʊmænsi/: by sharp objects (Greek aikhmē, spearhead + manteia, prophecy)
- ailuromancy/aeluromancy → see theriomancy
- alectormancy/alectromancy /əˈlɛktroʊmænsi/: by rooster sacrifice (Greek alektor, rooster + manteia, prophecy)
- alectryomancy/alectoromancy: by rooster divination → see theriomancy
- aleuromancy¹ /əˈljʊəroʊmænsi/: by flour; see also chartomancy (Greek aleuron, meal + manteia, prophecy)
- alomancy/Halomancy /ˈæloʊmænsi/ (also adromancy): by salt (Greek hals, salt + manteia, prophecy)
- alphitomancy/ˈælfᵻtoʊmænsi/: by barley (Greek alphis [alphit-], barley + manteia, prophecy)
- alveromancy /ælˈvɪəroʊmænsi/: by sounds
- amathomancy /ˈæməθoʊmænsi/ → see abacomancy by sand (Greek amathos, sandy soil + manteia, prophecy)
- ambulomancy /ˈæmbjᵿloʊmænsi/: by walking (Latin ambulāre, to walk + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- amniomancy /ˈæmnioʊmænsi/: by placenta (Greek amniōn, amnion + manteia, prophecy)
- anemoscopy/anemomancy /ˌænᵻˈmɒskoʊpi/: by wind (Greek anemos, wind + -skopiā, observation)
- anthomancy /ˈænθoʊmænsi/: by flowers (Greek anthos, flower + manteia, prophecy)
- anthropomancy /ænˈθrɒpoʊmænsi/: by human sacrifice (Greek anthrōpos, human being + manteia, prophecy)
- anthroposcopy /ænθroʊˈpɒskoʊpi/: by physical appearance (Greek anthrōpos, human being + -skopiā, observation)
- anthracomancy /ˈænθrəkoʊmænsi/: by burning coals (Greek anthrax [anthrak-], charcoal + manteia, prophecy)
- apantomancy /əˈpæntoʊmænsi/: by chance encounters with animals (Greek apantein, to encounter + manteia, prophecy)
- arachnomancy /əˈræknoʊmænsi/: by spiders (Greek arakhnē, spider + manteia, prophecy)
- archeomancy/archaeomancy /ˈɑːrkioʊmænsi/: by sacred relics (Greek arkhaios, ancient + manteia, prophecy)
- ariolation /ˌærioʊˈleɪʃən/: by altars (Latin ariolus, hariolus, prophet)
- arithmancy: assigning numerical value to a word or phrase
- armomancy /ˈɑːrmoʊmænsi/: by one's own shoulders (Latin armus, shoulder + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- aruspicina: study of entrails [1]
- aspidomancy /ˈæspᵻdoʊmænsi/: by sitting in a drawn circle (Greek aspis [aspid-], shield + manteia, prophecy)
- astragalomancy/astragalamancy → see cleromancy
- astragyromancy → see cleromancy (from astragalomancy above, perhaps influenced by Greek guros, spiral, circle, and therefore vertebra)
- astrapomancy /ˈæstrəpoʊmænsi/: by lightning (Greek astrapē, lightning flash + manteia, prophecy)
- astrology/astromancy/astroscopy /əˈstrɒloʊdʒi/: by celestial bodies (Greek astron, star + -logiā, study)
- augury /ˈɔːɡjᵿri/ → see theriomancy
- auramancy /ˈɔːrəmænsi/: by auras (Greek aurā, breath + manteia, prophecy)
- auspicy/auspication → see theriomancy (Latin avis, bird + specere, to look at)
- austromancy → see theriomancy /ˈɔːstroʊmænsi/: by wind (Latin auster, south wind + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- avimancy → see orniscopy (Latin avis, bird + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- axiomancy/axinomancy /ˈæksioʊmænsi/: by axes (Latin axis, axis + manteia, prophecy)
- batraquomancy/batrachomancy /bəˈtrækoʊmænsi/: by frogs (Greek batrakhos, frog + manteia, prophecy)
- belomancy/bolomancy /ˈbɛloʊmænsi/: by arrows (from bolomancy below, influenced by Greek belemnon, javelin, or belonē, needle)
- bibliomancy → see chartomancy
- biorhythmic divination: by biorhythms
- bletonism/bletonomancy /ˈblɛtənɪzəm/: by water current (named for Monsieur Bleton, a French bletonist)
- bolomancy /ˈbɒloʊmænsi/ → see belomancy (Greek bolē, arrow + manteia, prophecy)
- botanomancy /boʊˈtænoʊmænsi/: by burning sage or figs (Greek botanē, flora + manteia, prophecy)
- brizomancy → see oneiromancy (Greek brizein, to be sleepy + manteia, prophecy)
- brontomancy/brontoscopy /ˈbrɒntoʊmænsi/: by thunder (Greek brontē, thunder + manteia, prophecy)
- bumpology /bʌmˈpɒloʊdʒi/: by bumps on the skin (English bump + Greek -logiā, study)
- cabala → see kabbalah
- canomancy /ˈkænoʊmænsi/ or /ˈkeɪnoʊmænsi/: by dogs (Latin canis, dog + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- capnomancy /ˈkæpnoʊmænsi/: by smoke (Greek kapnos, smoke + manteia, prophecy)
- libanomancy /laɪˈbænoʊmænsi/: by smoke or ash from incense (Greek libanos, frankincense + manteia, prophecy)[2]
- carromancy /ˈkæroʊmænsi/: by melting wax (Greek karrō, of wax + manteia, prophecy)
- cartopedy → see somatomancy (Latin carta, papyrus paper + pēs [pēd-], foot)
- cartomancy → see chartomancy
- catoptromancy/captromancy → see scrying
- causimancy/causimomancy /ˈkɔːzᵻmænsi/: by burning (Greek kaiein [kaus-], to burn + manteia, prophecy)
- cephalomancy → see somatomancy
- cephaleonomancy/cephalonomancy/ˌsɛfəliˈɒnoʊmænsi/: by boiling a donkey's head (Greek kephalaion, head [with meaning influenced by Greek onos, donkey] + manteia, prophecy)
- ceraunoscopy /ˌsɛrəˈnɒskoʊpi/: by thunder and lightning (Greek keraunos, thunderbolt + -skopiā, observation)
- ceromancy/ceroscopy /ˈsɛroʊmænsi/: by dripping wax in water (Greek kēros, wax + manteia, prophecy)
- chalcomancy: by striking gongs or copper bowls (Greek khalkos, copper + manteia, prophecy)
- chaomancy /ˈkeɪoʊmænsi/: by aerial visions (Greek khaos, primordial space + manteia, prophecy)
- chartomancy /ˈkɑːrtoʊmænsi/: by things on paper (Greek khartēs, papyrus paper + manteia, prophecy)
- cartomancy /ˈkɑːrtoʊmænsi/: by cards (Latin carta, papyrus paper + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- stichomancy /ˈstɪkoʊmænsi/: by books or lines (Greek stikhos, line of verse + manteia, prophecy)
- aleuromancy² /əˈljʊəroʊmænsi/: by fortune cookies (of the same origin as aleuromancy¹)
- bibliomancy /ˈbɪblioʊmænsi/: by the Bible (Greek biblion, book + manteia, prophecy)
- I Ching divination: by the I Ching or the accompanying I Ching manual
- stoicheomancy/stoichomancy: by the Iliad and the Odyssey or the Aeneid (Greek stoikheion, element + manteia, prophecy; to the Greeks, Homer's writings were held in similar esteem to the Christian Bible or the Muslim Quran, as were Virgil's writings to the Romans, making them the basic — or elementary — reading material in each culture)
- cheiromancy/chiromancy→ see somatomancy
- cheirognomy/chirognomy → see somatomancy
- chien tung → see kau cim
- choriomancy /ˈkɒrioʊmænsi/: by pig bladders (Greek khorion, placenta + mantiea, prophecy)
- chresmomancy /ˈkrɛsmoʊmænsi/: by the ravings of lunatics (Greek khrēsmos, oracular utterance, chresm + manteia, prophecy)
- chronomancy /ˈkrɒnoʊmænsi/: by apt occasion (Greek khronos, time + manteia, prophecy)
- cineromancy/ceneromancy → see spodomancy /ˈsɪnəroʊmænsi/ (Latin cinis [ciner-], ashes + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- clamancy (see also Fāl-gūsh): by random shouts and cries heard in crowds, at night, etc. (Latin clāmāre, to cry out + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- cledonism/cledonomancy /ˈklɛdoʊnɪzəm/: by chance events or overheard words (Greek klēdon, rumor)
- cleidomancy/clidomancy /ˈklaɪdoʊmænsi/: by keys (Greek kleis [kleid-], key + manteia, prophecy)
- cleromancy /ˈklɛroʊmænsi/: by casting (Greek klēros, lot + manteia, prophecy)
- astragalomancy/astragalamancy /əˈstræɡəloʊmænsi/ (also cubomancy): by dice (Greek astragalos, vertebra + manteia, prophecy)
- domino divination: by dominoes
- favomancy /ˈfævoʊmænsi/: by beans (Latin faba, bean + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- Ogham casting: by Ogham letters
- runecasting/Runic divination: by runes
- cometomancy /koʊˈmɛtoʊmænsi/: by comet tails (Greek komētēs, comet + manteia, prophecy)
- colormancy/coloromancy: by colors (English color + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- conchomancy /ˈkɒŋkoʊmænsi/: by shells (Greek konkhē, mussel + manteia, prophecy)
- cosquinomancy/coscinomancy /koʊˈsɪnoʊmænsi/: by hanging sieves (Greek koskinōn, sieve + manteia, prophecy)
- cottabomancy/cottobomancy /ˈkɒtəboʊmænsi/: by wine in a brass bowl (Greek kottabos, cottabus + manteia, prophecy)
- craniognomy /ˌkreɪniˈɒɡnoʊmi/ or /ˌkreɪniˈɒnəmi/ → see somatomancy (Greek krānion, skull + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)
- the crawling baby: by a baby's crawling
- crithomancy/critomancy /ˈkrɪθoʊmænsi/: by barley cakes (Greek krithē, barley + manteia, prophecy)
- cromnyomancy/cromniomancy /ˈkrɒmnioʊmænsi/: by onion sprouts (alteration of Greek krommuon, onion + manteia, prophecy)
- cryptomancy /ˈkrɪptoʊmænsi/: by omens (Greek kruptos, hidden + manteia, prophecy)
- cryomancy /ˈkraɪoʊmænsi/: by ice (Greek kryo, ice )
- crystal ball gazing → see scrying
- crystal gazing → see scrying
- crystallomancy /ˈkrɪstəloʊmænsi/ → see scrying (Greek krustallos, crystal + manteia, prophecy)
- cubomancy /ˈkjuːboʊmænsi/ → see cleromancy (Greek kubos, cube + manteia, prophecy)
- cyathomancy /ˈsaɪəθoʊmænsi/: by cups (Greek kuathos, cup + manteia, prophecy)
- cybermancy /ˈsaɪbərmænsi/: by computer oracles (English cyber(netics) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- cyclicomancy /ˈsɪklᵻkoʊmænsi/: by swirling water in a cup (Greek kuklikos, cyclical, circular + manteia, prophecy)
- cyclomancy /ˈsɪkloʊmænsi/ or /ˈsaɪkloʊmænsi/: by wheels (Greek kuklos, circle + manteia, prophecy)
- dactyliomancy /dækˈtɪlioʊmænsi/: by finger rings (Greek daktulios, finger ring + manteia, prophecy)
- dactylomancy /ˈdæktᵻloʊmænsi/ : by means of finger movements (Greek daktulos, finger + manteia, prophecy)
- daphnomancy /ˈdæfnoʊmænsi/: by burning laurel wreaths (Greek daphnē, laurel + manteia, prophecy)
- demonomancy /dᵻˈmɒnoʊmænsi/: by demons (Greek daimōn, divine power + manteia, prophecy)
- dendromancy /ˈdɛndroʊmænsi/: by trees, especially oaks, yews, or mistletoe (Greek dendron, tree + manteia, prophecy)
- deuteroscopy /ˌdjuːtəˈrɒskoʊpi/: by second glance or double take (Greek deuteros, secondary + -skopiā, observation)
- dictiomancy /ˈdɪkʃoʊmænsi/: by randomly opening a dictionary (English dictio(nary) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- divining → see dowsing
- djubed → see scrying
- dōbutsu uranai: by animal horoscope (Japanese dōbutsu, animal + uranai, prognostication)
- domino divination → see cleromancy
- dowsing (also divining, water witching): by a divining rod (of unknown origin)
- dracomancy /ˈdrækoʊmænsi/: by dragons (Greek drakōn, dragon + manteia, prophecy)
- dream questions: by dreaming
- dririmancy/driromancy /ˈdrɪərᵻmænsi/: by dripping blood (alteration of drimimancy, influenced by Middle English drir, blood)
- drimimancy/drymimancy /ˈdrɪmᵻmænsi/: by bodily fluids (Greek drimus, pungent + manteia, prophecy)
- electromancy: by lightning and electricity (Greek ilektros electric + manteia prophecy)
- eleomancy/elaeomancy: by oil (Greek elaion, olive oil + manteia, prophecy)
- emonomancy → see demonomancy
- empirimancy: by experiment/experience
- empyromancy /ɛmˈpaɪəroʊmænsi/: by burning (Greek empurios, fiery + manteia, prophecy)
- enochian chess: by playing a four·handed variant of the game
- enoptromancy /ɛˈnɒptroʊmænsi/ → see scrying (Greek enoptron, looking glass + manteia, prophecy)
- enthusiasm: speeches by those supposed to be possessed by a divine spirit [3]
- entomomancy/entomancy: by insects (Greek entomon, insect + manteia, prophecy)
- eromancy /ˈɛroʊmænsi/: by water vessels exposed to air (Greek āēr, air + manteia, prophecy) — cf. aeromancy
- extispicy/extispication /ɛkˈstɪspᵻsi/: by the remains of sacrificed animals (Latin exta, entrails + specere, to look at)
- favomancy → see cleromancy
- felidomancy → see theriomancy (Latin fēlēs [fēlid-], cat + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- feng shui → see geomancy
- floriography/floromancy /ˌflɔːriˈɒɡrəfi/: by flowers' feelings (Latin flōs [flōr-], flower + Greek -graphiā, representation)
- fractomancy /ˈfræktoʊmænsi/: by fractals (English fract(al) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- fructomancy/fructimancy: by fruit (Latin frūctus, fruit + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- galvanoscopy /ˌɡælvəˈnɒskoʊpi/: by galvanism (English galvan(ism) + Greek -skopiā, observation)
- gastromancy¹ → see scrying
- gastromancy² /ˈɡæstroʊmænsi/: by guttural sounds (Greek gastēr, belly + manteia, prophecy)
- geomancy /ˈdʒiːoʊmænsi/: by earth (Greek Gaia|gē, earth + manteia, prophecy)
- feng Shui divination: by Feng Shui
- geloscopy /dʒᵻˈlɒskoʊpi/: by laughter (Greek gelōs, laughter + -skopiā, observation)
- gematria: by the Hebrew alphabet (Greek gē, earth + -metriā, measurement)
- genethlialogy: by birth dates (Greek genethlios, birthday + -logiā, study)
- grammomancy /ˈɡræmoʊmænsi/: by writing individual letters (Greek gramma, letter + manteia, prophecy)
- graphology /ɡræˈfɒloʊdʒi/ (also graptomancy): by studying handwriting (Greek graphē, writing + -logiā, study)
- graptomancy /ˈɡræptoʊmænsi/ → see graphology (Greek graptos, written + manteia, prophecy)
- gyromancy /ˈdʒaɪəroʊmænsi/: by dizziness (Greek gūros, spiral + manteia, prophecy)
- hagiomancy: by saints (Greek hagios, holy + manteia, prophecy)
- halomancy /ˈhæloʊmænsi/ → see alomancy
- hakata: by bones or dice
- haruspicy/haruspication /həˈrʌspᵻsi/ → see hepatoscopy (Latin haru-, entrails + specere, to look at)
- hematomancy/haematomancy /ˈhɛmətoʊmænsi, ˈhiː-/: by blood (Greek haima [haimat-], blood + manteia, prophecy)
- hepatoscopy/hepatomancy /ˈhɛpətoʊmænsi/ (also haruspicy, haruspication): by liver (Greek hēpar [hēpat-], liver + -skopiā, observation)
- hieromancy/hieroscopy /ˈhaɪəroʊmænsi, ˈhaɪ.ər-/: by studying sacrifices' entrails (Greek hieros, holy + manteia, prophecy)
- hippomancy → see theriomancy
- horoscopy /hoʊˈrɒskoʊpi/: aspect of the Stars at nativity [4] (Greek hōrā, season + -skopiā, observation)
- hydatomancy: by rainwater (Greek hudatis, raindrop + manteia, prophecy)
- hydromancy/hydroscopy → see scrying
- hyomancy: by wild hogs (Greek hūs, swine + manteia, prophecy)
- hypnomancy /ˈhɪpnoʊmænsi/: by sleep (Greek hupnos, sleep + manteia, prophecy)
- I Ching divination → see chartomancy
- ichnomancy /ˈɪknoʊmænsi/: by footprints (Greek ikhnos, track + manteia, prophecy)
- ichthyomancy → see theriomancy
- iconomancy /aɪˈkɒnoʊmænsi/: by icons (Greek eikōn, image + manteia, prophecy)
- idolomancy /aɪˈdɒloʊmænsi/: by idols (Greek eidōlon, phantom + manteia, prophecy)
- idromancy → see alomancy (Greek idrōs, sweat + manteia, prophecy)
- ifá: geomancy patterns generated with palm nuts, opele, cowrie shells, etc... that refer to Ifa Divination texts; a collection of odu Ifa verses.
- iridology: by eye color (Greek īris [īrid-], iris + -logiā, study)
- isopsephy: by numbers and letters (Greek īsos, equal + psephos, pebble)
- Jyotish Vedic system of astrology
- kabbalah/qabalah/cabala: by the Kabbalah (Hebrew qabbālâ, tradition)
- kau cim: by bamboo
- kephalonomancy /kəˈfælənoʊmænsi/ → see cephaleonomancy
- keraunomancy /kᵻˈrɒnoʊmænsi/ → see ceraunoscopy
- knissomancy /ˈnɪsoʊmænsi/: by incense (Greek knisa [kniss-], vapor + manteia, prophecy)
- kypomancy → see phyllomancy (akin to Greek kupellon, goblet + manteia, prophecy)
- labiomancy /ˈleɪbioʊmænsi/: by lips (Latin labium, lip + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- lampadomancy /ˈlæmpədoʊmænsi/: by flame (Greek lampas [lampad-], light + manteia, prophecy)
- lecanomancy/lecanoscopy /lᵻˈkænoʊmænsi/: by a basin of water (Greek lekanē, basin + manteia, prophecy)
- letnomancy: by secrets (English let no (man see) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- libanomancy /laɪˈbænoʊmænsi/ → see capnomancy and spodomancy (Greek libanos, frankincense + manteia, prophecy)
- literomancy /ˈlɪtəroʊmænsi/: by a letter in a written language (Latin lītera, letter + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- lithomancy /ˈlɪθoʊmænsi/: by gems or stones (Greek lithos, stone + manteia, prophecy)
- logarithmancy /ˌlɒɡəˈrɪθmənsi/: by logarithms (English logarith(m) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- logomancy /ˈlɒɡoʊmænsi/: by words (Greek logos, word + manteia, prophecy)
- lots: divination through chance, or the drawing or tossing of lots[5]
- lunamancy → see selenomancy (Latin lūna, moon + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- lychnomancy /ˈlɪknoʊmænsi/: by candles (Greek lukhnos, lamp + manteia, prophecy)
- macharomancy: by swords or knives (Greek makhaira, dirk + manteia, prophecy)
- macromancy /ˈmækroʊmænsi/: by large objects (Greek makros, large + manteia, prophecy)
- maculomancy /ˈmækjᵿloʊmænsi/: by spots on the skin (Latin macula, spot + manteia, prophecy)
- mahjong divination: by Mahjong tiles
- margaritomancy /ˌmɑːrɡəˈrɪtoʊmænsi/: by bouncing pearls (Greek margarītēs, pearl + manteia, prophecy)
- mathemancy /ˈmæθᵻmænsi/: by mathematics (English mathe(matics) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- mazomancy /ˈmæzoʊmænsi/: by nursing (Greek mazos, breast + manteia, prophecy)
- meconomancy /mᵻˈkoʊnoʊmænsi/: by sleeping (Greek mēkōn, poppy [i.e., an opiate] + manteia, prophecy)
- megapolisomancy: by large cities (English megalopolis + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- meilomancy: by moles
- metagnomy /mᵻˈtæɡnoʊmi/ or /mᵻˈtænoʊmi/: by magic (Greek meta-, beside + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)
- meteormancy /ˈmiːtioʊrmænsi/: by meteors (English meteor + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- meteoromancy /ˌmiːtiˈɒroʊmænsi/: by thunder and lightning (Greek meteōron, heavenly phenomenon + manteia, prophecy)
- metoposcopy/metopomancy /ˌmɛtoʊˈpɒskoʊpi/: by the lines of the forehead[6] (Greek metōpon, forehead + -skopiā, observation)
- micromancy /ˈmaɪkroʊmænsi/: by small objects (Greek mikros, small + manteia, prophecy)
- moleosophy /moʊˈlɒsoʊfi/ or /ˌmoʊliˈɒsoʊfi/: by blemishes (English mole + Greek sophiā, knowledge)
- molybdomancy /moʊˈlɪbdoʊmænsi/: by molten metal (Greek molubdos, lead + manteia, prophecy)
- moromancy /ˈmɒroʊmænsi/: by foolishness (Greek mōros, dull + manteia, prophecy)
- myomancy → see theriomancy
- myrmomancy → see theriomancy
- narcomancy /ˈnɑːrkoʊmænsi/: by sleep (Greek narkē, numbness + manteia, prophecy)
- natimancy → see somatomancy (Latin natis, buttock + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- necromancy¹ /ˈnɛkroʊmænsi/: by speaking to the dead, by corpses[7] (Greek nekros, corpse + manteia, prophecy)
- necyomancy /ˈniːsioʊmænsi/: by summoning damned souls (Greek nekuiā, invocation + manteia, prophecy)
- nephomancy /ˈnɛfoʊmænsi/: by clouds (Greek nephos, cloud + manteia, prophecy)
- nigromancy /ˈnaɪɡroʊmænsi/: by black magic (Latin niger, black + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- nomancy /ˈnɒmənsi/ or /ˈnoʊmənsi/ → see onomancy (variant of onomancy, influenced by Latin nōmen, name)
- notarikon/netrikon: by initials (Latin notāricus, in shorthand)
- nggàm → see theriomancy
- numerology /ˌnjuːməˈrɒloʊdʒi/: by numbers (Latin numerus, number + Greek -logia, branch of study)
- numismatomancy: by coins (Greek nomisma [nomismat-], coin + manteia, prophecy)
- oculomancy /ˈɒkjᵿloʊmænsi/: by eyes (Latin oculus, eye + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- odontomancy /oʊˈdɒntoʊmænsi/: by teeth (Greek odous [odont-], tooth + manteia, prophecy)
- oenomancy/oinomancy /ˈiːnoʊmænsi/: by wine (Greek oinos, wine + manteia, prophecy)
- ololygmancy /oʊˈlɒlᵻɡmænsi/: by the howling of dogs (Greek ololuzō [ololug-], howl + manteia, prophecy)
- omoplatoscopy → see scapulimancy (Greek ōmoplatē, shoulder blade + -skopiā, observation)
- omphalomancy /ˈɒmfəloʊmænsi/: by navels (Greek omphalos, navel + manteia, prophecy)
- oneiromancy/oneiroscopy /oʊˈnɪəroʊmænsi/: by dreams (Greek oneiros, dream + manteia, prophecy)
- onimancy /ˈɒnᵻmænsi/ → see onychomancy
- onomancy/onomomancy/nomancy /ˈɒnoʊmænsi/: by letters in a name (Greek onoma, name + manteia, prophecy)
- onomomancy /oʊˈnoʊmoʊmænsi/ → see onomancy
- onychomancy/onymancy/onimancy /oʊˈnɪkoʊmænsi/: by finger· and toenails (Greek onux [onukh-], nail + manteia, prophecy)
- onymancy /ˈɒnᵻmænsi/ → see onychomancy
- oomancy/ooscopy /ˈoʊoʊmænsi/ (also ovomancy): by eggs (Greek ōion, egg + manteia, prophecy)
- ophidiomancy/ophiomancy → see theriomancy
- ophthalmomancy → see oculomancy (Greek ophthalmos, eye + manteia, prophecy)
- organoscopy → see phrenology (Greek organon, organ + -skopiā, observation)
- orniscopy/ornithomancy → see theriomancy
- oromancy: by mountains (Greek oros, mountain + manteia, prophecy)
- oryctomancy: by minerals (Greek oruktos, dug + manteia, prophecy)
- ossomancy → see osteomancy (Latin os [oss-], bone + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- osteomancy: by bones (Greek osteon, bone + manteia, prophecy)
- Ouija/Ouije: by ouija board (French oui, yes + German ja, yes)
- ouranomancy → see uranomancy
- ovomancy → see oomancy (Latin ōvum, egg + manteia, prophecy)
- pallomancy: by pendulums (Greek pallein, to sway + manteia, prophecy)
- palmistry/palm reading → see somatomancy (Latin palma, palm)
- papyromancy: by folding paper, especially paper money (Greek papūros, papyrus paper + manteia, prophecy)
- pedomancy → see somatomancy (from podomancy, influenced by Latin pēs [pēd-], foot)
- pegomancy: by fountains (Greek pēgē, spring + manteia, prophecy)
- pessomancy: by pebbles (Greek pessos, oval pebble + manteia, prophecy)
- pecthimancy/petchimancy: by brushed cloth (possibly akin to Greek pekein, to card wool, or pēktē, netting + manteia, prophecy)
- phobomancy: by feelings of fear (Greek phobos, fear + manteia, prophecy)
- photomancy: by fields of light (Greek phōs [phōt-], light + manteia, prophecy)
- phrenology (also organoscopy): by the configuration of one's brain (Greek phrēn, mind + -logiā, study)
- phyllomancy: by leaves (Greek phullon, leaf + manteia, prophecy)
- sycomancy: by fig leaves (Greek sūkon, fig + manteia, prophecy)
- tasseography/tasseomancy (also kypomancy): by tea leaves or coffee grounds (French tasse, cup + Greek -graphiā, representation)
- phyllorhodomancy: by rose petals (Greek phullon, leaf + rhodon, rose + manteia, prophecy)
- physiognomy/physiognomancy: by faces (Greek phusis, nature + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)
- phytognomy: by the appearance of plants (Greek phuton, plant + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)
- plastromancy: by cracks formed by heat on a turtle's plastron (English plastron + manteia, prophecy)
- pilimancy: by observing the patterns produced by a collection of human hair.
- plumbomancy: by observing shapes molten lead makes when poured in water (Latin plumbum, lead + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- pneumancy: by blowing (Greek pneuma, breath + manteia, prophecy)
- podomancy/pedomancy → see somatomancy
- poe divination: by throwing stones on the floor, practised at Taoist temples
- portenta (also ostenta): study of natural phenomena[8]
- psephomancy: by lots or ballots (Greek psephos, pebble + manteia, prophecy)
- pseudomancy: by false means, such as Peter Answers (Greek pseudēs, false + manteia, prophecy)
- psychognomy: by phrenological notations (Greek psūkhē, soul + -gnōmoniā, observation)
- psychomancy → see necromancy¹ (Greek psūkhē, soul + manteia, prophecy)
- ptarmoscopy/ptarmoscopie: from ancient Greek the interpretation of sneezes[9]
- pyromancy/pyroscopy: by fire (Greek pūr, fire + manteia, prophecy)
- qabalah → see kabbalah
- radiesthesia: by rods, pendulums, or other cylindrical tools (Latin radius, spoke + Greek -aisthēsiā, sensing)
- retromancy: by looking over one's shoulder (Latin retrō, behind + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- rhabdomancy/rabdomancy: by rods, sticks, or wands (Greek rhabdos, rod + manteia, prophecy)
- rhapsodomancy: by poetry (Greek rhapsōidiā, verse + manteia, prophecy)
- roadomancy: by constellations (apparently from Old English rodor, firmament + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- rumpology → see somatomancy
- runecasting → see cleromancy
- scapulimancy/scapulomancy (also spatulamancy, omoplatoscopy): by bovine or caprid shoulder blades (Latin scapula, shoulder blade + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- scarpomancy: by old shoes (Italian scarpa, shoe + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- scatomancy: by excrement (Greek skōr [skat-], excrement + manteia, prophecy)
- schematomancy → see somatomancy
- sciomancy¹ (also shadowmancy): by shadows (Greek skiā, shadow + manteia, prophecy)
- sciomancy²: by spirits (of the same origin as sciomancy¹)
- scrying: by gazing (shortened from descrying)
- crystal gazing: by reflective objects
- catoptromancy/captromancy (also enoptromancy, djubed): by mirrors (Greek katoptron, mirror + manteia, prophecy)
- gastromancy¹ (also crystallomancy, spheromancy, crystal ball gazing): by crystal ball (Greek gastēr, belly [i.e., round object] + manteia, prophecy)
- hydromancy (also ydromancy): by water (Greek hudōr, water + manteia, prophecy)
- crystal gazing: by reflective objects
- selenomancy: by the moon (Greek selēnē, moon + manteia, prophecy)
- shadowmancy → see sciomancy¹ (English shadow + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- Shufflemancy: by the use of an electronic media player such as an electronic playlist, iPod, or other medium wherein one skips a certain number of songs and the lyrics and/or tune of the song is the answer to the divinatory question.
- sideromancy: by burning straw with an iron (Greek sidēros, iron + manteia, prophecy)
- sikidy: by drawing sixteen lines in sand (perhaps a Malagasy transliteration of English sixteen)
- skatharomancy: by beetle tracks (Greek skatharōn, spot + manteia, prophecy)
- slinneanachd/slinnanacht: by animal shoulder blades (Scottish Gaelic slinnean, shoulder blade)
- solaromancy: by the sun (Latin sōl [sōlār-], sun + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- somatomancy: by the human form (Greek sōma [sōmat-], body + manteia, prophecy)
- cephalomancy (also craniognomy): by skulls (Greek kephalē, head + manteia, prophecy)
- cheiromancy/chiromancy (kī'rə·măn·sē; also palmistry, palm reading): by palms[10] (Greek kheir, hand + manteia, prophecy)
- cheirognomy/chirognomy /kaɪˈrɒɡnoʊmi, -ˈrɒnoʊ-/: by hands (Greek kheir, hand + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)
- podomancy/pedomancy (also cartopedy): by the soles of one's feet (Greek pous [pod-], foot + manteia, prophecy)
- rumpology (also natimancy): by buttocks (English rump + Greek -logiā, study)
- schematomancy: by the face (Greek skhēma [skhēmat-], figure + manteia, prophecy)
- sortilege: by the casting of lots, or sortes
- spasmatomancy: by convulsions (alteration of *spasmodomancy, from Greek spasmos [spasmōd-], spasm + manteia, prophecy)
- spatilomancy: by animal excrement (Greek spatilē, excrement + manteia, prophecy)
- spatulamancy → see scapulimancy (from scapulimancy, influenced by Latin spatula, splint)
- spheromancy → see scrying (Greek sphaira, sphere + manteia, prophecy)
- sphondulomancy: by spindles (Greek sphondulos, spindle + manteia, prophecy)
- splanchnomancy → see anthropomancy (Greek splankhna, innards + manteia, prophecy)
- spodomancy: by soot (Greek spodos, wood ashes + manteia, prophecy)
- cineromancy/ceneromancy: by the ashes of a specifically sacrificial or ritual fire[11]
- libanomancy /laɪˈbænoʊmænsi/: by smoke or ash from incense (Greek libanos, frankincense + manteia, prophecy)[2]
- tephramancy/tephromancy: by tree bark ashes, by sacrificial or ritual fire ashes, or human sacrificial victim ashes (Greek tephrā, ash + manteia, prophecy)[12]
- stareomancy: by the four elements (Greek stais [stair-], dough + manteia, prophecy)
- stercomancy: by seeds in bird excrement (Latin stercus, excrement + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- sternomancy: by ridges on the breastbone (Greek sternon, breastbone + manteia, prophecy)
- stichomancy → see chartomancy
- stigonomancy: by burning writing onto bark (Greek stizein [stigōn-], to brand + manteia, prophecy)
- stoicheomancy/stoichomancy → see chartomancy
- stolisomancy: by fashion (Greek stolis, garment + manteia, prophecy)
- styramancy: by observing patterns produced by chewing gum, gum wax, or products produced by the L. styraciflua tree.
- sycomancy → see phyllomancy
- symbolomancy: by things found on the road (Greek sumbolon, sign + manteia, prophecy)
- taromancy → see chartomancy
- tasseography/tasseomancy → see phyllomancy
- technomancy: by technology (English techno(logy) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- temurah: → see kabbalah
- tephramancy/tephromancy: → see spodomancy (Greek tephrā, ash + manteia, prophecy)
- theomancy: foretelling events, prophecy[13] (Greek theos, god + manteia, prophecy)
- theriomancy /ˈθɪərioʊmænsi/: (also zoomancy): by animal behavior (Greek thēr, wild animal + manteia, prophecy)
- ailuromancy/aeluromancy /aɪˈlʊəroʊmænsi/ (also felidomancy): by cats (Greek ailouros, cat + manteia, prophecy)
- alectryomancy/alectoromancy /əˈlɛktrioʊmænsi, -təroʊ-/: by rooster behavior (Greek alektruōn, cockerel + manteia, prophecy)
- augury: by bird formations[14] (Latin augur, diviner)
- hippomancy /ˈhɪpoʊmænsi/: by horse behavior (Greek hippos, horse + manteia, prophecy)
- ichthyomancy /ˈɪkθioʊmænsi/: by fish behavior (Greek ikhthūs, fish + manteia, prophecy)
- myomancy /ˈmaɪoʊmænsi/: by rodent behavior (Greek mūs, mouse + manteia, prophecy)
- myrmomancy /ˈmɜːrmoʊmænsi/: by ant behavior (Greek murmēx, ant + manteia, prophecy)
- nggàm: by spider or crab behavior (Mambila nggàm, divination)
- ophidiomancy/ophiomancy: by snakes behavior (Greek ophis [ophid-], snake + manteia, prophecy)
- orniscopy/ornithomancy (also auspicy/auspication, avimancy): by bird migration (Greek ornīs [ornīth-], bird + -skopiā, observation)
- thumomancy /ˈθjuːmoʊmænsi/: by one's own soul, presage[15] (Greek thūmos, soul + manteia, prophecy)
- topomancy /ˈtɒpoʊmænsi/: by geography and geological formations (Greek topos, place + manteia, prophecy)
- transataumancy: by things accidentally seen or heard
- trochomancy /ˈtrɒkoʊmænsi/: by wheel ruts (Greek trokhos, wheel + manteia, prophecy)
- turifumy: by shapes in smoke (Latin tūs [tūr-], incense + fūmus, vapor)
- tyromancy/tiromancy /ˈtaɪəroʊmænsi/: by cheese (Greek tūros, cheese + manteia, prophecy)
- umbilicomancy: by umbilical cords (English umbilic(al cord) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- umbromancy: by shade (Latin umbra, shadow + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- uranomancy/ouranomancy: by the sky (Greek ouranos, firmament + manteia, prophecy)
- uromancy/urimancy: by urine (Greek ouron, urine + manteia, prophecy)
- urticariaomancy: by itches (New Latin urticāria, hives + Greek manteia, prophecy)
- water witching → see dowsing
- xenomancy: by strangers (Greek xenos, stranger + manteia, prophecy)
- xylomancy: by the shape or texture of wood, or the appearance of burning wood (Greek xulon, wood + manteia, prophecy)[16]
- zoomancy → see theriomancy (Greek zōion, being + manteia, prophecy)
- zygomancy: by weights (Greek zugon, yoke, balance + manteia, prophecy)
See also
- ↑ Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan (1651). "Lastly, to the Prognostics [who] have added innumerable other superstitious ways of Divination[:]...Sometimes in the Entrails of a sacrificed beast; which was Aruspicina..."
- 1 2 Del Rio, Martín Anton. Investigations Into Magic. P.G. Maxwell-Stuart, trans. Reprint ed. Manchester, U.K.: Manchester University Press, 2000, p. 160; Dunwich, Gerina. Candlelight Spells: The Modern Witch's Book of Spellcasting, Feasting, and Healing. Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel Press, 1988, p. 51.
- ↑ Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan (1651). "Lastly, to the Prognostics [who] have added innumerable other superstitious ways of Divination[:]...Sometimes in the insignificant Speeches of Madmen, supposed to be possessed with a divine Spirit; which Possession they called Enthusiasm..."
- ↑ Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan (1651). "Lastly, to the Prognostics [who] have added innumerable other superstitious ways of Divination[:]...Sometimes in the aspect of the Stars at their Nativity; which was called Horoscopy, and esteemed a part of judiciary Astrology..."
- ↑ Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan (1651). "Lastly, to the Prognostics [who] have added innumerable other superstitious ways of Divination[:]...Sometimes, in mere Lottery, as Cross and Pile; counting holes in a sieve; dipping of Verses in Homer, and Virgil; and innumerable other such vain conceipts..."
- ↑ Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan (1651). "Lastly, to the Prognostics [who] have added innumerable other superstitious ways of Divination[:]...Sometimes in the Lineaments of the face; which was called Metoposcopy..."
- ↑ Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan (1651). "Lastly, to the Prognostics [who] have added innumerable other superstitious ways of Divination[:]...Sometimes in the Prediction of Witches, that pretended conference with the dead; which is called Necromancy, Conjuring, and Witchcraft; and is but juggling and confederate knavery..."
- ↑ Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan (1651). "Lastly, to the Prognostics [who] have added innumerable other superstitious ways of Divination[:]...Sometimes in Monsters, or unusual accidents; as Eclipses, Comets, rare Meteors, Earthquakes, Inundations, uncouth Births, and the like, which they called Portenta and Ostenta, because they thought them to portend, or foreshow some great Calamity to come..."
- ↑ Sciences et Voyages No24 Juin 1937 "Divination, magie et tatouages en Bosnie
- ↑ Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan (1651). "Lastly, to the Prognostics [who] have added innumerable other superstitious ways of Divination[:]...Sometimes in...Palmistry in the lines of the hand; in casual words, called Omina..."
- ↑ Buckland, Raymond. The Fortune-Telling Book: The Encyclopedia of Divination and Soothsaying. Detroit, Mich.: Visible Ink, 2004, p. 102.
- ↑ Not all sources agree that tephramancy and tephromancy are synonyms. Some sources claim that tephramancy uses only the ash of tree bark, while tephromancy may use the ashes of any sacrifice. See: Buckland, The Fortune-Telling Book: The Encyclopedia of Divination and Soothsaying, 2004, p. 479; Pickover, Dreaming the Future: The Fantastic Story of Prediction, 2001, p. 183; Dunwich, Candlelight Spells: The Modern Witch's Book of Spellcasting, Feasting, and Healing, 1988, p. 153. Other sources claim that tephramancy utilizes only the ashes of human sacrificial victims. See: Spence, Lewis. An Encyclopaedia of Occultism. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1920, p. 408; Ellison, Robert Lee. The Solitary Druid: Walking the Path of Wisdom and Spirit. New York: Kensington Publishing Corp., 2005, p. 58; Waite, Arthur Edward. A Manual of Cartomancy and Occult Divination. Reprint ed. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger, 1995, p. 236; Robertson, John G. Robertson's Words for a Modern Age: A Cross Reference of Latin and Greek Combining Elements. Eugene, Ore.: Senior Scribe Publications, 1991, p. 193.
- ↑ Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan (1651). "Lastly, to the Prognostics [who] have added innumerable other superstitious ways of Divination[:]...and these kinds of foretelling events, were accounted Theomancy or Prophecy..."
- ↑ Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan (1651). "Lastly, to the Prognostics [who] have added innumerable other superstitious ways of Divination[:]...Sometimes in the Casual flight, or feeding of birds; called Augury..."
- ↑ Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan (1651). "Lastly, to the Prognostics [who] have added innumerable other superstitious ways of Divination[:]...Sometimes in their own hopes and fears, called Thumomancy, or Presage..."
- ↑ Pickover, Clifford A. Dreaming the Future: The Fantastic Story of Prediction. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2001, p. 137.