Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm
In computational statistics, the Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA) is a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for obtaining random samples – sequences of random observations – from a probability distribution for which direct sampling is difficult. As the name suggests, MALA uses a combination of two mechanisms to generate the states of a random walk that has the target probability distribution as an invariant measure:
- new states are proposed using (overdamped) Langevin dynamics, which use evaluations of the gradient of the target probability density function;
- these proposals are accepted or rejected using the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, which uses evaluations of the target probability density (but not its gradient).
Informally, the Langevin dynamics drive the random walk towards regions of high probability in the manner of a gradient flow, while the Metropolis–Hastings accept/reject mechanism improves the mixing and convergence properties of this random walk. MALA was originally proposed by Roberts and Rosenthal in 1998,[1] and many variations and refinements have been introduced since then, e.g. the manifold variant of Girolami and Calderhead (2011).[2]
Further details
Let denote a probability density function on
, one from which it is desired to draw an ensemble of independent and identically distributed samples. We consider the overdamped Langevin Itô diffusion
driven by the time derivative of a standard Brownian motion . (Note that another commonly-used normalisation for this diffusion is
which generates the same dynamics.) In the limit as , this probability distribution
approaches a stationary distribution, which is also invariant under the diffusion, which we denote
. It turns out that, in fact,
Approximate sample paths of the Langevin diffusion can be generated by many discrete-time methods. One of the simplest is the Euler–Maruyama method with a fixed time step . We set
and then recursively define an approximation
to the true solution
where each is an independent draw from a multivariate normal distribution on
with mean 0 and covariance matrix equal to the
identity matrix. Note that
is normally distributed with mean
and covariance equal to
times the
identity matrix.
In contrast to the Euler–Maruyama method for simulating the Langevin diffusion, which always updates according to the update rule
MALA incorporates an additional step. We consider the above update rule as defining a proposal for a new state,
This proposal is accepted or rejected according to the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm: set
is the transition probability density from to
(note that, in general
). Let
be drawn from the continuous uniform distribution on the interval
. If
, then the proposal is accepted, and we set
; otherwise, the proposal is rejected, and we set
The combined dynamics of the Langevin diffusion and the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm satisfy the detailed balance conditions necessary for the existence of a unique, invariant, stationary distribution . Compared to naive Metropolis–Hastings, MALA has the advantage that it usually proposes moves into regions of higher
probability, which are then more likely to be accepted. On the other hand, when
is strongly anisotropic (i.e. it varies much more quickly in some directions than others), it is necessary to take
in order to properly capture the Langevin dynamics; the use of a positive-definite preconditioning matrix
can help to alleviate this problem, by generating proposals according to
so that has mean
and covariance
- ↑ G. O. Roberts and J. S. Rosenthal (1998). "Optimal scaling of discrete approximations to Langevin diffusions". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 60 (1): 255–268.
- ↑ M. Girolami and B. Calderhead (2011). "Riemann manifold Langevin and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 73 (2): 123–214.