Tiger game played with forty

Meurimueng-rimueng peuet ploh is a two-player abstract strategy board game from Sumatra, Indonesia. The last part of the name, ploh, is sometimes spelled "plo". It is specifically played by the Acehnese. It is also played in Java, Indonesia where it is called Dam-daman. However, Dam-daman is also a general term for draughts or checkers in Indonesia. The game is also played in India especially in Punjab where it is called Ratti-chitti-bakri. The game is basically an enlarged version of Alquerque. It is specifically four times the size of an Alquerque board which is the same board used for Zamma. The rules are exactly those of Alquerque, except that captures are not compulsory.

Meurimueng-rimueng peuet ploh translates to "tiger game played with forty".


The player who captures all their opponent's pieces is the winner.


The board is a 9 x 9 square grid, or an 8 x 8 square board with pieces played on the intersections with diagonal lines running throughout the board. Each player has 40 pieces. One plays the black pieces, and the other player plays the white pieces.

Game Play and Rules

1. Players decide what colors to play, and who starts first.

2. The board is filled in the beginning with all the players pieces. The only point vacant on the board is the middle point called the pusat (navel) in Achenese. Each player's pieces are placed on their half of the board, and also lined up on the right-hand side of the 5th. rank (the middle horizontal line of the grid board) from the view of each player.

3. Players alternate their turns. In a turn, a piece may be moved (in any direction) along a marked line onto a vacant adjacent point on the board.

4. Alternatively, a piece may capture an enemy piece by the short leap as in draughts and Alquerque. It must be adjacent to the enemy piece, leap over it in a straight line, and land onto a vacant point immediately beyond following the pattern on the board. When possible, multiple jumps are allowed, and a player can decide when to stop leaping. Captures can be done in any direction as long as it follows the pattern on the board. Captures are not compulsory. Captured piece(s) are removed from the board.

Related Games

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