Michael Burden

Michael Burden (born Adelaide, South Australia, 14 March 1960) is an Australian musicologist. He is currently Fellow in Music, Dean and Chattels Fellow at New College, Oxford; he is also Director of New Chamber Opera, and Professor of Opera Studies in the Faculty of Music, University of Oxford. He became Chair of the Board of the University of Oxford's Music Faculty on 1 September 2015 for three years.

His research is on the stage music of Purcell, and on aspects of dance and theatre in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, and includes a catalogue of Metastasio’s operas as performed in London, an edition of Le Ballet de la Nuit: Rothschild B1/16/6 with Jennifer Thorp, and a biographical account of Regina Mingotti’s years in London. He is currently completing a book on the staging of opera in London 1660 to 1860, and is on the editorial committees for the collected Stradella and Eccles editions.

With Jennifer Thorp, he organises the annual Oxford Dance Symposium, which takes place each year at New College.

From 2007 until 2015, he was a Visitor to Oxford's Ashmolean Museum; he is also curator of the Music Faculty's collection of portraits. In 2009 to 2010, he was one of the university's four Pro-Proctors (deputies to the Proctors). From 2009 to 2013, he was the president of The British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, and is now active as Past President. He is also on the steering committee of the Besterman Centre for the Enlightenment (see Voltaire Foundation), a member of the Project Team for Ballad Operas Online, a Trustee of Répertoire International des Sources Musicales, United Kingdom; and on the Advisory Panel of The Oxford Centre for Life Writing. In 2016, he became one of the patrons of the St Peter’s Cathedral Music Foundation, which supports the music of St Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide.

See also


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