Michael John Foster (Scouting)

Michael John Foster (born 12 January 1952) is the current Grand Scoutmaster of the Order of World Scouts. He is an Anglican Parish Priest,[1] and is currently the Rector of the Chase, a group of 10 Churches in Dorset, England.

Early Scout Career

Began as a Wolf Cub in the Boy Scouts Association in 1960, and then a Boy Scout of the same Association in 1967, but left in 1971 owing to the sweeping changes ushering in the modern Scout Association.

Scout Career in the Order of World Scouts

In 1977, whilst at Oxford reading Theology at St Stephen's House, Oxford he re-founded the "St Stephen's House Rover Crew" as an independent venture, with the blessing of the then Principal, Dr David Hope (now David Hope, Baron Hope of Thornes). In 1979 he discovered that the British Boy Scouts, still existed as a single Troop in Lewisham. A former Principal of St Stephen's House, had been the Chaplain to the Lewisham Troop of the British Boy Scouts. In that year, travelling to Lewsiham during the Easter recess, he sought out Charles Brown, Chief Commissioner and Grand Scoutmaster. The Rover Crew at St Stephen's House by then had been registered with the University authorities as the Oxford University Rover Crew and was admitted as an affiliated Group to the BBS. He was made Commissioner for Oxfordshire. In 1983, when Vicar of Holy Trinity, Nottingham, Charles Brown appointed him as the Chief Commissioner. In 2000, the then Grand Scoutmaster, Ted Scott, who had joined the BBS/OWS in 1926, asked Michael Foster if he would become Grand Scoutmaster, allowing him to retire.

In Succession to Sir Francis Vane

Michael Foster is the seventh Grandscoutmaster in succession to Sir Francis Vane.

Name Termination of Tenure
Sir Francis Vane bt 1911-1912 Resigned.
Albert Jones Knighton 1913-1926 Resigned
Rt Hon Lord Alington[2] 1926-1932 Resigned
Samuel Nalty Manning 1932-1967 Died in Office
Percy Herbert Pooley 1967-1971 Died in Office
Charles A Brown 1971-1992 Died in Office
Edward E Scott 1993-2000 Retired as Emeritus Died in Office 2009.
Rev'd Michael John Foster 2000 Current

Scout Historian & Academic

Dr Foster is acknowledged as a scout historian. He was the first person to track down the origins of the name "Boy Scout" as beginning in the UK in the Aldine Press - first in the New Buffalow Bill Library, 1899, and then the True Blue War Library 1900-1906[3] He has supplied the Article "Boy Scouts" for the Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood, 2004.[4]

Other contributions have been to the following books and Articles:

He has been involved in other areas of research; In 1978 he was a Philip Usher Memorial Scholar,[11] and undertook research on "The Culturalization of the Greek Orthodox Church in Great Britain",[12] and has undertaken a research degree in Psychology, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, and a Member of the Chartered Institute of Journalists.


  1. Crockford's Clerical Directory, Church Commissioners for England Annual Editions 1979 - present
  2. Captain Napier George Henry Sturt, 3rd Baron Alington (1896-1940)
  3. Foster FRSM. MCIJ. SSC, MIWO, The Rev'd Dr Michael, 'The Use of the Name Boy Scouts, 1899-1906 In Boys Literature', Aylesbury. First Published 1987, ISBN 1 85139 009 X. Second edition 1st February 1996, ISSN 0276-4084(Warning: Check ISSN).
  4. Macmillan Reference USA, Thomson Gale 2004 Volume 1
  5. Jeal, Tim, Baden-Powell, Hutchinson, 1989, Acknowledgements, page xvi (under the Academics 4), and in the Bibliography p 593, and in chapter endnotes.
  6. Of which he was a contributing Editor; ISSN 0961-3188, Trade Distribution by Odhams Distribution
  7. Sir Francis Patrick Fletcher-Vane, AGESCI Comitato Regionale Vento Centro Studi e Documentazione, 2010, listed in the Riconoscimenti e ringraziamenti (Acknowledgements), page 6;
  8. The Victorian Military Society Issue 112, March 2003, Acknowledgements page 18, and Endnotes 100, 102, 103, 112, 114
  9. April 2004, Published by Michael Armstrong (family-tree.co.uk, pages 12-15 cited in the Bibliography page 15.
  10. Kua, Paul, Scouting in Hong Kong, 1910-2010, Scout Association of Hong Kong 2011, Information on Scout membership losses on page 324 & footnote 1 & 2.
  11. http://www.philipusherfund.org.uk/
  12. Philip Usher Memorial Fund Report 46
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