Michael Kent (comedian)
Michael Kent (born January 14, 1979) is an American Comedian and Magician from Columbus, Ohio. He tours nationwide, primarily performing a stand-up comedy-style magic show in Colleges and Universities. [1][2]
Born and raised in Urbana, Ohio, Michael became interested in magic at the age of 6 and cites watching David Letterman on television as one of his earliest influences in comedy.

[3] Michael is a graduate of The Ohio State University, where he majored in Communication and played the snare drum in the OSU Marching Band. He also has spent time in Chicago, IL, studying at The Second City Training Center.[4] He now tours the US performing in as many as 80 colleges a year, often performing in as many as 40 states.[5]
In 2011, Michael helped create a series of Public Service Announcements for The Kristen Brooks Hope Center, a suicide prevention hotline, IMAlive.org, and Post Secret to help raise funds for DC Gives Day of Charitable Giving. The PSA's are continuing to be used to raise money for Suicide Prevention. One of the videos features Michael performing magic with a specially printed Suicide Prevention deck of cards. He has also used his performances to raise money for the National Alliance for Mental Illness. [6]
Awards/Notable Performances
Campus Activities
Michael was named "2014 Entertainer of the Year" after being nominated for the award in Campus Activities Magazine for three consecutive years in 2012, 2013 and 2014. [7] Michael has 5 career nominations in the publication after having been nominated for Best Rising Star and Best Small Venue Artist in 2009. [8][9] The Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities (APCA) named him 2014 Magician of the Year. [10] He has been selected as a showcase performer at more than a dozen Regional and National showcases for the National Association of Campus Activities and the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities.
Military/USO Performances
In 2008, Michael was extended a personal invitation to perform a series of private shows for the U.S. Navy Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Squadron. In an air show in Ypsilanti, Michigan, they extended an offer to give Michael a VIP ride in Fat Albert, a C-130 during its air show flight demonstration.
In February 2010, Michael performed a tour for the U.S. Army's MWR Dept. in South Korea. Michael had to undergo training to become a military contractor for the tour, which sent him to 12 Army Garrisons throughout the month.[11] In December 2012, Michael was invited by Navy Entertainment to spend Christmas and New Years performing on Naval Bases throughout Asia. He toured through Tokyo, Philippines, Thailand, Diego Garcia, Okinawa and Guam performing alongside the Kelly Bell Band, a blues band from Baltimore, MD. [12] In April of 2015, Michael flew all the way around the world performing on Navy Bases to celebrate the "Month of the Military Child. The grueling schedule had Michael flying to a new country almost every other day for a month.[13]
In total, Michael Kent has performed on 29 Military installations throughout the world and continues to dedicate time to entertain American Armed Forces.
Original Creations
In 2011, Michael invented and released an original effect, "repAIR," a Popped and Restored Balloon effect that allows the magician to start and end with empty hands. This effect was the first of its kind in the history of magic both in plot and method.[14][15]
Michael has also worked as a commercial actor, appearing in television commercials and industrials and as a print model for companies ranging from Intel, The Ohio Lottery Miami Valley Gaming and Kemba Financial.
- ↑ http://www.columbusalive.com/content/stories/2011/04/13/columbus-comedy-festival-michael-kent.html
- ↑ http://www.journal-news.com/news/hamilton-news/kids-may-participate-in-magic-comedy-show-this-weekend-1277885.html
- ↑ http://www.themichigantimes.com/index.php/article/2011/12/magician_michael_kent_brings_unique_entertainment_to_u
- ↑ http://ohventures.blogspot.com/2011/06/ohventurer-of-week-michael-kent.html
- ↑ http://michaelkentlive.com/blog/2011-fall-tour-is-starting-to-take-shape-dates-still-available/
- ↑ http://www.yelp.com/events/columbus-celebrity-bartender-night-with-michael-kent
- ↑ http://issuu.com/cameo/docs/april_2014_issuu_layout_1/1?e=1111767/7399341
- ↑ http://www.campusactivitiesmagazine.com/articles.php?articleID=21
- ↑ http://issuu.com/cameo_publishing/docs/cam_jan_09
- ↑ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6qbIAaf7NQ
- ↑ http://www.freshvariety.com/2010/02/10/michael-kent-in-korea/
- ↑ http://michaelkentlive.com/blog/michael-kent-to-spend-holidays-performing-for-the-united-states-navy/
- ↑ http://michaelkentlive.com/blog/comedy-magician-michael-kent-to-travel-the-world-for-the-us-navy/
- ↑ http://www.theory11.com/wire/michael-kent/repair/
- ↑ http://www.themagiccafe.com/forums/viewtopic.php?topic=433558&forum=218